Sorry, but the kacid* INTER03
is ambiguous and can refer to three different works of interactive fiction:
Internal Documents: A Memo (2003) by Tom Lechner. This game was an entry in IF Comp 2003 where it took 19th place.
Interview with the Headhunter Part 1 (2003) by Steven Lomibao. This game was a class project at the University of Michigan Dearborn.
An Interlude in Nuln (2003) by The Joker. This TADS 2 game was an entry in Christopher Cole's AIF Mini Comp.
* kacid = Key & Compass ID. The Key & Compass website uses a unique ID code for every work of interactive fiction. It is usually just the first five significant letters and digits of work's title followed by the last two digits of the work's publication year, but when this results in an ambiguous ID, an arbitrary letter is appended to the ID.