
Key & Compass presents:
Ice House of Horrors
by Sean M. Shore

Ice House of Horrors is a Z-machine interactive fiction story written with Inform 7 and is © 2013 by Sean M. Shore. It was an entry in Ectocomp 2013 where it took 6th place.

In this very short horror story, you play as an injured walleye, lured and caught by monsters who throw you onto a pile of corpses. Your options are extremely limited. You can't breathe. And it's so cold here. What can you do to survive?

This solution is by David Welbourn, and is based on Release 1 of the story.


The WhiteCylinder SomeplaceFlat TheSurface ofthe Lake jump (afterbiting themonster) (win) enter hole. down (you aretaken)

The White Cylinder

In this game, examining things takes up no game time. Most other actions, however, advance the game clock which will trigger events.

> x me. x corpses. x light.

> x throat. x tail. x teeth.

After four turns of non-examining, you will be taken from the bucket.

> jump. z. z. z.

Someplace Flat

> x shiny. (It's a knife.)

> x hot. (It's a fryer.)

> x monster. (It's a fisherman.)

> d. hit shiny. hit monster.

After three turns of non-examining, a stick falls next to you; it's a fishing pole. This is your chance!

> push stick. bite monster. jump.

The Surface of the Lake

You're not safe yet. Keep moving!

> enter hole. d.

*** You have survived, for now ***





You can never grab anything in this story, but you do have some implemented body parts:

Thank You to my Patreon supporters

This walkthrough is provided free of charge since the work it's based on has less than fifteen locations. Please consider it a thank you for your support!

I create larger walkthroughs too! Please visit my Patreon account if you're interested in helping me create more interactive fiction walkthroughs. I appreciate all the help I can get! Thanks again.