
Key & Compass presents:
A Dodecapedic box
by Zeno Pillan

A Dodecapedic box is a Glulx interactive fiction game written with Inform 7 and is © 2024 by Zeno Pillan. It was an entry in the Neo-Twiny Jam 2024 event where entries were limited to 500 words or less. It was also a participant in the Short Games Showcase 2024.

In this surreal dream-like game, you're initially walking in the middle of a road trying to get away from a long box with twelve human-sized feet. Eventually, you feel sad about it not having a face, and you try to help it out.

This solution is by David Welbourn, and is based on Release 1 of the game.

SPOILERS AHEAD. Reading a walkthrough prematurely can sometimes diminish one's enjoyment of an interactive fiction game. Please make an honest effort to play the game before reading this walkthrough.


ProvincialRoad ProvincialRoad Vegetablegarden ConcreteHut Slopingroad Wildgarden Clearing Slopingroad Dirtroad Dirtroad u d u d


The game first asks if you want to "visualize Ashii art", but the author is really asking if you want to see ASCII art.

>> yesorno

Provincial road (two locations)

> x me. i. (carrying nothing)

> x box. x legs. x road.

> w. (no: you want to get away from the box)

> e. (You find a sloping street to the south.)

> s.

Sloping road (two locations)

> s. (You find a dirt road to the east.)

> e.

dirt road (west end)

The box stops and looks sad without a face.

> x box.

> e.

dirt road (east end)

> x car. open it. (locked)

> u.

Wild garden

> x trees. x wire. take wire.

> d.

dirt road (east end)

When you unlock the car, the wire leaves the game.

> unlock car with wire.

> open car. look in car.

> x billhook. take it.

> u. n.

Vegetable garden

You can only take the zucchini if you have the billhook to cut it with. When you take the zucchini, the billhook leaves the game.

> x zucchini. take it.

> x lines. x grass. x bushes.

> s. u.


You can only enter the hut if you're carrying the zucchini.

> x hut. x door. n.

Concrete hut

> x painting. take it. x frame.

> x dresser. open it. x tassels.

> look in dresser. x photo. take it.

> s. d. d. w.

dirt road (west end)

The box isn't interested in the photo or frame separately.

> put photo in frame.

> give photo.

*** The End ***



This game features some ASCII art, which it calls "Ashii art" for some unknown reason.




This is the response to ABOUT:

A Dodecapedic box is a 498 words interactive fiction written by Zeno Pillan for the Neo-Twiny Jam 2024 in June 2024


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