In this game, you again play as Alex, lovable sociopath. Everything is back to normal (mostly), you're back home, and Paul's birthday is coming up. You plan to give him the Neptunian deathhound that he wants. It's just a matter of getting it home safely.
This solution is by David Welbourn, and is based on Release 1 of the game.
> x Fiargo. x fight. x chandelier. x screws. take screws.
> jump on chandelier. take screws.
Baskeci falls. A happy ending. You go home.
Living room
> visit savannah.
Glass savannah
> x cage. x flopperglomper. x figure. x rifle.
> turn off rifle. open cage.(The flopperglomper impales the hunter.)
> take cage. visit home.
Living room
> drop cage. screw cage.
> visit venus.
The great Mausoleum of the 140th king
This location contains a puzzle where you really do need to save your game so you can restore later. By the time you get the information you need to solve the puzzle, it's already too late to use the information.
> x tourists. x mausoleum.
> sw. save.
> sw.
An army of Venusian ghosts of the king's guard are escaping! Close the gate!
> x symbol.(bear, triangle, or ennui?)
> x bear.(A tourist claims the order is: Ennui, Triangle, Bear.)
> x triangle.(Another tourist yells: Bear, Ennui, Triangle!)
> x ennui.(Another yells, "It's a metaphor for Twitter!")
Assuming that each suggestion is completely wrong, the right answer must be Triangle, Bear, Ennui.
> push triangle.(Too little, too late.)
*** You have died and doomed a lot of tourists (among them children and orphans) to a horrible fate. Please don't feel bad! ***
> restore
> sw. push triangle. push bear. push ennui.
The gate closes, but one of the ghosts made it out!
> x ghost.(The ghost attacks a tourist, who drops their camera.)
> take camera. x camera.(No photo. Nowhere to go.)
> visit nowhere.(You take the ghost to...)
Nowhere fast
And now leave the ghost here.
> visit venus.
The great Mausoleum of the 140th king
> x gate.(A voice asks you to let them out.)
Is the sequence for opening the gate the reverse of the sequence for closing it? Yes:
> push ennui. push bear. push triangle.
You free the Woman and she gives you a bone in thanks. You go home.
Living room
> x bone.
> open cage. put bone in cage. close cage.
> push button.
The Neptunian death hound arrives, safe and sound in his cage.
Then Paul arrives (in a GOLF CART through the window) and he has some news.
*** Happy New Year 2018 ***
Fiargo is a handsome shirtless man in the right box at the opera.
A swordfight between the humble banker (Otuso) and the flashy artist (Baskeci) is happening in the left box at the opera.
An audience oohs and aahs your aerial manuevers at the opera.
A Centaurian flopperglomper is in the cage on the glass savannah. It's like a brown beachball with spikes and nearly extinct.
A Tadmorian Game Hunter is on the glass savannah. He looks pleased with himself.
The Venusian Warrior Woman has invited you to visit her on Venus.
Some alien tourists are visiting the mausoleum on Venus. Among the group is an Expositian, a Uranian, an HD 219134b'ian, a Dimidiumian, a Lipperheyian, and a Taphao Thongian.
An army of Venusian ghosts of the king's guard are trying to escape from the mausoleum. One ghost manages to actually do it.
A Neptunian death hound is a rather dangerous pet to have, but Paul wants one, so you're going to give him one.
Paul is your husband and he's usually either the catalyst for or your partner in your various morally-questionable adventures.
Honorable mention:
A golf cart appears in almost every installment of the Alex and Paul series, not necessarily the same one each time. It this episode, a golf cart appears only in the epilogue.
Paul mentions in the epilogue that Wally possessed Fenris.
You have won! Just kidding. if you push the remote's button and you don't even have a cage for the hound.
...die if you try taking the cage while the flopperglomper is still in it.
A loss for you, but a win for freedom if you try talking to the Tadmorian Game Hunter.
You have 0/10 HP. You have died if you try killing the Tadmorian Game Hunter.
You die, a few days later, after a coma, and a long, but unsuccesful surgery // That seems just unnecessarily cruel // The deathhound bouncing around just messes up your living room badly. Still a bad ending, but everybody lives! // Except the dog. The has to be put down. // Still sad, I guess if you push the remote's button but your cage isn't screwed down.
And you didn't even have pet insurance if you push the remote's button while the cage is screwed down in the living room but there's nothing in the cage for the hound to eat.
You have died and doomed a lot of tourists (among them children and orphans) to a horrible fate. Please don't feel bad! if you fail to close the mausoleum gate in time.
You have died (not pleasantly). if the ghost kills you.
Happy New Year 2018 if you safely summon the death hound into your home.
a remote control. You're carrying it. After you've obtained and prepared a cage (which see), push the remote's button to summon the death hound.
a romance novel. It's on the couches. It hints that you can visit the opera.
a brochure. Find it by searching the couches. It hints that you can visit the savannah.
a postcard. Find it by looking under the couches. It hints that you can visit Venus.
a screws. Get it/them by taking them from the chandelier at the opera; jump to the chandelier first. Back home with the cage, use the screws to screw the cage.
a steel cage. It's in the glass savannah and contains a flopperglomper. You'll be able to take the cage if you first turn off the game hunter's rifle and then open the cage to let the flopperglomper out. Drop the cage in your living room, screw the cage (with the screws) to anchor it, and then put the bone in the cage.
a camera. It's dropped by a tourist on Venus. It's a hint that you can visit nowhere.
a bone. The Venusian Warrior Woman gives it to you after you rescue her. Put the bone in the cage after you get it home.
Thank You to my Patreon supporters
This walkthrough is provided free of charge since the work it's based on has less than fifteen locations. Please consider it a thank you for your support!
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