
Key & Compass presents:
by Chris Mudd

Jump is a Z-machine interactive fiction story written with Inform 6 and is © 2001 by Chris Mudd. It was an entry in IF Comp 2001 where it took 41th place.

In this short disturbing story, you play as a teen named Amanda. You lead a small group of youths who have vowed to suicide, and Michael has gone first, damn it. It was supposed to be you. You were so focused on the result, you never considered how you'd do it.

Content warnings: Murder, suicide, abuse.

This solution is by David Welbourn, and is based on Release 1 of the story.

SPOILERS AHEAD. Reading a walkthrough prematurely can sometimes diminish one's enjoyment of an interactive fiction story. Please make an honest effort to play the story before reading this walkthrough.


StudentLounge Hallway Hallway Hallway Hallway Gymnasium Hallway Women'sWashroom Hallway Hallway Hallway Bedroom take gun


This story contains mature content. If you type N, the story immediately ends.

...continue? > Y

A girl exhausts herself riding a bike to the top of a cliff. After a rest, she closes her eyes and deliberately runs off the cliff.

Gymnasium -- Memorial Service

It's two weeks earlier, at Michael's memorial service.

> x me. (You're Amanda.)

> x picture. x minister. x net. pray.

> e.

Hallway (east side)

> x lockers. n. w. n.

Student Lounge

> x David. x couch.

> talk to David. g. g. g. (David told Yoon about his gun.)

> g. g. (The gun is in a south hallway locker; needs a key which he doesn't have.)

> g. (He's no longer talking to you.)

> s. w. s. s. w.

Women's Washroom

> x Yoon. x counter. x stalls.

> talk to Yoon. g. g. g. (She puts the key on the counter.)

> g. g. g. (She can't talk anymore.)

> x key. take it.

> e. e.

Hallway (south side)

> x locker. x lock. unlock lock with key.

> open locker. x gun. take gun.


It's now two weeks later.


> x bed. x bible. x lamp. x table.

> open drawer. x gun. take gun.

> read bible. g.

You begin to hear his voice yelling.

> z. (Repeat waiting until he arrives.)


You shoot twice, then race down the stairs, grab your bike and ride. You arrive at the cliff, then jump.


The story is over, and the interpreter closes.





Thank You to my Patreon supporters

This walkthrough is provided free of charge since the work it's based on has less than fifteen locations. Please consider it a thank you for your support!

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