In this old-school-style adventure game that uses lots of ASCII art, you play as someone lost in the jungle after an unexplained plane crash. Your main goals are to survive and escape, but feel free to get some treasure too, if you can.
This solution is by David Welbourn, and is based on Competition release of the game.
SPOILERS AHEAD. Reading a walkthrough prematurely can sometimes diminish one's enjoyment of a text adventure game. Please make an honest effort to play the game before reading this walkthrough.
When the woodsman is in the cabin, you can no longer reach the back garden or interact with the cabin furnishings.
Map 2: The Maze
You take the shield automatically when going R from room 3 to room 7.
You take the knife automatically when going L from room 27 to room 28.
In room 19, pull the lever to unlock the exit door.
The giant viper attacks you whichever way you try to leave room 13.
Going U from Room 13 acts differently if the exit door is locked or unlocked. If the door is locked, you go directly to it and have to turn back. But if the door is unlocked, you stop in a passage where you can choose to continue forward or go back, and if you go forward, you see the door but automatically go through it without stopping.
Going D from the locked door returns you to Room 13 as expected, but going D from the exit passage (that leads to an unlocked door) takes you to Room 17 instead. This is almost certainly a bug.
My first attempt to play this game was very frustrating. I climb(ed the) tree and look(ed at the) plane and couldn't get any further. When I looked at the python code for a hint and discovered I needed to LOOK POCKETS, a trick I haven't seen since a game called SNOSAE, I realized the only way I was getting through this game was to thoroughly read the source code and then play the game with my notes.
So, yeah. Play this one from a walkthrough. Here's some pre-game hints:
Unzip the zip file and open jungle adventure.exe to start the game.
There is no ">" prompt. Type your command when the game isn't producing new text.
Pay attention to the ASCII art. Many things aren't mentioned explicitly using text.
Many standard IF commands aren't supported. Most commands are location-dependent.
Locations don't have short names, so I've had to invent them for this walkthrough.
Use LOOK instead EXAMINE (X).
Move with commands like CLIMB, GO IN, or LEAVE. There are no compass directions.
If you DROP anything, you can never get it back.
Use EXIT instead of QUIT (Q).
This walkthrough ends commands with periods for readability, but don't use any punctuation when playing this game. Just putting an extra space at the end of your input can cause problems.
Welcome to Jungle adventure!!!
Lost in jungle
> help.
> climb tree.(+1)
In tree
> look plane.(+1; co-pilot is alive)
> status.(No mention of pockets, but...)
> look pockets.(+1; you find a 2-way radio)
> look radio.
> use radio.(+5; your co-pilot rescues you then dies)
In the plane
> look co-pilot. search Stan.
> bury Stan.(+3; you do so)
> look plane.
> look seat.
> look under seat.(+2; you find a parachute)
> leave.
Outside the plane
> 1.
Outside a cabin
> look cabin.
> 1.
Inside a cabin (empty)
Which part of the ASCII art represents a cupboard? Text adventures need TEXT, grumble grumble. I'm still salty about that Leisure Suit Larry game where a tiny white rectangle in a picture represented a matchbook you need to take.
> look chair. look table. look bowl.
> look flowers. take flowers.(+2; a paper says "17462")
> look cupboard. 17462.(+2; you get an unloaded gun)
> look window. look door.
> open door.
Back garden
> give flowers. ENTER
+3. The goat takes the flowers and you take a torch with no batteries and some shot gun bullets from a store cupboard.
> load gun.(You do so.)
Although you can't open either the radio or torch, you can get the radio's batteries if you use the right command.
> take batteries out.(+2; from the radio)
> put batteries in torch.(+5)
> leave.
Inside a cabin (empty)
> leave.
Outside a cabin
> 2.
Outside the plane
> 3.
Outside a cave
If you want to survive the cave, you must have loaded the gun and transfered the batteries from the radio to the torch before entering the cave.
> save game.(Highly recommend saving here.)
> 1.
> shoot wolf.(The wolf dies, but a rockfall now blocks the exit.)
> look. use torch.
Outside the maze
> enter.
You may randomly encounter bats and vipers as you wander the maze. If you see them, you must fight them. There's also a minotaur in room 18 and a giant viper hiding in room 13. Avoid the minotaur at all costs.
When you select your combat weapon, you use it for the entire battle. You cannot change weapons in mid-battle.
The shield reduces all damage against you by 3.
Your best combat weapon is the knife. Next best is the shield, and lastly, your fists. Don't bother using the gun or the torch as weapons in the maze.
Your plan for traversing the maze:
Get the shield as soon as you can. If you take too much damage before getting it, you probably want to restore your game from your last save file and try again.
Pull the lever to unlock the exit door.
Get the treasure.
Get the knife.
Kill the giant viper that blocks the way to the exit.
Escape through the exit door.
Entering the maze (R-L-D junction)
This walkthrough will now pretend that you never randomly encounter any creatures.
> r. u. u.
Room 3 (four-ways)
> r.(+2. You get a shield.)
Room 7 (L-U corner)
CAUTION: There's a deadly axe trap "U" from here.
> l. l. u.
Room 19 (dead end with lever)
> pull lever.
> d. r. d. d. l. l. l.
Room 22 (R-U corner)
> u. l. d.
Room 30 (dead end)
Note that the ASCII art for the end wall is a bit odd. That's your only hint to check out the wall.
> look wall. look gap.(+5; you get treasure!)
> u. r. u. l. l. l.(+2; you get a knife)
Room 28 (dead end)
> r. r. r. u. u. r.
Room 13 (four-way)
> save game.(as a precaution)
> u.
You are now fighting a Giant Viper.
> 4(Choose the knife as your weapon.)
> ENTER(Repeat pushing ENTER until the giant viper is dead.)
Of course, if you die instead, restore the game from your save file and try again.
The exit passage
> u.(You find a door and automatically open it.)
> ENTER(You go through the exit door to...)
Outside the plane
There's no way to know this in advance, but the woodsman will kill you if he sees you with his gun, so you need to get rid of the gun now. Sorry. The gun only helps you with the wolf and nothing else.
> save game.
> drop gun.(It's now gone forever.)
> 1. 1.
In the woodsman's cabin
Only the silliest response to the woodsman is safe:
> 3.("tell me a joke")
Now it's time to tell jokes to the woodsman. The number of successful jokes you tell must be at least three more than any duds you tell. The woodsman likes most of your jokes, so you might get lucky and only need to tell three, but you might need to tell more than three.
The game will recognize if your opening line is "knock knock" that you're telling a knock knock joke and you'll be approrpriately prompted to tell the second and third lines of your joke.
If your input includes a question word like "how" or "what", the game will think you're doing a question-and-answer joke, and you'll be prompted to tell the second line of your joke.
Otherwise, the game assumes that you're telling a one-line joke. Since the game doesn't really understand jokes, you can type in pretty much anything you like.
The game also doesn't check if you tell the same joke twice.
> har har har.(He laughs.)
Tell him another joke?
> y
> har har har.(He laughs.)
Tell him another joke?
> y
> har har har.(He laughs.)
Tell him another joke?
> n.(+5)
He now wants to trade a map and compass for something of yours. The radio will work if it has batteries, but be careful. A non-working radio will anger him, and he'll kill you. He rejects anything else you offer.
> take batteries out.
> put batteries in radio.(+2)
The game doesn't understand "give radio" or "trade radio". Just say "radio":
> radio.(+3. You get the map and compass, then leave.)
Outside the cabin
> 2. 4.
Top of a cliff
> look river.
> wear parachute. ENTER
Well done!!! You have made it to level 2!
Now you will just have to wait until Paul makes level 2... Until then, happy adventuring!
Oddly, you don't get any points for escaping, nor does the game actually end at this point.
> exit
Thanks for playing. come back soon!
These are examples of much of the ASCII art used in the game. I've reduced the size of most of the artwork, but unfortunately, ASCII art degrades extremely when shrunk too much. Please play the game to view the art in their intended sizes. Raw versions of some the art can be also be found in the game's artwork directory.
A bat.
A cabin in the forest.
A cave entrance.
A door in the maze.
A goat.
A gun.
A knife.
A lever.
A minotaur.
Mountains outside the plane.
A passage in the maze.
A plane crash.
A radio.
A room inside the cabin.
A seat in the plane.
A shield.
A tombstone.
A treasure chest.
A tree in the jungle.
A viper.
A waterfall.
A wolf.
A woodsman (who looks exactly like an ogre).
Stan, your co-pilot, barely survives the crash, but after he rescues you, he tragically dies of his injuries.
A woodsman, who looks exactly like an ogre, has a cabin in the forest. He loves jokes but is also quick to anger.
A goat is in the back garden of the cabin. It blocks your way to a store cupboard.
A wolf is living in the cave. You will need to shoot it with a gun to progress.
Bats can randomly attack you in the maze. Each bat has 4 Life, 2 power, and 4 accuracy.
Vipers can randomly attack you in the maze. Each normal viper has 2 Life, 8 power, and 5 accuracy.
A giant viper will attack you near the maze's exit. This battle cannot be avoided. Like the other vipers, it has 8 power and 5 accuracy, but it has 15 Life. Attack it with the knife while holding the shield to have a decent chance of killing it.
The minotaur is the most dangerous creature in the maze. Avoid him at all costs. He has 100 Life, 15 power, and 12 accuracy.
I failed to find any credits information for this game. I wanted to know who made the ASCII art or which websites the ASCII art came from, and I just don't know. For various reasons, I doubt that the author created all of them entirely by himself.
Your character can die in the following ways:
if your Life points is 0 or less (because you got injured too often).
if you jump from up in the tree.
if you try to attack or touch the wolf in any way other than shooting it with the gun.
if you don't have a working torch immediately after the wolf dies; you wander futilely in the dark until you starve to death.
if you walk into an axe trap in the maze.
if you try to offer the radio to the woodsman when there's no batteries in the radio.
if you try to swim in the river.
if you try to jump off the cliff.
Your character is also supposed to die:
if the woodsman sees you with his gun; he chops your head off.
When your character dies, you're told GAME OVER, a tombstone is displayed, and you're offered the choice to load a saved game, start from the beginning, or exit the game.
To win the game, you must use or wear the parachute at the top of the cliff while carrying the map and compass. You're told that you've reached Level 2 and you need to wait for the author to write that. It's unclear if Level 2 will be an extension of the current game or a sequel game.
Note that the game doesn't actually end when you win. You likely want to use the EXIT command to close the game's window at that point.
This game doesn't understand the INVENTORY command. Use the STATUS command instead to see your possessions. Items are listed here in the order you acquire them in this walkthrough.
radio. Acquire it by LOOK POCKETS or LOOK CLOTHES when either in the jungle or in the tree.
USE RADIO to get back to the plane.
When you get the torch, take the batteries out (of the radio) and put them in the torch. Do this before entering the cave.
After escaping from the maze, take the batteries out (from the torch) and put them back into the radio.
Return to the cabin, and tell several jokes to the woodsman. When the woodsman suggests trading something to him for his map and compass, say RADIO. If the radio has the batteries, the trade succeeds.
parachute. In the plane, acquire it by looking under the seat.
At the top of the cliff, if you also have the map and compass, USE PARACHUTE or WEAR PARACHUTE to progress to level 2. This is the effective end of the game.
flowers. They're in a vase on the table inside the cabin.
When you take the flowers, you also see a paper with a numeric code: 17462. This code is for the cupboard in the cabin.
In the back garden, give the flowers to the goat. You automatically get a torch (without batteries) and some bullets from the store cupboard behind the goat.
gun. It's in the locked cupboard inside the cabin. Use the code 17462 to unlock the cupboard; see flowers.
When you also have bullets, LOAD GUN or PUT BULLETS IN GUN.
In the cave, SHOOT WOLF.
While the gun can be used as a weapon in the maze, it's quite ineffective; your fists are actually better.
After escaping from the maze and before returning to the cabin, DROP GUN. If the woodsman sees you with his gun, he kills you. (Thanks to a bug, your character doesn't actually die, and you can leave the cabin, drop the gun, and re-enter the cabin.)
bullets. They're in the store cupboard in the back garden; see flowers.
When you also have the gun, LOAD GUN or PUT BULLETS IN GUN.
torch. It's in the store cupboard in the back garden; see flowers.
Before entering the cave, put the batteries in the torch.
After shooting the wolf, USE TORCH to find the maze.
While the torch can be used as a weapon in the maze, it's quite ineffective; your fists are actually better.
After escaping from the maze, take the batteries out and put them back into the radio.
When you get the torch, take the batteries out (of the radio) and put them in the torch. Do this before entering the cave.
After escaping from the maze, take the batteries out and put them back into the radio.
shield. Acquire it by going R from Room 3 in the maze (see my map 2 for exactly where).
The main virtue of the shield is that it automatically reduces your opponent's combat damage by 3.
You can also use it as a weapon in combat. While lower in power than your fists, the shield has the best accuracy of all the weapons. But if you have the knife, you should use that instead.
treasure. Find it in Room 30 (a dead end) in the maze by LOOK GAP in the wall.
Just keep it!
knife. Acquire it by going L from Room 27 in the maze (see my map 2 for exactly where).
Use it as a weapon in combat. If you also have the shield, you can defeat the giant viper when you leave room 13.
map and compass. You get them by trading a working radio to the woodsman in his cabin.
Note that the woodsman isn't be in his cabin until after you've shot something, probably the wolf. He's attracted by the sound of the gun.
Also, you must first tell the woodsman at least three jokes to get him into a friendly trading mood. But jokes that he doesn't laugh at count against you. In short, jokes that he laughs at adds 1 humour point, jokes that he doesn't laugh at subtracts 1 humour point, and you need 3 humour points in total before you can stop telling jokes.
Make sure the batteries are back in the radio before you offer the RADIO.
Don't do anything with the map and compass. Just keep them. You must have them when you USE PARACHUTE at the cliff to win the game.
This game doesn't understand the DIAGNOSE command. Use the STATUS command instead to see your current Life, which is this game's term for Hit Points or Health Points.
You begin with 10 Life. Several actions or events can damage you. When your Life is 0 or less, you die. Nothing in the game can heal you, but if you have the shield, you take 3 less damage than you normally would when taking combat damage.
Avoidable ways of taking damage:
−4 Life if you try to attack or touch the goat in any way.
−4 Life if you try to climb down the cliff.
−1 Life (sometimes) if you annoy the woodsman by answering 1, 2, or 4 when he asks why you're in his cabin.
You can also lose Life in the maze when you encounter creatures in there and must fight them. Save before entering the maze in case the battles go against you.
The creatures randomly encountered in the maze are bats and vipers. If you move quickly enough through the maze, you shouldn't have to fight more than two of these.
A giant viper hides in Room 13 and will attack you when you leave that location. Since you must go through Room 13 to reach the exit door, this fight cannot be avoided.
A minotaur is in Room 18 and is far too deadly to encounter. Avoid him.