In this bizarre and whimsical game, you play as someone told to investigate a puzzle-filled house and its missing owner. Armed only with a map of the house and a warning about traps, you begin your quest in the living room.
This solution is by David Welbourn, and is based on Release 5 of the game.
The "Arena" where you fight the doppleganger then meet Micheal.
The "Driveway" when you get either the fake winning ending or the real winning ending.
This game is extremely whimsical, where player actions often have unpredictable results. Things appear randomly and you can die or lose the game for the silliest reasons. The best way to play this sort of game is to save often and follow whatever hints and signposts the author gives you. Think of it as a fun house ride. You don't know what you're doing or why, but it's mostly for the surreal experience of it all.
This game sometimes wants you to USE things on other things.
Sometimes you can DODGE in a battle.
You cannot SAVE during the endgame.
Living Room
Begin by touring the ground floor.
Note: If you try to go upstairs, a force field blocks you.
> x me. i. x cap. x jacket. x watch.
> x map.(Map image shown.)
> x chair. x large couch. x small couch. x table.
> x chest. open it. x key. take it.
> x TV. turn on TV.
> e.
Dining Room
Caution: Don't eat the meal!
> x table. x meal. x chair. x bottle.
> x PC. turn on PC. x china. x knick-knacks.
> n.
Caution: Don't attack the dog! Don't attack the stinkbug!
> x stool. x dog. pet dog. x bug.
> x cupboard. open it. unlock it with key.
> open cupboard. take knife. x it.
You don't need to do anything with the bug, but trying to take bug reveals new random items in the room, which is an interesting game mechanic.
By the way, the bug jumps to random items in the room, so what you see will be in a different order from what I'm reporting here.
> take bug. x coffee machine.
> take bug. x drinking glass.
> take bug. x sink.
> take bug. x board.
> take bug. x counter-top.
> take bug. x sill.
> take bug. x lamp.
Let's move on.
> n.
> x plants. x window. x door. open door.(locked with rope)
Weirdly, you don't "cut rope with knife" but instead:
> unlock door with knife.
> out.
> x grass. x fence. x clouds. x birds. listen.
> x pile. dig pile.(with what?)
> x shed. x keypad. turn on keypad.
What's the passcode? 2018(Access Denied!)
We'll come back to this shed later. A lot later.
> in. s. w.
Note: You can't go downstairs yet; there's no light down there.
> x pictures. x shelves. x drawers. x books. x trinkets.
> n.
Caution: Don't eat the red pills or the blue pills!
> x tub. x toilet. x sink. x cabinet. open it.
> x red pills. x blue pills.
> s. w.
> x bed. get on bed. jump. yes. stand.
> x TV. turn on TV.(static)turn off TV.
> x closet. open it. enter closet.(empty)
> out. enter closet.(still empty)
> out. enter closet.(still empty)
> out. enter closet.(Closet in mudroom is better.)
> out.
> x wardrobe. open it. x hat. take hat.
> remove cap. wear hat.(noise from living room)
With the hat on, you can now ascend the stairs.
> e. s. u. n.
Upstairs Bathroom
For now, ignore the fact that mirror is glowing.
> x mirror. x toilet. x ink. x sink.
> take ink. drink ink.
> s. w.
Guest Bedroom
> x chair. x bed. x desk. x note.
> x bureau. x flowers. take flowers.
> use ink on note.("RGB. The middle one is the correct one to consume.")
> e. d. n. n.
Using the ink made these green pills appear.
> x green pills. take green pills.
> eat green pills.(You hear a noise from below?)
> s.
Eating the green pills made this light switch appear.
> turn on switch. d.
You can now see down here!
CAUTION: Do not turn off the breaker.
> x fridge. open it. look in it.(empty)close it.
> x washer. x dryer. x breaker.
> x box. open it.(clown doll!)
> x doll. kill doll. x doll.
> x junk.
> w.
> x boxes. x door.(locked and reinforced)
> e. s.
> x cans. x toilet paper.
> x wine. take wine. open wine.
> take black orb.(Hear loud clank in Mudroom.)
> x black orb.
> n. u. e. n.
Taking the black orb made the shovel appear here.
> x shovel. take shovel. out.
> dig pile with shovel
> take coin. x coin.("I need light to grow big and strong.")
Examining the coin has two effects. First, the dog is now on living room's large couch. Second, sunlight is now in the dining room.
> in. s. s.
Dining Room
Sunlight in now shining in the window.
> x sunlight. put pot on table. x flowers.("joyful bloom")
Because you placed the flowers in sunlight, there will now be a clothes pile in the basement.
> w.
Living Room
The dog is now on the large couch.
Note: You won't be permitted to sit on the large couch if you previously mistreated the dog in any way. If this is the case, say sorry to dog.
> x dog. pet dog.
> sit on large couch.(You read an important note on the dog.)
> stand. n. d.
The clothes are here because you put the flowers in sunlight.
> x pile. take pile. put pile in washer.
> close washer.(fridge prompt)
> x fridge.("Good things come to those who wait.")
> z.(Clothes are now in basket.)
> x clothes. take clothes. put clothes in dryer.
> close dryer.
> x cookie. eat cookie.(fridge prompt)
Eating the cookie put an egg in this fridge and a platform in the mudroom.
> open fridge. x egg. take egg.
> u. e. n.
> x platform. put egg on platform.(Noise in bedroom.)
> s. w. w.
New: backpack with crowbar.
> x backpack. x crowbar. take crowbar.
> take backpack.(Now the dog blocks your way out.)
> wear backpack. x dog.
> take dog.(You put him in the backpack.)
You're now told, rather explicitly, to go get the key in the back room of the basement for the master bedroom.
> e. d. w.
> break trap door with crowbar.
> x bedroom key. take it.(hear a wind)
> e. u. s. u.
Second Floor
> unlock door with bedroom key. e.
Master Bedroom
Caution: Remember the dog's note! Don't open this book!
> x bed. x recliner. sit on it. stand.
> x pedestal. x book.
The dog's note said there's a green chest here, so try to examine it.
> x green chest.
> open chest.(Has scepter. The book vanishes.)
> x scepter. take it.
> w. n.
Upstairs Bathroom
This is a good time to save.
> save. x mirror. enter mirror.
??? / Inverted Upper Bathroom
> x mirror. x red note. x map.(It's doubled in size!)
> look. x sink. x toilet.
> s.
Inverted Second Floor
The inverted house is an uglier and more dangerous version of the normal house. Also, you'll now be collecting several numbered notes. Always take them when you can.
> x can. x writing.("Yes means No and No means Yes.")
> search can. look. x note 1. take it.
> w.
Get into the habit of examining the dog for his advice. He somehow knows everything you need to do
> x recliner. x bed. x pedestal. x laptop.
> x dog.(He wants you to lay on the bed.)
> get on bed. g.(It snaps; there's a note.)
> look. take note 4. read it.
> e. e.
Trespasser's Bedroom
Caution: Don't open the bureau drawer!
> x dog.(Check closet. Don't open the drawer.)
> x chair. x bed. x desk. x closet.
> open closet. x skeleton. take note 7. read it.
> x bureau. x rug. x clock. x mouse.
> w. d.
Unliving Room
Caution: Don't enter the door without opening it first; you'll slam into a brick wall!
> x dog.(Open chest. Put out fire. Don't enter door immediately.)
> x chair. x table. x TV. x piece. x firewood.
> x chest. open it.(locked)x door. x couch.
> open door.(No exit there.)
> w.
Inverted Dining Room
Caution: Don't play the grand piano!
> x dog.(Plate needs a sweet refill. Growls at piano.)
> x bench. x table. x plate.
> x grand. x Mac. turn on Mac.
The message in binary means: "Dude, I've got a Dell."
> x chair.
> n.
Inverted Kitchen
Caution: Don't kill the spider!
> x dog.(Don't turn on microwave when food is in it; check drawer; doesn't like other dog)
> x stool. x sink. x spider.
> x cupboard. x werewolf.
> x counter. open drawer. x silverware.
> take silverware. no.
> use silverware on werewolf.(It leaves, dropping a note.)
> look. take note 6. read it.
> x microwave. x button.
> n.
Caution: Don't attack the wyvern!
> x dog.(too focused on the giant lizard)
> x chair. x table. x wyvern. x platform.
> x Flahmie. pet Flahmie. hug Flahmie.
Here's how to deal with the wyvern:
> walk up to Flahmie. g. g. g. g. g.(You should now be at arms reach.)
> pet Flahmie.
Flahmie moves aside and a note appears.
> look. take note 3. read it.
> out.
Note the clue from the shed for later. It refers to six rooms in this order: Living Room, Cellar, Master Bedroom, Trespasser's Bedroom, Bloodroom, and Back Dungeon.
> x dog.(Dont lose knife when pushing loose tombstone)
> x tombstone. x fence. x shed.
Make sure you have the knife as a weapon. (Although, thanks to buggy programming, you might not need the knife.)
> push tombstone. no.(Zombie!)
> kill zombie.(Two more!)
When facing two or more zombies, kill the zombie who's about to attack you.
> x right zombie. x left zombie. kill left zombie.
> look. x right zombie. kill right zombie.
> look. x middle zombie. kill middle zombie.
> look. x left zombie. kill left zombie.
> look. x middle zombie. kill middle zombie.
> look. x right zombie. kill right zombie.
> look. x middle zombie. kill middle zombie.
> look. x right zombie. kill right zombie.
> look. kill left zombie.
> look.(Final zombie!)
The eleventh and final zombie is tricky. You need to (usually) dodge when it's attacking, and attack it when it is vulnerable. And, I'm sorry, but there's no clue that tells you that DODGE is a valid or important command.
> x zombie.
> dodge. kill zombie.(You damage it.)
> dodge. kill zombie.(You miss.)
> dodge. kill zombie.(It's gone and left a note and a rock.)
> look. x rock. take it.
> take note 8. read it.
> in. s. e.
Long Hallway
> x blood. x drawer. x model. x photos.
> e.
Inverted Bedroom
Cautions: Don't enter the wardrobe! Don't turn on the TV!
> x dog.(get coat; dont enter armoire; dont turn on TV)
> x bed. x TV. x wardrobe. x coat. x clock.
> take coat. no.
> w. n.
Inverted Lower Bathroom
Caution: Don't enter the tub!
> x dog.(Check cabinet with 8 notes; dont enter tub)
> x sink. x toilet. x cabinet. x tub.
> x note 5.(Has large number 8.)take it.(Can't?)
> s.
Long Hallway
> d.(Too cold)
> remove jacket. wear coat. d.
Floating Basement
Caution: Don't attack the clown directly!
> x dog.(Get mask)
> x evil clown. x box. x icicles. x washer. x dryer.
> x basket. x chains. x mask. x breaker. x wires.
> take mask. no.(clown in the way)
> throw rock at icicles.(Clown and rock gone.)
> x confetti.
> take mask. no.
> e.
Back Dungeon
The plaque reads, backwards: "find the nine notes to know the truth".
> x waterfalls. x signpost. x shrine.
> x altar. read plaque. x cage. x bone.
> w.
Floating Basement
> s.(Not without a mask.)
> wear mask. s.
Burning Cellar
> x fire. x paper. search through paper.
> x white orb. take it.
Taking the white orb had two effects. There's now a bucket in the bloodroom, and a cake on the microwave's turntable.
> n. u. w.
Inverted Kitchen
In an extremely misleading way, the microwave claims to be empty when there's actually a cake on the turnable. The cake is only there after you take the white orb. You can't open or close the microwave either.
Caution: Don't push the button! You'll destroy the cake!
> x turntable. take cake. no. n.
> take bucket. no. s. s.
Inverted Dining Room
> put cake on plate.
> look. take note 2. read it.
> e. n. d. e.
Back Dungeon
> fill bucket with water.
> w. u. s.
Unliving Room
> pour bucket on firewood.
> search fireplace. take firebrand key. x it.
> unlock chest with firebrand key.
> open chest. look in chest. take note 9. read it.
> n. n.
Inverted Lower Bathroom
> save.
Taking the last note, Note 5, starts the endgame sequence, and before that happens, I want to give you an opportunity to chat with the house's residents and also see what's in the shed.
To learn how to get into the shed, you must first turn on all six sinks in the game. They all have to be on at once. So let's quickly do that.
> turn on sink. x mist.
> listen to sink.
Removing the excess punctuation, the voice is saying "Death to all who come here. Destruction is upon us." in Shona.
> s. w.
Inverted Kitchen
> turn on sink. e. s. u. n.
Inverted Upper Bathroom
> turn on sink. x liquid. enter mirror.
Upstairs Bathroom
> turn on sink. s. d. e. n.
> turn on sink. w. n.
> turn on sink.
There are now six tablets in the game, one in each of the locations clued by the cemetery's shed. You need to go examine them; each one has a digit. And let's visit them in order they were listed.
> s. s.
Living Room
> x tablet.("7")
> n. d. s.
> x tablet.("9")
> n. u. s. u. e.
Master Bedroom
> x tablet.("5")
> w. n. enter mirror. s. e.
Trespasser's Bedroom
> x tablet.("0")
> w. d. w. n. n.
> x tablet.("6")
> s. e. d. e.
Back Dungeon
> x tablet.("1")
There. That's the six-digit code to the shed: 795061. Go there:
> w. u. s. u. n. enter mirror. s. d. e. n. n. out.
> turn on keypad.
What's the passcode? 795061
> open shed door. enter shed door.
Debug Room
Oddly, you can't refer to the objects here by their displayed names. Refer to them as signs 1 through 6 instead. The seventh sign is not sign 7, but sign X.
Caution: Don't examine sign X! It's a game-breaking ending!
> x sign 1. x sign 2. x sign 3.
> x sign 4. x sign 5. x sign 6.
When you're done here, you may wish to talk to the dog who's with you, the dormouse in the trespasser's bedroom, and Flahmie in the bloodroom. Try the TALK TO and ASK commands. When choosing topics, you'll probably need to insert the word THE before the topic word; for example: ASK DORMOUSE ABOUT THE HOUSE.
But sooner or later, you'll need to return to the inverted lower bathroom and take Note #5:
> enter exit. in. s. s. w. u. n.
> enter mirror. s. d. n. n.
Inverted Lower Bathroom
> x note 5. take it.(All the lights went off.)
Inverted Bathroom (Dark)
> look.
At this point, you're meant to blunder around in the dark, totally unsure what you're supposed to do next. And you can totally do that, if you wish. But I assume, since you're reading a walkthrough, you'd really like to know your destination.
Go to the Back Dungeon:
> s. d. e.
Back Dungeon
> x shrine. x altar. x time wisp.
> read plaque.("Father Time")
I swear I tried "give watch to wisp". It didn't work. Argh.
> use watch on wisp. yes.
The exit closes and now there's a doppleganger here.
> x doppleganger.(Just standing there.)
You're initially at a standoff. I suggest first dodging to get the battle started:
> dodge.
Now you need to battle in earnest. Examine the doppleganger and base your move on what he's doing. Alternate examining and doing your battle-move until you've hit him enough times to defeat him.
> x him.(if defenseless:)kill him.
> x him.(if guarding:)wait.
> x him.(if charging:)dodge.
When the dark version of you goes BOOM:
> look.
> x dog. x book.
> take book. Yes(The dog becomes a man.)
> x man.(It's Micheal.)
> talk to man.(He thanks you for freeing him of his curse.)
*** The end... for real! Thank you for playing! ***
Most of the artwork is hiding in the Debug Room where very few players will ever see it; examine signs 5 and 6 there. These are thumbnails of the artwork; please play the game to see them at their full sizes. Or, since the author uploaded the game's entire project folder, you can just open the project's materials/figures subfolder and view them there.
An Australian Shepherd is sleeping in the kitchen. Eventually, you learn this is a man, Micheal, under a curse. Breaking this curse is the main goal of the game, although you don't know that until you do it. Note that "vest boy" in the hallway photos is almost certainly Micheal as well.
A stinkbug is also in the kitchen, initially on the cupboard.
Some birds are singing in the backyard.
A mouse is living inside the grandfather clock in the trespasser's bedroom.
A werewolf is in the inverted kitchen.
A spider is also in the inverted kitchen.
A white wyvern is guarding the doorway to the outside in the bloodroom. His name is Flahmie.
Several zombies will attack you in the cemetery. Hope you have your knife! During the battle, when facing two or more zombies at once, refer to individual zombies as left zombie, middle zombie, or right zombie as appropriate. When fighting the final zombie, use both dodge and kill tactics to defeat it.
A clown doll will interfere with you in the basement.
An evil clown will need to be destroyed in the floating basement.
A ghost appears in the dining room. Ignore it.
Your doppleganger is the final big bad boss. Fight them in a gibberish-location using dodge, wait, and kill tactics.
Micheal wanted to impress his colleagues with his new inventions.
A shapeshifter demon from the other side of the mirror is supposedly the cause of all this chaos.
The Credits accessed via the ABOUT or INFO command:
Game made on Inform 7
Game made by: James G. Lynch
Beta-Testers: David Waring
Dan Fabulich
Cover art by: AppleSin (Mistrie Orange)
Game Images: Google Images
Deviant Art
"Game can't understand me" Original Idea: Robert Janelle & Brad O'Donnell, creators of "Nine Points." (Fun Facts: This was the first game that showed me what Inform was and how it works.)
Google (Duh...)
Wikipedia (Maybe)
Special Thanks & Support: New Media Perspectives Professor and Peers, Mom & Dad, Sis, Dogs, entire family and friends,
...and You.
J-Games Co. 2018 (It's a working title. Someone thought James Games sounded cool because it rhymed. Don't ask me why.)
When you die or win, there's an extra ENDINGS command to list the endings you've seen so far.
Deaths in the normal house:
7 Years of More Bad Luck: Your not good at listening to me, are you.
if you throw the rock at a normal window.
Advance Darkness: Turning off the breaker has caused the whole place to black out. Now how are we supposed to get anywhere in pitch darkness?
if you switch off the circuit breaker in the normal basement.
Animal Abuser: Ok, just for that I'm going to end the game for you because your being an abusive animal beater. Let's see what the animal rights association has to say about you.
if you try to kick the dog four times.
Can't Wake Up: After gulping down one of the pills you fell asleep and never woke. Perhaps that wasn't the right choice.
if you eat the red pills.
Clowning Around: Unfortunately for you, the clown managed to make you fall unconscious and die of a heart attack. Great! Now who am I supposed to make fun of now? Maybe that freak with the glowing red nose will make a good substitute victim... I mean player. Yes... player, that's what I meant.
if you open the large box (containing the clown doll) in the basement twice.
Coward Ending: Wuss.
if you just leave the house via the front door.
Five Second Kill: You ate the meal and died from food poisoning soon afterwards. Nice job genius.
if you eat the strange meal.
Procrastination: The TV somehow managed to turn on after poking it uncontrollably. Are you a wizard or something? Anyways, you decided to sit on the couch and binge watch 'Stranger Things' instead of doing you job. You never left that spot and died of malnutrition. Maybe next time you should think twice before trying to do the inevitable and delaying the other, and also go outside and enjoy the sunlight.
if you touch the old television in the living room ten times.
This Death Stinks: A heaping amount of Plutonium gas came out of the bug, causing you suffocate and get radiation poisoning at the same time. All those times tossing 53,597 stinkbugs out the window and yet you still forgot not to squish one. Bravo.
if you kill the stinkbug in the kitchen.
Wake Me Up Inside: After swallowing down one of the pills you woke up in your dream and realized it was just a dream, or was it?
if you eat the blue pills.
Deaths in the inverted house:
7 Years of Filthy Bad Luck: Your not good at listening to me, are you.
if you throw the rock at the window in the bloodroom.
Bite > Bark: Your attack phased through the dog and all of a sudden the ghost of the werewolf retaliated. Now your possessed by the beast and have lost all conscious of your own freewill. You now wander this house endlessly with no real goal to achieve. That's no bueno.
if you attack the ghost werewolf.
Boobtube Combustion: The TV flashes a million images simultaneously and then combusted in your face. The explosion left you impaled and on the ground. I don't think you survived that, but at least the dog did.
if you try to turn on the inverted bedroom's television.
Charlotte Bit Me: The spider was quick and nimble and dodged your attack. Before you had a chance for a counterattack, the spider grabbed hold of your weapon and flung you out of the house and locked all the windows and doors. Now your trapped outside and can't get in. The spider refuses to let you back in after that. Looks like this is game over for you because you can't keep moving forward. Maybe next time we should just leave it alone.
if you try to kill the spider in the inverted kitchen.
False Move: Wrong.
if you attack a zombie who is waiting; presumably the other one gets you.
For Narnia!: As you approach the wardrobe a lion pops out from behind the coats hung up inside the wardrobe and drags you in. You never came back out of the armoire again.
if you enter the wardrobe in the inverted bedroom.
High Five in the Face: Before you even had a chance to get your weapon out, the giant wyvern slaps you silly across the entire room. It's as if it knew what your next move would be. You hit the wall hard and fall down incapacitated. Told ya you had no chance.
if you try to attack the white wyvern.
Knock Knock; Whose There?: You ran face first into a brick wall and died on impact. Ouch!
if you enter the front door of the unliving room without opening the door first in a previous turn.
Rub a Dub, Scrub: As you enter the tub, the shower curtains close up and a thick glass wall blocks your way out entirely. Water spurts out of the shower head at a furious pace, causing the tub to fill up really quickly. The water level eventually reaches to the top of the ceiling and you desperately try to break you way out, but to no prevail do you succeed in escaping. The dog on the other side of the glass whimpers to you and tries to help you out but fails as well. Eventually, you gasp you last breath and go out quietly. What a terrible way to go.
if you enter the bathtub in the inverted lower bathroom.
So Close: Dead.
if you attack the final zombie when it is attacking you.
Soft Death: Upon opening the disgustingly furry drawer, the entire dresser came alive and stuffed you inside the other drawer. Guess that explains why it was so hairy to begin with.
if you open the bureau's drawer in the trespasser's bedroom.
Tactical Nuke: You just destroyed an important item. Nice going.
if you switch on the button in the inverted kitchen while the cake is on the turntable.
Toasty!: Annnnnnnd... you've been torched. I knew that was going to happen. Then again, you did deserve that.
if you attack the wyvern when you're at arms reach (after walking up to him six times).
Treble Percussion: Well, too bad! Instead the piano came alive and ate you up. I guess you can't bring happiness into this world at all.
if you try to play the grand piano in the inverted dining room.
We All Float: You were no match for the clown. Perhaps there's another way of dealing with him.
if you try to directly kill the evil clown in the floating basement.
Deaths in the arena (the doppleganger battle):
1/7 Sins: Because of your downright laziness in doing anything, you died a pathetic death. or Idiot. or You kind of deserved that one. or You are dead; Not big surprise. or You Are Dead. Dead. Deeeeeeead.
if you wait when your doppleganger is charging for the sixth time.
Hello Darkness: The darkness managed to take you down. Better luck next time. or You succumbed to the darkness. or You had no chance of counterattacking and faced your inevitable demise.
if you attack your doppleganger when he is charging for the sixth time.
Strike Three! Your Out!: You missed too many times and was defeated. or You lack of skill has brought you to your demise. or Game Over Yeaaaaaaaaaaaah!
if you attack your doppleganger when he is guarding for the third time.
Other endings (no achievements are awarded for these):
End Game. Thanks for playing?
when you open the book in the Master Bedroom. This is a fake winning ending.
if you examine sign X in the debug room three times. This is a you-broke-the-game ending. The game will immediately close after the "Goodbye"; there is no prompt to RESTORE or UNDO.
The end... for real! Thank you for playing!
when you talk to the unknown man (Micheal). This is the true winning ending.
a blue key. It's in the small chest in the living room. It unlocks the kitchen cupboard.
a bedroom key. It's in the backroom. It unlocks the door to the master bedroom upstairs.
a firebrand key. Find it in the unliving room fireplace by searching the fireplace after pouring a bucket of water on the firewood. It unlocks the purple chest there.
a strange meal. It's on the dining room table. Eating it will kill you. Leave it alone.
a pot of flowers. It's on the guest bedroom bureau. When sunlight is in the dining room (see coin), put the flowers on the table there; they'll like that. This triggers the appearance of the clothes pile in the basement.
a bottle of red pills. It's in the ground floor bathroom's cabinet. Ignore them. Eating the red pills ends the game.
a bottle of blue pills. It's in the ground floor bathroom's cabinet. Ignore them. Eating the blue pills ends the game.
a bottle of green pills. It's in the ground floor bathroom's cabinet, but only after you've used the ink bottle on the note in the guest bedroom. Eat the green pills; this somehow causes a light switch to appear in the hallway.
a cookie. Obtain it by putting the wet clothes pile into the dryer and closing the dryer. Eat the cookie; this makes an egg appear in the basement fridge and a platform appears in the mudroom.
a giant egg. It's in the basement fridge after you've eaten the cookie. In the mudroom, put the egg on the new platform that has appeared there. This triggers the appearance of the backpack in the bedroom. Also, sometime later, you'll find that the egg has hatched and the white wyvern, Flahmie, has entered the game.
an Australian Shepherd - Status: content. Originally seen sleeping in the kitchen, it will eventually wake up and move on its own. When the dog is on the large couch in the living room, sit on the couch to find a note on the dog. Later in the bedroom, when you're wearing the backpack, you can now take the dog. Soon after, you'll get a hint to examine the dog for hints. Considering the whimsical nature of this game, you need all the hints you can get, so examine the dog often! Later, after defeating your doppleganger, take the reversed book. This will restore the dog back into a man, Micheal, and you will have won the game.
Notes (and other readables)
Read all the notes when you find them.
Map of the House. You're carrying it. It will be updated when you first visit the inverted upper bathroom.
Note #1. Find it by searching the garbage can on the inverted second floor.
Note #2. It appears on the table in the inverted dining room when you put the cake on the plate.
Note #3. It appears on the table in the bloodroom when you successfully pet Flahmie.
Note #4. Find it by sitting on the bed in the anti-bedroom twice.
Note #5. It's in the inverted lower bathroom's cabinet.
Note #6. It's dropped by the werewolf in the inverted kitchen when you use the silverware on it.
Note #7. It's on the skeleton in the trespasser's bedroom's closet.
Note #8. The Final Zombie drops it in the cemetery when you defeat it.
Note #9. It's inside the purple chest in the unliving room; unlock the chest with the firebrand key.
a book. It's in the master bedroom. Caution: If you open it, you'll get the fake winning ending. Instead, put the book on the pedestal and open the green chest. This book will vanish.
a reversed book. It's in the "???" location after you defeat your doppleganger. Taking it breaks Micheal's curse and you'll win the game for real.
Wearables (and items that ought to be)
a black cap. You're wearing it. You'll need to remove it so you can wear the red hat.
a brown jacket. You're wearing it. You'll need to remove it so you can wear the thermal coat.
a gold watch. You're carrying it. Oddly, you can't wear it. You'll need to "use" the watch on the wisp in the back dungeon. You can't just "give" it. This action triggers the arrival of your doppleganger.
a red pinned hat. It's in the ground floor bedroom's wardrobe. You need to wear it to use the stairs between the living room and the second floor.
a thermal coat. It's in the inverted bedroom's wardrobe. You need to wear it to protect you from the cold in the floating basement.
a gas mask. It's in the basket in the floating basement, but guarded by an evil clown. To get rid of the clown, throw the rock at the icicles hanging from the freezer box. You need to wear the mask to gain access to the burning cellar.
a backpack. It's in the bedroom after you put the egg on the mudroom's platform. Take the crowbar from it. Take it and wear it. Since the dog now blocks your way out of the bedroom, take the dog too, who you will put into the backpack. Yes, the backpack is just for carrying the dog.
a clothes pile. It's in the basement after some trigger event, possibly putting the pot of flowers on the dining room table? Put the clothes into the washer, close the washer, then explicitly wait. There will now be a wet clothes pile.
a wet clothes pile. Created by washing the clothes in the washer, see above. Put the wet clothes into the dryer and close it. You win a cookie.
Other tools
a butcher's knife. It's inside the kitchen cupboard; unlock the cupboard with the blue key. The knife unlocks the back door (by cutting the rope holding it shut). You will also be using the knife implicitly when killing zombies in the cemetery, so make sure you have it there as well.
an ink bottle. It's on the upstairs bathroom toilet. Use the ink on the note in the guest bedroom; this triggers the appearance of the green pills in the bathroom's medicine cabinet.
a wine bottle. It's in the cellar. Open it to find the black orb.
a black orb. It's in the wine bottle. Take it to make the shovel appear in the mudroom.
a shovel. It appears in the mudroom when you obtain the black orb. Take it to the backyard and dig the dirt pile with the shovel to find the coin.
a coin. Find it in the backyard by digging the dirt pile with the shovel. Examine the coin for a clue about the pot of flowers. Examining the coin is also a trigger: the dog is now on the living room couch, and sunlight is now in the dining room.
a crowbar. It's in the backpack. Go to the backroom and break the trap door with the crowbar.
a scepter. It's in the green chest in the master bedroom. Taking it triggers the activation of bathroom mirror into a portal.
a white orb. Find it by searching through the burnt paper in the burning cellar. Taking it makes the bucket appear on the bloodroom, and the cake in the inverted kitchen's microwave.
a bucket. It's on the table in the bloodroom, but you'll need the white orb to see it. Take the bucket to the back dungeon and fill the bucket with water. Then, in the unliving room, pour the bucket on the firewood.
a rusty silverware. It's in the counter drawer in the inverted kitchen. Use the silverware on the werewolf to defeat it.
a rock. The Final Zombie drops it in the cemetery when you defeat it; use dodge and kill tactics. Later, in the floating basement, throw the rock at the icicles (on the freezer box) to defeat the evil clown.