Late Night at the Mall is a Z-machine interactive fiction game written with Inform 6 (with PunyInform) and is © 2024 by Johan Berntsson. It was an entry in PunyComp 2024, placement to be determined. It was also a participant in the Short Games Showcase 2024, placement to be determined.
In this slice-of-life escape game, you play as a teenager who just got the high score on Galaga. Unfortunately, the mall closed over an hour ago and you're locked in! Escape the video arcade and then the mall. If no one sees you, maybe you won't be grounded all summer.
This solution is by David Welbourn, and is based on Release 1 of the game.
SPOILERS AHEAD. Reading a walkthrough prematurely can sometimes diminish one's enjoyment of an interactive fiction game. Please make an honest effort to play the game before reading this walkthrough.
Video Arcade
> x me. i. x clothes.
> x Galaga. x score.
> x Pacman. take screwdriver.
> x Asteroids. x Kong.
> x barrier. x panel.
> open panel with screwdriver.
> open barrier. (+5)
> s.
Main Mall Corridor
> x lights. x shops. x jacket.
> e.
East Corridor
> x Tech. x radio. x player. x Walkman.
> x Vinyl. x poster.
> e.
End of the Corridor
> x map. (+2)
> x bench. sit on bench. (something made a sound)
> search bench. (+2. You acquire a bill.)
> x bill.
> stand. n.
Restroom Area
> x grate. w.
Women's Restroom
> x toilets. x tiles.
> e. e.
Men's Restroom
> x toilets. x tiles.
> w. s. w. w. w.
Food Court
> x Burger. x Pizza. x Sushi. x Taco.
> x menu. x tables. x chair. take it.
> w.
Taco Truck
> x grill. x fryer.
> n.
Supervisor's Office
> x coat. x pocket. (+3; got cigarettes and lighter)
> x pack. x lighter.
> x posters. x desk. x forms. x can.
> s. e. n.
North Corridor
> x shop. x machine. put bill in slot. (+3)
> take flashlight.
> n. (no: security cameras!)
> s. e. e. e. n.
Restroom Area
> drop chair. stand on it. open grate.
> u. (+3)
Ventilation Duct (two locations)
> w. d.
Vinyl Vortex
> x poster. take it. (+5)
> open door. s. w. w.
Food Court
NOTE: You need both the flashlight on and the knowledge from reading the map to go south from here.
> turn on flashlight.
> s. (+2)
Outside the Security Office
> x door. x keypad. (only 3, 6, 7, and 9 are used)
As far as I know, you have to brute force the combo from the suggested digits. If you type the 24 possible combos in numerical order, assuming four-digit combos with no repeat digits, "3697" will be the second number you try.
> type 3697. (+5; the door is open)
> e.
Security Office
> x monitors. x desk.
> x papers. (A loading dock door is broken.)
> x donut. x back door.
> e.
Supply Corridor (Security Office)
> x shelves. x items.
> s.
Supply Corridor (Shop Access Area)
> x doors. s.
Loading Dock
> x shelves. x equipment.
> s. (no: a guard is outside)
> x guard.
You cannot examine the "glint of something metallic". Explore the other end of the supply corridor.
> n. n. n.
Supply Corridor (Dead End)
> x doors. x detector.
> save.
The next bit requires careful timing. You will start a fire as a diversion, run into the office, and while the guard is at the fire, you race out the south exit. If you mis-time this, the guard catches you.
> light poster. (+5, using lighter)
> s. w.
Security Office
> z. z. z.
> e. s. s. s. (+5)
*** You have won ***
To read the credits, type CREDITS, select the "Game credits" menu-item, and press ENTER:
Game credits
This game was written by Johan Berntsson in 2024 for PunyComp.
I would like to thank my test players who have made numerous contributions to the game: Fredrik Ramsberg and fos1.
This is the response to SCORE:
You have so far scored N out of a possible 40, in T turns.
Points are awarded as follows:
This walkthrough was funded via Patreon with
Ko-Fi is a way to send me small one-time donations. Every little bit helps, and thank you!