
Key & Compass presents:
Dr Ludwig and the Devil
by SV Linwood

Dr Ludwig and the Devil is a Glulx interactive fiction game written with Inform 7 and is © 2023 by SV Linwood. It was an entry in IF Comp 2023 where it won 1st place; it also won 1st place for Miss Congeniality. At the 2023 IFDB Awards, it tied for Outstanding Game of the Year 2023, and won the Outstanding Humor Game of 2023 award.

In this comedic game, you play as Dr Ludwig, a scientist who wants to learn how to create life then laugh in God's face. The summoned Devil offers a contract: sell your soul in exchange for the secret of life. Meanwhile, Hans and the Torch and Pitchfork Society demand you sign their contract, wherein you promise not to rob graves, bring dead organs to life, etc. Can you triumph without signing either paper?

This solution is by David Welbourn, and is based on Release 1 of the game.

SPOILERS AHEAD. Reading a walkthrough prematurely can sometimes diminish one's enjoyment of an interactive fiction game. Please make an honest effort to play the game before reading this walkthrough.


Laboratory EntranceHall ManorGrounds Church-yard Back ofthe Tavern Tavern CountryRoad Grave-yard (into church) (to village) u d



> about.

> x me. x coat. x stains.

> i. x list.

> x devil. (has robe and wings; you may GREET them)

> x robe. x wings. x circle. x runes.

> x table. x experiment. x scalpel. take it.

> x machinery. x lever.

> x beakers. x shelves. x clock.

> x desk. x notes. x inkwell. x ooze.

> x grimoire. take it.

> look up summoning demons in grimoire.

> look up controlling demons in grimoire.

> look up banishing demons in grimoire.

> greet demon. (He wants you to impress him with your power.)

> demon, dance. (You may now ask him about topics.)

> a himself. a Hell. (He summons a flyer into your hand.)

> x flyer. a soul.

> a life. (New topic: the Deal.)

> a deal. (A ringing doorbell interrupts the discussion.)

> u.

Entrance Hall

> open door.

Manor Grounds

> greet Hans.

> x Hans. x mob. x weeds. x road. x manor.

At this point, Hans holds out a charter for you to take.

> take charter. (He wants you to read it, sign it, then bring it to him in the tavern outside of town. They all leave.)

> read charter. n.

Entrance Hall

> close door. d.


> a deal.

The Devil offers you knowledge in exchange for your soul. Agree?

>> yes

The Devil conjures up a floating contract.

> x contract. take it.

He wants you to read it and sign it. Deja vu. Oh, and you get a dip pen.

> read contract.

> a limitations. a agency.

> x pen. (needs ink)

> open drawer. g. g. g. (empty)

> x drawer. (just more red ooze)

> dip pen in inkwell. (no: use demonic ink)

> a demonic ink. (He doesn't remember the recipe.)

> look up ink in grimoire.

> look up divine blood in grimoire.

> a divine blood. a divine radiance.

> a ancestor's bone. a eyes. ("ask a hunter")

> x Devil. x wings. x light.

> look up Devil in grimoire.

> take feather. (no)

> Devil, give feather. (You get one.)

> look up deal in grimoire.

> look up hell in grimoire.

> look up dip pen in grimoire.

> look up Theophrastus in grimoire.

For once, TELL is different from ASK, because phrased this way, it's a command he must obey.

> Devil, tell me about limitations.

They can only take a soul if its owner believes in Heaven and Hell.

> a belief. a God.

> u.

Entrance Hall

> take shovel.

> s. s.

Country Road

> x tavern.

> x head. x eyes. take eyes. (no: too high up)

> s. (no: no wish to visit the town)

> e.


> x stone. x weeds.

> x grave. ("Thomas the Unhandy")

> x tomb. ("the Unknown Soldier")

> x mound. ("hunter named Clare")

> x cenotaph. ("the Great Manini")

> n.


> x priest. greet priest. (He ignores you.)

> x cassock. x church. x ivy. x steps. x doors.

> n. (You think not.)

> s. w. w.


> greet Hans. a himself. sit on stool.

> a his name. a work. a love.

> a lads. a ladies. a bartender.

> a crazy doctors. a graverobbing.

> a grave. ("he could never have children")

> a mound. (his great-grandmother, the bear hunter)

> a cenotaph. (A magician who vanished in this tavern; his fortune went into the cenotaph.)

> a tomb. ("... never having children")

> a priest. ("quite handsome")

> a church. (He can't read.)

> a shopkeeper. a her shop.

> a society. a town. a beer.

> stand.

> x stool. x counter. x bottles.

> w.

Back of the Tavern

You find the shopkeeper who sold you the grimoire; she greets you.

> x shopkeeper. x wine. x table. x smoke.

> greet her.

> a herself. a her name. a her shop.

> a vacation. a unionizing.

> a cursed doll shop. a dating. a wine.

> a communionora transubstantiation. (A priest can turn wine into the blood of Christ.)

> a Christiansora priestora angel.

> a tavern. a bartender.

> a divine bloodora divine radiance.

> a grimoire. a devil. a me. a smoke.

> show flyer to shopkeeper. (She's tempted but can't take it while anyone is watching.)

> put flyer on table.

Now leave the room and return.

> e. w.

She's now looking at the flyer, and the wine is on the table instead.

> take wine.

> e.


> take stool. (can't carry it, but...)

> push stool east.

Country Road

> stand on stool. (Hans stops you from inside.)

> close door. stand on stool.

> take eyes. (using the scalpel)

> stand. x eyes.

> e.


> dig mound. x tibia.

> n.


> show wine. (The priest consecrates the wine and hands it back to you, then he enters the church.)

> put eyes in glass.

> put bone in glass.

> put feather in glass.

> x ink.

> s. w. w.


> a belief. (He doesn't really know.)

> a charter. (All legal documents look alike to him.)

> x contract. x wiggle.

This won't work unless you first forced the Devil to tell you about limitations and asked Hans about belief.

> give contract to Hans.

> dip pen in ink.

> give pen to Hans.

Hans signs the contract. The pen vanishes. Hans gives the contract back to you.

> e. n. n. d.


> a his gender.

"what gender do you think we are?"

>> maleorfemaleorenby.

> a bill.

> a priest. (He mentions a bet he made with the Lord.)

> a the bet.

> a Great Manini.

> a humanity.

> laugh. pull lever.

> give contract to Devil.

You learn secrets of the universe, but you need to get rid of him first.

> say ipamis kuras.

You say it wrong, so the Devil decides to make himself comfortable inside the circle.

> x phonograph. x drink.

> look up Enochian in grimoire.

> Devil, tell me about Enochian. (The phonograph drowns you out, and the Devil isn't forced to obey you.)

> read charter. x clock. (It is after 8 pm.)

> give charter to Devil. (can't just give it to him)

> Devil, give phonograph to me. (It appears, crumples to ash, then a new one appears in the circle)

> Devil, sign charter. (This works. The phonograph is gone.)

> Devil, tell me about Enochian. (Your spell isn't strong enough.)

> Devil, say ipamis kuras. (He banishes himself!)

Much later...


> i. (just scalpel and to-do list)

> x list. (ha!)

> x machines. x desk. x notes. x clock. x chair.

> x books. x letter. x postcard. x catalogue.

> x marks. smell.

> x slab. x creation. greet creation.

> pull lever.

*** It's alive! ***

> amusing



This is the response to AMUSING after you've won the game:

Have you tried:


Found dead:



This is the response to ABOUT or CREDITS:

A deal-making simulator by SV Linwood.

This game was made in Inform 7, created by Graham Nelson, and uses the extensions Basic Screen Effects, Punctuation Removal, Modified Exit by Emily Short, and Epistemology by Eric Eve. Some code was adapted from In-Line Hints by Andrew Schultz and Compliant Characters by Nathanael Nerode.

Many thanks to my beta testers: Austin Auclair, Jade, Peter M.J. Gross, and Tabitha O'Connell.

This is a work of fiction. Do not try robbing graves, summoning demons, or reanimating the dead at home.

[ Type HELP to learn more about how this game works, VERBS to see a list of useful commands, or HINT if you're stuck on how to proceed. ]



Note that all your inventory is held inside your lab coat. Your pockets are like another dimension, so don't worry about carrying too much.

After you banish the Devil, months pass, and your inventory changes. Things you don't need any more will be gone.

Honorable mention:


The response to SCORE is simply:

Genius can't be quantified!

Thank You to my Patreon supporters

This walkthrough is provided free of charge since the work it's based on has less than fifteen locations. Please consider it a thank you for your support!

I create larger walkthroughs too! Please visit my Patreon account if you're interested in helping me create more interactive fiction walkthroughs. I appreciate all the help I can get! Thanks again.

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