
Key & Compass presents:
Ghosterington Night
by Wade Clarke

Ghosterington Night is a Glulx and Z-machine interactive fiction game written with Inform 7 and is © 2012 by Wade Clarke. It was an entry in Ectocomp 2012 where it won 1st place.

In this short horror-filled treasure hunt, you play as Jubilee Grief, the famous adventurer. Every Samhain night, for three hours before midnight, a manor materializes atop of a lonely cliff. Inside the danger-filled home are hidden the four last and worst poems that Vigilance Ghosterington ever wrote. Those horrible poems are now worth millions and you're going to find them.

This solution is by David Welbourn, and is based on Release 2 of the game.

SPOILERS AHEAD. Reading a walkthrough prematurely can sometimes diminish one's enjoyment of an interactive fiction game. Please make an honest effort to play the game before reading this walkthrough.


PlushRoom Bedroom PinkRoom WesternWay GoldenRoom EasternWay Ooooh, aSecretRoom! ContritionCorner CreakyHall Vestibule Clifftop CliffFace (auto) u


IMPORTANT: Because there are random events that can kill you, I must first give you some strategy tips that take precedence over the walkthrough's instructions.


> x pack. i. x shooter.

> n. n.

Eastern Way

> x pot. (You find paper A.)

> read A. (It will name a random animal, like "duck".)

> n. w.


> x bed. i. (You find paper B.)

> read B. (It will name a random color, like "green".)

> w.

Plush Room

Assuming the clockwork girl follows you in here, note that she's on the rug.

> pull rug. (She topples over, unable to get up.)

CAUTION: The girl is still dangerous if you try to take her axe or attack her. Leave her alone.

I'm assuming you've found and read both papers. If you had to run away from the bed or the potted plant before you could examine them, return to them and try again to examine them. Read the papers if you haven't already. When you're ready, head to the Contrition Corner in the southwest corner of the house.

> s. s.

Contrition Corner

> x painting. x mouth. (A voice whispers a poem.)

What will you say in response to this abysmal poem? > COLOR ANIMAL (as per the two papers)

If you said the correct phrase, a west passage opens up.

> w.

Ooooh, a Secret Room!

> x lever. ("TERROR", in the on position.)

> pull lever. (It's now off, and the Statue will no longer appear.)

With both active threats neutralized, you can easily find all the poems.

> x chest. (+1: You find the scissors poem.)

> read poem.

> e.

Contrition Corner

> x blood.

> n.

Western Way

> x shell. (+1: You find the Thomas Hardy poem.)

> read Hardy.

> n.

Plush Room

> x desk. (+1: You find the Molecular Biology poem.)

> read Biology.

> e. e.

Pink Room

> x vanity. (+1: You find the lobster poem.)

> read lobster.

> s. s.


> s.

*** Congratulations! You retrieved all four poems from the manor and lived to tell the tale! When the sun comes up, Ghosterington Manor is gone, but it's truly a great day to be you, Jubilee Grief, millionaire adventurer. ***





This is the response to CREDITS:

Ghosterington Night was originally written for Ectocomp 2012 where it came first out of six games. The post competition version you are now playing, Release 2, retains the original game's design but has been significantly revised. It's better programmed and implemented, smoother and more reasonable (especially in terms of letting you look at the bad guys or do things like check your inventory without being killed) - in short, it's more playable all around. I also added a title graphic and theme music.

Andrew Schultz came up with a lot of the ideas for improvements and playtested this version. Michael Chu gave it a spin, too. Thanks also go to Jason Guest, who ran Ectocomp 2012, and to the folks who played or reviewed the original version of the game: Hulk Handsome, Jon Blask, Sam Kabo Ashwell, Emily Short, Sean M. Shore and Martin Barth.

For information on how to play, type HELP.

I've made the Inform 7 source code for this game available at Ghosterington Night's IFDB page ( ) for anyone who might be interested in its methods.

Ghosterington Manor, the game (excluding the title graphic and title song) and its source code, are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) (

The game's title artwork is (C) Wade Clarke 2012. The game's theme music is (P) and (C) Wade Clarke 2012.

You can contact the author Wade Clarke at email redacted




The response to SCORE is one of the following:


The response to XYZZY is very nasty. All room-names, room-descriptions, object-names, and object-descriptions are replaced with just one word:


You can still refer to things by their original names, but unless you know the game by heart and you get lucky guessing the painting's password phrase, the game is rather unplayable in this mode.

Thank You to my Patreon supporters

This walkthrough is provided free of charge since the work it's based on has less than fifteen locations. Please consider it a thank you for your support!

I create larger walkthroughs too! Please visit my Patreon account if you're interested in helping me create more interactive fiction walkthroughs. I appreciate all the help I can get! Thanks again.

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