
Key & Compass presents:
by Graham Nelson

Curses is a Z-machine interactive fiction game written with Inform 5 and is © 1993-1995 by Graham Nelson. This game tied for 22nd place on the 2011 Interactive Fiction Top 50 of all time, and tied for 13th place on the 2019 Interactive Fiction Top 50 of all time.

In this huge puzzlefest, you're a Meldrew about to go on holiday, and your main goal is to find a map of Paris in the attic of Meldrew Hall. Downstairs, your family has made quite the meal of moving suitcases around; avoid them all. This game features time-travel, Tarot cards, Rods of Power, daisies, a family curse, and a tourist map of Paris.

This solution is by David Welbourn, and is based on Release 16 of the game.

SPOILERS AHEAD. Reading a walkthrough prematurely can sometimes diminish one's enjoyment of an interactive fiction game. Please make an honest effort to play the game before reading this walkthrough.


Map 1: Meldrew Hall: Attic

in dumb-waiter Halfwayup theStairs PottingRoom AuntJemima'sLair OldWinery StorageRoom Battle-ments CellarWest AiringCupboard Attic Servant'sRoom Priest'sHole Roof OldFurniture Chimney InsideCupboard DarkRoom Over theEast Wing EastAnnexe LibraryStorage DisusedObserv-atory Dead End BesidetheDrive SouvenirsRoom Alison'sWritingRoom Tarotbox TinyBalcony enter waiter u n d d d u u d u (end) (end) out e

Map 2: Meldrew Hall: Dumbwaiter

StorageRoom in dumb-waiter GardenStream DarkPassage SandstonePassage in dumb-waiter DarkShaft Cellars in dumb-waiter in* pull ropes out pull ropes in* out pull ropes in* out


Map 3: Meldrew Hall: Cellars

MurkyCave Besidethe Wall InfinitySymbol in dumb-waiter CellarWest Cellars WineCellars Priest'sHole mousemaze CellarsSouth HellishPlace out d u point infinity rodat lemniscus d enter waiter d

Map 4: Mouse Maze

key CellarsSouth

Map 5: Gardens (north of House)

ViewpointLedge Maze Lagachchain Garage Clearing FamilyTree LawnOrnaments Mosaic BehindSummerHouse VegetableGarden Up thePlaneTree GardenStream Besidethe Wall Hollow HeavenlyPlace DarkPassage WineCellars Up theBeanstalk Ware-housesand Port On boardthePhlebas d u d say time mosaic,lagach u sail sail d

Map 6: Privet Hedge Maze

ViewpointLedge Patioin Maze Crypt FamilyTree d u

Map 7: Maze Foundations, 1808

Folly S S S S S S S S S S S S W TreePlanting squeezeweed killerhere!

Map 8: Northeast of House

PalaceBalustrade Out onthe Spire SouvenirsRoom BellTower Mosaic West SideChapel ParishChurch East SideChapel Hollow StoneCross DeadEnd PublicFootpath BesidetheDrive look in astrolabe d d e u (underworldis not safefor the living) d u d u

Map 9: Beyond the Recess and East of House

Mosaic BehindSummerHouse SummerHouse CroquetLawn DarkPassage SandstonePasssage TheOctagon BrickedPath Hedgery WhiteHallway Halfwayup theStairs Lagachchain Servant'sRoom u u d painting, lagach n/d

Map 10: Catacombs (under the Maze and Gardens)

Patioin Maze Lagachchain Crypt ContraptionReflection JaggedPassage CharnelPassage Sarco-phagus ContraptionRoom Cata-combs UniverseMaintenanceRoom BuriedAlive orblocation Insidethe Orb (via Rod) u mural, lagach u u d d u d rub orb

Map 11: Unreal City

GardenStream ConsultingRoom Lagachchain ShadowyHallway Bohemia On boardthePhlebas Down byRiver UnrealCity NearRing Road Chatelet-les-Halles poetrylocation d enter boat u (private) say time u mural,lagach read poetry d

Map 12: Hamburg Museum

maplocation RevolvingDoor MuseumFoyer Lagachchain DarkStaircase Hall ofExhibits CabinetRoom CovenCell look up 1420in tourist map d L* (chanting) (captured byDoktor Stein)

Map 13: Alexandria, 275 BC

HarbourMouth Drifting GardenStream Lost inthePalace PalaceBalustrade Sarco-phagus Jetty OutsideRoyalPalace Out onthe Spire SouvenirsRoom Island ofPharos Ware-housesand Port OutsideTheatre Stadium BuriedAlive Causeway OutsideRoyalMuseum Cross-roads Birdcageof theMuses ReadingCorridor Quite anUnder-taking This IsThe Death Heightof Fashion Necro-polis A Tower Oil Room GeographyRoom Librarian'sOffice SpiritWorld(500 yr) XIIthDynastyPyramid ConsultingRoom SpiritWorld(1000 yr) Lagachchain SpiritWorld(1500 yr) SpiritWorld(2000 yr) z z ne. e. s. anoppe look inastrolabe d u jump(or)dive u d writings,lagach (else) (endless) (private) sail sail sail u closecoffin d sleep u sleep sleep sleep

Map 14: Tarot box: Overview

SouvenirsRoom fakedeath viaDrowned Sailor fakedeath viaFool fakedeath viaGrim Reaper Cups andGlasses viaAce of Cups RuinedCastleCafe viaCastle Sea Shore viaMaiden ParishChurch viaCrescent Moon Lighthouse viaStar Folly viaminiature Causeway viasketch

Map 15: Tarot box: Ace of Cups

SouvenirsRoom Prow ofthe LadyMagdalena Up theMast Cups andGlasses AboardShip Stern fore u d x ship fore aft aft climb chain

Map 16: Tarot box: Maiden

SouvenirsRoom Sea Shore Cliffs ClifftopWalk OutsideTaverna CaveMouth Wall ofThorns ErianaTaverna SacredGround Templeof Zeus NorthwestCross Oubliette NortheastCross WestCloister EastCloister CrossCentre InnerSanctum SouthwestCross SoutheastCross u d d u

Map 17: Tarot box: Star

SouvenirsRoom Light-house Lagachchain GreekFrieze d u frieze, lagach

Map 18: Dreaming: Premonition

Servant'sRoom Shrineof theBear Pre-monition General'sTent CampFire NearDolmen (automatically) sleep

Map 19: Dreaming: Melancholy Dream

Alison'sWritingRoom Melan-cholyDream SolidSand OctagonalTomb sleep pinch me

Map 20: Lagach chain

Hall ofExhibits XIIthDynastyPyramid Bohemia WhiteHallway Crypt Mosaic GreekFrieze still life,lagach writings,lagach mural,lagach mural,lagach painting,lagach frieze,lagach mosaic,lagach

You learn about the magic word LAGACH from the Premonition dream, but the Shrine of the Bear is never part of your Lagach chain.

With almost every large flat artwork that you see in the game, that artwork is added to the Lagach chain like another daisy in a daisy chain. You can only visit places you've already been to; you cannot discover new places this way.

If you've only seen one artwork, LAGACH can't take you anywhere.

When you say LAGACH to an artwork, you go to the next artwork in the current chain of known artworks.

But "SAY LAGACH TO ARTWORK" doesn't work. Your command must use the syntax "ARTWORK, LAGACH". Seems more fussy than it needs to be, but that's how it is.

The painting of Mad Isaac isn't added to the Lagach chain until you bring it to the White Hallway and hang it there.

The mosaic of the Roman Villa is never added to the Lagach chain, probably because you've already seen the mosaic in another time period and added it then.

LAGACH stops working after you obtain the map of Paris.

Map 21: Roman Villa, Breton, 6th Century AD

InfinitySymbol ValleyProspect RomanVilla Stream Spurof Rock MurkyCave AtriumCloister Hangingon Rope Tri-clinium Atrium GuardQuarters Entrance InsideWell Hypo-caust RoughTent Encamp-ment BeneathDolmen u d d take pole (captured!) (soldier!) point infinity rodat lemniscus u u

Summary of Walkthrough

  1. Start exploring the attic. Get History, rucksack, whistle, chocolates, postcard, medicine bottle, jewellery box, gloves, a red battery, a map of Hamburg, wrench, wishbone, dictionary, and scarf.
  2. Have the Premonition dream. Learn LAGACH.
  3. Resume exploring the attic. Get a flash and two more books.
  4. Explore Unreal City. Get a hanky, poster, and three, no, four Tarot cards.
  5. Explore the gardens. Get weed killer, spade, wooden ball, miniature, and tablet.
  6. Explore the cellars. Get attic key.
  7. Resume exploring the attic once more. Get new battery, gold key, clover, mask, painting, gothic key, sooty stick, prayer book.
  8. Enter the Ace of Cups. Put a ship into a bottle. Get a branch, spar, and flag.
  9. Have a melancholy dream. Learn how to use a Rod. Foresee the Octagon.
  10. Get daisy chain from Jemima. Get sketch, letter, scroll, three Rods, and sceptre.
  11. Enter the Fool.
  12. Enter the Drowned Sailor.
  13. Enter the Grim Reaper.
  14. Explore the region northeast of the house. Get nuts.
  15. Explore the region east of the house. Get mallet and watch.
  16. Return to Old Evans. Get Crescent Moon.
  17. Enter the Crescent Moon.
  18. Enter the miniature. Edit the hedge maze. Get bean pole.
  19. Enter the map of Hamburg. Get Tarot box, three Tarot cards, matchbook, smooth stone, papyrus fragment, crook.
  20. Revisit the maze. Get a stone rose.
  21. Revisit Unreal City. Get a quarterstaff.
  22. Identify three more Rods.
  23. Climb a beanstalk.
  24. Explore under the Crypt. Get wrought iron key, orb.
  25. Enter the Castle. Get timer.
  26. Enter the Maiden. Get the coin, pan pipes, inscribed stone, gem, fig, dessert, hairband, and digging coordinates.
  27. Enter the Star. Save Andromeda.
  28. Return to the Octagon and Croquet Lawn. Identify two more Rods. Get astrolabe.
  29. Enter the sketch. Get cloak, green quarterstaff, rusty key, heart.
  30. Revisit Alexandria with Austin. Anoint yourself. Get spindle, two tubes, mystic scroll, sash, skull.
  31. Revisit Alexandria yet again. Get the Rod of Ice. Use the astrolabe.
  32. Back in the Church. Get a hand, then a High Rod.
  33. Fancy a game of chess? Make your orb glow.
  34. Use the Rod of Infinity.
  35. Visit a Roman villa. Get a torch, daisy, sandals, die, two Rods, and the bluish stone.
  36. Revisit Unreal City yet again. Buy a map of Paris.
  37. Give a monkey to Old Evans. Then win the game.


🔦 Start exploring the attic. Get History, rucksack, whistle, chocolates, postcard, medicine bottle, jewellery box, gloves, a red battery, a map of Hamburg, wrench, wishbone, dictionary, and scarf.


CAUTION: Going down from here ends the game.

By the way, if you see Austin, your cat, during your explorations, feel free to examine him and pet him, if you like.

> verbose. i. x biscuit. x torch. x paper.

> x teachests. look in them. (You pick up a book.)

> x book. look up Peter in History. look up me in History.

> s.

Old Furniture

Until you get the rucksack, avoid picking up anything. But after you get the rucksack, take everything you can!

> x cupboard.

> x whistle. x parcel. x bottle. ("Antidote only")

> se. e.

East Annexe

> x rolls. (no: too itchy to interact with)

> open door.

> n. (no: you need better light)

> s.

Dead End

> take rucksack. x it.

> look up Ebenezer in History.

> n. w. nw.

Old Furniture

> take whistle, parcel, bottle.

> open parcel. x box. x card. (postmarked 1963, no message)

> open bottle. (not that way)

> look. x wrapping.

> n.


> close trapdoor. (something shiny revealed)

> look. take jewellery box. open trapdoor.

> x jewellery box. ("A.M." and rabbit's foot drawing)

> open it. (locked)

> n.

Old Winery

As you enter, you see the attic key fall off a demijohn into a crack in the floorboards.

> x demijohn. ("Elderberry '63")

> x battery. ("Achtung")

> x map. (of central Hamburg)

> take demijohn. (can't)

> open demijohn. (no: need better grip)

> w.

Aunt Jemima's Lair

> x calendar. (June has common daisies)

> turn page. (July has hedgerow daisies)

> g. (August has Russian Steppe daisies)

> g. (September has Breton daisies)

> g. (October has orange meadow daisies)

> g. (November has Meldrew daisies)

> g. (December has bonsai daisies)

> g. (January has Jemima's Pride daisies)

> g. (February has yellowish Merlyn's Hat daisies)

> g. (March has bell daisies)

> g. (April has Dorset Pride daisies)

> g. (May has meadow-heart daisies)

> g. (June again.)

> s.

Airing Cupboard

> x sheets. (+2. You find a wireless.)

> x radio. (It's on casters.)

> turn it on. push it north.

Aunt Jemina's Lair

CAUTION: Don't push the radio any closer to Jemima. She'll derail your quest with a rant about how magnetic fields influence plant growth.

> w.

Potting Room

CAUTION: Don't take the gloves right away.

> x Jemima. (She's upset being left alone.)

> look up Jemima in History.

> ask Jemima about gloves. ask Jemima about calendar.

> ask Jemima about daisies. ask Jemima about Paris.

Eventually the old tubes in the radio warm up and it starts playing music six turns after you turned it on. While the music is both distracting Aunt Jemima and masking the sounds of your own movements, you can successfully take the gloves. If Aunt Jemima catches you taking her gloves, the game ends.

> take gloves. (+4)

> e. e.

Old Winery

> wear gloves. open demijohn. (+3)

> take all from demijohn.

> read map. (You can look up grid references.)

> look up A1 on map. (You need a four-digit number.)

> e.

Storage Room

> take wrench.

> x dumbwaiter. x wishbone. take it.

> x shaft. x wheel. (has a safety catch, currently on)

> w. s. e.

Servant's Room

> x book. (It's a classical dictionary.)

> take it.

Merlyn was mentioned on the calendar:

> look up Merlyn in dictionary. look up Arthur in dictionary.

> x scarf. take it.

> get on bed. sleep.

🛌 Have the Premonition dream. Learn LAGACH.


> i. (You're carrying nothing.)

> e. n. (You move like a ghost.)

Shrine of the Bear

> x Druid. x mascot. x bear.

> take mascot. (Druid curses you, then hisses "lagach" to the Bear. She vanishes into the cloth.)

> lagach. (It doesn't work for you. Yet.)

DON'T keep the mascot. It's cursed now.

> drop mascot.

> s. w. sw. e.

Near Dolmen

You automatically grab a shining blue stone, then wake in the Servant's Room. You lose 50 points if you still have the mascot.

🔦 Resume exploring the attic. Get a flash and two more books.

Servant's Room

> stand. w. s. se. w.

Dark Room

> pull cord. (It turns on a red light.)

> x plaque. look up Roger in History.

> x flash. take it.

> x postcard. (+3. in invisible ink: "Hamburg 1420 / Ticket 7.-")

Don't act on this information right away. You're not ready for Hamburg.

> e. s.

Disused Observatory

> x detector.

> x ball. rub ball.

> x ball. g. g. g. g. g.

You see randomly: a Roman villa, a marble palace, your reflection, a camp fire, an English countryside, and more. There's about a dozen different scenes from all over the game.

> w.

Library Storage

> take wrench. tighten joint. (+4; the books fall away safely.)

> take novel and poetry.

> x novel. (by Marie Swelldon)

Assuming that "Marie" is Roger's wife and that "Marie Swelldon" is an anagram of her real name, last name "Meldrew", you can work out that her first name is Alison.

> look up Alison in History. (mentions lucky charms, and pushing a fake wall at far south end of the attic's east wing)

Ah. Then the "A.M." on the jewellery box means "Alison Meldrew".

> x poetry. (+5; you are transported to Unreal City.)

📖 Explore Unreal City. Get a hanky, poster, and three, no, four Tarot cards.

Unreal City

> i. (You have all your inventory except for the poetry book.)

I'm a little worried about the torch battery. Opening the torch is the only way to turn it off.

> open torch. look in it. x old battery.

> n.

Shadowy Hallway

> x poster. ("Bateaux Phlebas - toujours le dernier mot")

> take poster. (You tear it away.)

> take poster. e.


The subject of the mural is randomized with every visit here, but the signature is always the same.

> x mural. look up Helene in History.

> look up Anton in History. (Note the comment about sacrificial attacks in chess.)

> w. u.

Consulting Room

> x bell. x Tarot. w. (can't: the curtain is solid like iron)

> push bell. (Madame Sosostris enters.)

She asks: were you born in an even or an odd year? Answer either one; it doesn't matter which.

> say oddorsay even. (She deals the Grim Reaper, the Fool, and the Drowned Sailor. She rapidly tells you to fear death by water and hustles you to the street.)

Unreal City

Not so fast, Madame.

> n. u.

Consulting Room

The dealt cards — Drowned Sailor, Fool, and Grim Reaper — are still here.

> take cards.

> push bell. (Sosostris deals three random cards, calls you a "nobody", and ushers you out again.)

Unreal City

> look up Sosostris in dictionary.

> look up Alexander in dictionary.

> e. d.


> x man. (looks Gallic)

> buy map. ("Q'est-ce que vous voulez acheter?")

The man wants to hear French. Also you have no money, so do this later. Much later.

> u. w. w.

Down by River

> take hanky. x it. ("J. A. P.")

> x boat. ("PHLEBAS")

> wave hanky. (The boat glides to you.)

> enter boat.

On board the Phlebas

A hollow man asks where you want to go. "Hurry up please it's time!"

> answer time. (+5)

🌳 Explore the gardens. Get weed killer, spade, wooden ball, miniature, and tablet.

Garden Stream

> i. x Ace. open bunker. (locked)

> nw.

Family Tree

> climb tree.

Up the Plane Tree

> x maze. (An ASCII art layout is shown. Note that the southeast corner is completely enclosed by hedges.)

> d. w. w.


> x roller. (It's rideable.)

> x weed killer. (Squeeze to use. Warns about getting it on your hands.)

> x bladed. (It's a spade.)

> take weed killer. take spade.

> e. s.

Vegetable Garden

> x plant. dig. (find nothing)

> n. e. e.

Lawn Ornaments

I assume "H.M." refers to Helene Meldrew.

> x bust. ("Self-Portrait, H.M. '54")

> e.


> x mosaic. take ball.

> w. w.

Family Tree

> n. (no: can't walk on the new grass)

> w. w.


> get in roller. turn it on.

> e. e. n. (+5)

Maze (many locations)

> n. w. w. n. n. n. n. w. w. w. (+5)

Viewpoint Ledge

> turn off roller. out.

> x plaque.

> look up Capability in History.

> x etching. (shows the former Folly)

> take it.

> get in roller. turn it on.

> e. e. e. s. s. s. s. e. e. s. s.

Family Tree

> e.

Lawn Ornaments

When you drive the roller here, the bust is destroyed, but a ancient well underneath is revealed. The well will be useful much later in the game.

> look. x well. (too dark to see anything and too small to enter)

> out. w.

Family Tree

> take medicine bottle. drop it. e.

Lawn Ornaments

> enter roller. w.

Family Tree

The roller cracks open the medicine bottle.

> turn off roller. out. take tablet. (+4)

> se. e.

Beside the Wall

> x shrub. x wall.

> push tub. (found hatch)

> open hatch. d.

🐭 Explore the cellars. Get attic key.

Wine Cellars

> u. (can't go back up. too steep)

> close torch. (You need light again.)

> w.


> x vent. x mouse.

> mouse, s. (It can follow orders like that.)

> s.

Cellars South

> mouse, w. (It enters the hole, but now can't hear you.)

The trick is to talk to the hole itself now. You don't know this maze's layout except by trial and error.

> hole, w.

> hole, w.

> hole, w.

> hole, n.

> hole, w.

> hole, n. (The mouse finds and takes the key!)

> hole, s.

> hole, e.

> hole, s.

> hole, e.

> hole, e.

> hole, e.

> hole, e.

The mouse emerges from the hole and drops the brass attic key.

> x brass key. take it.

> n. w.

Cellar West

> x door. (ultimate locked door)

> d.

Hellish Place

A demon offers you three hints. Tell him what you want to know, or show him something to get the hint.

Except who needs hints when you're following a walkthrough? Just know that the demon's hints are all lies and evaluate them on that basis.

> x demon.

> u. e.


Alas, the dumbwaiter is the only way out of here.

> turn off wheel. turn wheel. (dumbwaiter arrives.)

> enter dumbwaiter. pull ropes. (+3)

Dark Shaft

There's a dark corridor north.

> out. n.

Dark Passage

> x door. (The coal dust is making you unable to concentrate on anything.)

> s. enter waiter. pull ropes.

🔦 Resume exploring the attic once more. Get new battery, gold key, clover, mask, painting, gothic key, sooty stick, prayer book.

Storage Room

> out. w. s. s. se. e.

East Annexe

You must be wearing the gloves to interact with the insulation rolls.

> x rolls. (+3: found a new battery)

> take new battery.

> s.

Dead End

Remembering Alison's entry in the History:

> push south wall. (+10; it opens!)

> s.

Alison's Writing Room

> x mirror.

> get in bed. sleep. (no: need a blanket)

> stand.

> open window. (It's stuck.)

> hit window. (The paint breaks and the windows open.)

> s.

Tiny Balcony

> x sill. search sill. look.

> take gold key. (+4)

> unlock jewellery box with gold key. open it.

> x clover. take it.

Change that torch battery while you're somewhere lit.

> open torch. take old battery. take new battery.

> put new battery in torch. close torch. (+7)

> n. n. n. n.

Inside Cupboard

> x painting. look up Isaac in History.

> take painting. (fireplace found)

> x fireplace. (empty)

> take mask.

> x skylight. turn crank. (The skylight opens.)

> u. nw.


> take key. (Instead, a ghost swallows it.)

> x ghost. (You think it's Sir Joshua Meldrewe.)

> look up Joshua in History. (You learn he choked to death on a chicken bone.)

> give wishbone to Joshua. (+7. He re-chokes, fades, and the key falls into a chimney.)

> se. d. w.


> take stick. (no room to do that!)

> d. (too narrow for you right now)

> e.

Inside Cupboard

To go down the chimney, you must not be carrying anything. With the skylight open, you can see here without the torch.

> take torch. put it in fireplace.

> take attic key. put it in fireplace.

> drop all. w. d. (+5)

Priest's Hole

Note: You can only go back up when carrying nothing, so let's hope you can get this door open.

> x door. x book. (look up by year)

> take all. (+4 for the gothic key)

From the History, you know that Isaac lived from 1705 to 1792.

> look up 1792. (Claims Merlyn bound the back garden with Rods of Power. The Rods are disguised until waved by someone wearing Merlyn's hat.)

Do you remember seeing yellowish Merlyn's hat daisies mentioned on the calendar's February page? Is that what Isaac meant?

> unlock hatch with attic key.

> open hatch. look. (You see a chute going downward.)

> d. (You land in...)

Cellar West

There's no evidence of a chute at this end. Get back to the cupboard:

> e. turn wheel. enter waiter. pull rope. g.

> out. w. s. s. se. e. n.

Inside Cupboard

> put all in sack. take sack. take all.

Revisit Jemima:

> s. w. nw. n. n. w. w.

Potting Room

> take box chocolates. give it to Jemima. (+3)

Jemima says it's your turn for a daisy chain and she asks what colour you'd like.

> say yellow. (She tells you to come back later.)

> e. e. s. s. se. s. s.

Souvenirs Room

> x projector. (has switch, slot, and dial)

> take Ace. put Ace in slot. turn on projector.

The projection looks quite real.

> turn dial. (A white beam projects backwards and north!)

> n.

Disused Observatory

You note that the beam hits the glass ball, then bends to hit Aquarius in the mural.

> s. s.

♒ Enter the Ace of Cups. Put a ship into a bottle. Get a branch, spar, and flag.

Cups and Glasses

While you're in here, something is happening outside the skylight. You hear men talking.

> x crates. (You acquire a model ship.)

> x bottle. take it. (You hear "accursed Meldrew".)

> x door. (You see a bar.)

> open door. (locked)

> x ship. pull anchor. (It folds up into sticks.)

> put sticks in mounted bottle. (+3. The ship unfolds inside.)

> x ship. (You feel sea-sick. You're now...)

Aboard Ship

> look. fore.

Prow of the Lady Magdalena

> take branch. aft. up.

Up the Mast

> x flag. take it. (It won't pull away from the pole.)

> x pole. (It juts to port.)

> port. (+6. The pole breaks and you fall, but the flag saves you like a parachute.)

Aboard Ship

> look. take spar and flag. x spar.

> aft.


> turn wheel. (unwinding it)

> climb chain. (You arrive back at...)

Souvenirs Room

Note: You are unable to visit the ship again. Each card can only be used once.

> take Ace. (The south wall is now blank.)

Now that you have the flag, return to Alison's Writing Room:

> n. n. e. s. s.

🛏️ Have a melancholy dream. Learn how to use a Rod. Foresee the Octagon.

Alison's Writing Room

> take flag. put flag on bed.

> get on bed. sleep. (+5)

Melancholy Dream

> i. (You carry nothing.)

A ghostly man strikes a mahogony staff on the ground, and points it at the walls. Now green flurries jump around you! He fades away.

> x green. (You watch them for an hour.)

> nors. (You don't get anywhere.)

> x barrier. (indistinct)

> eord.

Solid Sand

> eord.

Octagonal Tomb

> x hieroglyphics.

> turn wheel. (moves only a little, but it's having an effect elsewhere)

> pinch me. (You wake.)

🔦 Get daisy chain from Jemima.

Alison's Writing Room

> out. n. n. w. nw. n. n. w. w.

Potting Room

> z. (+2. Jemima puts the daisy chain on your neck.)

> x chain. e.

Aunt Jemima's Lair

Isaac said to wave disguised Rods while wearing Merlyn's hat. Test that.

> take spar. wave it. (+6: it's a rod!)

> x rod. (But it's unlabeled. That could be a serious problem if you have more than one rod.)

Hm. That first part of the last dream looked like the Dark Passage where coal dust was giving you trouble. But you have a gas mask now, so return there.

> e. e.

Storage Room

> enter waiter. pull rope. g.

Dark Shaft

> out. wear mask. n.

Dark Passage

> unlock door with attic key. (+10, but it's for the recess that's now open because you turned that wheel in the dream)

> open door. n.

Garden Stream

Ah. That's one way back to the garden, at least.

> s.

Dark Passage

The recess to the east is only open because you turned that wheel in your melancholy dream.

> e. e.

The Octagon

> remove mask.

> x sketch. take it.

> open frame. look. (A letter falls also.)

> take sketch. (+4)

> take letter. read it. (translates several pictograms)

> take scroll. x it. (summon priestess of Apollo with music)

> x vent. (cellars on other side)

> x coffin. ("All the god things through this")

> i. (make sure you're still wearing the gloves)

> open coffin.

> take rod. put rod in coffin.

> close coffin. open coffin. (Rod of Returning)

> take Returning. (+7)

So THIS is how you can label the Rods!

You have two more disguised rods on you.

> take sooty stick. wave it. (+6: it's a rod!)

> put it in coffin. close coffin.

> open coffin. take Fire.

> take clover. wave it. (+6: it's a rod!)

> put it in coffin. close coffin.

> open coffin. take Luck.

The Rod of Returning is the most useful one. Use it on yourself to return from anywhere or anywhen to one of four attic locations chosen at random: Old Winery, Attic, Old Furniture, or Over the East Wing.

The Rod of Fire shoots out flames. It's an arsonist's dream come true and it's very dangerous.

The Rod of Luck doesn't seem to do anything, but you will fix that later. Moving on.

> se.

White Hallway

> look in stand. take sceptre. x it.

> wave it. (It's not a rod.)

> take Isaac. put Isaac on hook.

> s. u.

Servant's Room

Return to the Souvenirs Room and try the other Tarot cards in the projector.

> w. s. se. s. s.

♑ Enter the Fool.

Souvenirs Room

> take Fool. put it in slot. n. (+3)

Disused Observatory

The beam hits Capricorn and the smoke detector. You hear a loud noise to the east, which you'll investigate soon, but not immediately.

> s. s.

Souvenirs Room

You fall off a cliff and die. But no, you're back here.

> take Fool.

♓ Enter the Drowned Sailor.

Souvenirs Room

> take Sailor. put it in slot. n.

Disused Observatory

The beam hits Pisces.

> s. s.

Souvenirs Room

You drown. But no, you're back here.

> take Sailor.

♋ Enter the Grim Reaper.

Souvenirs Room

> take Reaper. put it in slot. n.

Disused Observatory

The beam hits Cancer.

> s. s.

Souvenirs Room

The Reaper reaps you. But no, you're back here.

> take Reaper.

Time to investigate what that Fool did.

> n. n. e. s.

📰 Explore the region northeast of the house. Get nuts.

Dead End

A hatchway has opened in the east wall. Should we still be calling this location a Dead End? It has three exits now!

> e. (You descend a ladder to...)

Beside the Drive

> ne. n.

Stone Cross

> x memorial. look up Gerard in History.

> x church. (barred on other side)

> x pub. ("Goat and Compasses")

> x Evans. x mascot. (It's a Crescent Moon.)

> x newspaper.

> ask Evans about ANYTHING. (He's busy doing his form.)

> s. d.


> x bird. x nuts. (Bird won't let you near them.)

> blow whistle. (no effect: The bird is deaf.)

> wave branch. (Pollen repels the bird.)

> take nuts. (+4)

> nw. (one-way path to Mosaic)


Hm, what did that other exit from White Hallway lead to?

> w. w. se. s. e. e. se. ne.

🐿️ Explore the region east of the house. Get mallet and watch.

Bricked Path

> e.


> blow whistle. (Sparrows swoop down, but lose interest.)

> n.

Summer House

> take mallet.

> x gold chain. (it's a watch)

> blow whistle. (Sparrows can't hear you from here when they're up in the sky.)

> s. (The sparrows settle down again.)


> e.

Croquet Lawn

> x pegorx hoops.

> take ball. drop ball.

> hit ball with mallet. (It hits the hedge, annoys a squirrel, and a northwestern gap in the hedge is revealed. The ball is gone.)

> nw. (+5)

Behind Summer House

> x squirrel. x crack.

> pull board. (can't: The squirrel nips you.)

> show nuts to squirrel.

> put nuts in crack. (The squirrel tears down the board and goes after them.)

> s.

Summer House

This time, the sparrows didn't fly away when you entered.

> blow whistle. (+7. Sparrows batter glass. Watch falls. Squirrel bolts. Sparrows fly.)

> take watch. x watch.

> n. w.

📰 Return to Old Evans. Get Crescent Moon.


Return to Old Evans:

> take Returning. strike it. (+5)

> point it at me.

(random attic location)

Go to East Annexe:

East Annexe

Continue going to Evans:

> s. e. ne. n.

Stone Cross

> take watch. hypnotise Evans.

> ask Evans for Moon. (+3)

> strike Returning. point it at me.

(random attic location)

Go to Souvenirs Room:

🌙 Enter the Crescent Moon.

Souvenirs Room

> put Moon in slot. n.

Disused Observatory

The beam makes a crescent on the wall.

> s. s.

Parish Church

> x moonstone. (has iron rings set in it)

> open it. (too heavy)

> w.

West Side Chapel

> x statue. e. e.

East Side Chapel

> x Diana. look up Diana in dictionary.

> w. u.

Bell Tower

> pull ropes. (amateur peal)

> d. s. (unbarring the church door)

Stone Cross

> x Evans.

Return to Souvenirs Room:

> s. sw. u. n. w. s. s.

Souvenirs Room

> take Moon.

♏ Enter the miniature. Edit the hedge maze. Get bean pole.

Souvenirs Room

> get miniature. put it in slot. n.

Disused Observatory

The beam hits Scorpio.

> s. s. (+5)


CAUTION: Do NOT take the bean pole right away! It's the only thing holding the Folly up!

> x pole. x folly.

Travel to the southeast corner of the Maze Foundations:

> e. e. e. e. e. e. e. e.

> s. s. s. s.

Maze Foundations (outlined in whitewash)

This patch of grass is marked in whitewash and where you want to get to in your own time period. You should leave it alone in this time period.

Make one step west from here.

> w.

Maze Foundtaion (one step west from the southeast corner)

You should be on a seed bed, with a seedbed north and a fence south. I hope you're still wearing the gloves.

> take weed killer. squeeze it.

Head back to the Folly:

> n. n. n. n.

> w. w. w. w. w. w. w.


> take Returning. strike it.

> take bean pole.

> point Returning at me.

(random attic location)

Souvenirs Room

> take miniature.

🗺️ Enter the map of Hamburg. Get Tarot box, four Tarot cards, matchbook, smooth stone, papyrus fragment, crook.

Souvenirs Room

You still remember the number from the postcard, yes?

> take map. look up 1420 in map. (+5)

You remember visiting a museum of arcana on Meldreustrasse. The curator, Doktor Stein, hypnotised you...

Museum Foyer

> x publicity poster. ("Cults of the Druids")

> ne.

Revolving Door

> push door. (You make a complete circle.)

> sw.

Museum Foyer

> s. (You're scanned, then barriers fall. You retreat. The barriers recede.)

You're carrying something the barriers don't like. Which is everything. Now you could drop everything and go south, but there's a better way.

> push door. (Something's inside this section of door.)

> ne.

Revolving Door

> x beach ball. take it. (too cumbersome)

> push beach ball sw.

Museum Foyer

> push beach ball south. (+3)

Hall of Exhibits

The beach ball is destroyed, but you got your inventory past the barriers.

> x still life. (of seedling on table, surrounded by rusty iron rod, bottle, lamp, and keys.)

> take Tarot box. open it.

> x castle. x star. x wands. x maiden.

> w.

Dark Staircase

> x matchbook. take it.

> d. (vision of druids watching you makes you retreat)

> listen. look up Eumenides in dictionary.

> e. e.

Cabinet Room

You must have the torch to see anything in this dark room.

> x cabinet. x stone. (too dark to see much inside the cabinet)

> break cabinet. take all from cabinet. (+4 for the stone)

> x stone. (Around a star motif are "nog", "er", "ska", and "iw". Treated metal in the top.)

> x fragment. (".<anoppe> an-spe : ska er nog-er an-ge : to-ro-ma ka ur Al-x-an-dr u bir ka ur-a an-ge ur")

Ready your rod but don't use it yet.

> take Returning. strike it.

By now, or very soon, Doktor Stein and robed figures grab you. He says this was prophesied, then force feeds you a violet pill. You're dragged to...

Coven Cell

Eat the antidote immediately. Otherwise, the violet pill makes you lose the will to do anything. And Stein will return very soon regardless.

> eat red tablet. take crook.

> point Returning at me.

(random attic location)

Souvenirs Room

The map of Hamburg is now a souvenir, like the ship-in-a-bottle.

🌳 Revisit the maze. Get a stone rose.

Souvenirs Room

The Souvenirs Room has become your base of operations in the attic, but now it's time to revisit the hedge maze and see if it's different now. I think the quickest way to the gardens from here is via the fire escape and hollow.

> n. n. e. s. e. ne. d. nw. w. w.

Family Tree

> u.

Up the Plane Tree

> x maze. (yes, you can now reach the southeast corner)

> d.

Family Tree

> get in roller. turn it on.

> n. n. e. e. e. (+5)

Patio in Maze

> turn off roller. out.

> x rose. take it.

> d.


> x mural. (of wise man following a star. He has an attractive woman and a bundle of wands.)

Star, woman, wands. Don't you have Tarot cards like that? And a card reading also uses three cards. You should return to Unreal City.

It's time to use that LAGACH word that you heard the Druid use in your first dream. It works on large flat artworks like this one, or the mosaic, Helene's mural, etc. But you can't just say the word. You must address the artwork, as if you're commanding it to do something.

> mural, lagach.

📖 Revisit Unreal City. Get a quarterstaff.


> w. u.

Consulting Room

> take wands. put it on deck.

> take maiden. put it on deck.

> take star. put it on deck.

> push bell.

Madame Sosostris is surprised to see you after so many centuries, but gives you the staff you left with her. Huh?

Unreal City

> x staff. (an oak quarterstaff)

> n. u.

Consulting Room

> take all cards.

> d. e.


> mural, lagach.

Hall of Exhibits

> still life, lagach.

White Hallway

> nw.

🔦 Identify three more Rods.

The Octagon

You're still wearing the gloves, I hope? Don't want you to get electrocuted.

> take bean pole. wave it. (+6)

> put it in coffin. close coffin. open it.

> take Stalking.

> take crook. wave it. (+6)

> put it in coffin. close coffin. open it.

> take Husbandry.

> take staff. wave it. (+6)

> put it in coffin. close coffin. open it.

> take Bronze.

In brief, the Rod of Stalking makes plants grow, the Rod of Husbandry makes farm animals more agreeable, and the Rod of Bronze does whatever it wants to with bronze objects.

Return to the gardens:

> se.

White Hallway

> painting, lagach.

🌳 Climb a beanstalk.


> w. w.

Family Tree

> strike Stalking. point it at tree. (It shakes, but it's as grown as it gets.)

> w. s.

Vegetable Garden

> strike Stalking. point it at plant. ENTER (beanstalk!)

> u. n.

Heavenly Place

Like her counterpart in the Hellish Place, the angel also offers three hints. She won't lie like the demon does, but that doesn't mean her hints are any more helpful.

> x angel.

> s. d. n. e. se. e.

Beside the Wall

> strike Stalking. point it at shrub. (pretty)

Since you can use LAGACH to reach the Crypt, do that and put the roller back in the garage. Just in case you ever want to use the roller again.

> w. nw. e. e.


> mosaic, lagach.


> u.

Patio in Maze

> get in roller. turn it on.

> w. w. w. s. s. w. w.


> turn off roller.

> out. e. e. e. e.


> mosaic, lagach.

💀 Explore under the Crypt. Get wrought iron key, orb.


> take Rod of Bronze. strike it.

> point it at mural. (The mural slides, revealing a downward passage.)

> d.

Jagged Passage

> take key. x it. (figure-eight, ultimate in keys)

> e. e.


> x tombstone. ("Henri Maladreue, obit mcdlvi")

> look up Henri in History.

> w. w. s.


> smell. smell. (+6: you find a staircase)

> d. (+5)

Universe Maintenance Room

CAUTION: Leave the dial alone!

> x dial. (ħ = 1.055)

> x switch. (on = Determinism; off = Chance; currently on.)

To make the Rod of Luck work:

> turn switch off. (Now off, at Chance.)

> u. w.

Contraption Room

> x sheet.

> x panel. (Move letters by sliding them one at a time.)

From Henri's entry in the History, I deduce you want HENRI down the left side and BLACK POST down the right. You can elegantly solve this in only 10 moves:

> slide I. slide K. slide C.

> slide A. slide N. slide E.

> slide L. slide O. slide S.

> slide T. (+15. Something was flung up out the hole.)

> strike bronze rod.

> point it at metal wall. (It shines like a mirror.)

> n. (+6)

Contraption Reflection

> x panel. (It's reversed, of course.)

> e. (Can't actually exit.)

This location seems to have no purpose. Explain it to me, if you can.

> s. e. n. n.

Crypt; Bohemia; Hall of Exhibits; White Hallway

The orb will be at Lawn Ornaments. Use Lagach until you reach the Mosaic.:

> mural, lagach.

> mural, lagach.

> still life, lagach.

> painting, lagach.


> w.

Lawn Ornaments

> take orb. (+4)

> x it.

Resist the obvious hint to rub the orb, and instead head back to the Souvenirs Room:

> take Returning. strike it. point it at me.

(random attic location)

🏰 Enter the Castle. Get timer.

Souvenirs Room

> get Castle. put it in slot. n.

Disused Observatory

The beam is now like a strobe light.

> s. s. (+5)

Ruined Castle Cafe

> look under table. (There's a bomb! Four wires are plugged in.)

> x wire. (They're green, red, blue, and black.)

Do you remember the scarf colours? They were royal blue, emerald, dark grey, and scarlet. Perhaps pull the wires in the same order as the scarf stripes?

> pull blue wire.

> pull green wire.

> pull black wire.

> pull red wire.

CAUTION: If you take the bomb, someone sees it and screams and you're imprisoned for 25 years.

So, um, wait for the countdown to finish?

> z. z. z. z. z.

When the timer runs out, you automatically take the timer and hide everything else under the table.

You're done here.

> take Returning. strike it. point it at me.

(random attic location)

Souvenirs Room

> take Castle.

♍ Enter the Maiden. Get the coin, pan pipes, inscribed stone, gem, fig, dessert, hairband, and digging coordinates.

Souvenirs Room

CAUTION: The Maiden's region is large and you need to do it all in one go before returning to Meldrew Hall. You need to have the Rod of Returning, the Rod of Fire, the Rod of Luck (working), the Rod of Husbandry, and the Rod of Stalking (just in case).

So maybe save first?

> take Maiden. put it in slot. n.

Disused Observatory

The beam hits Virgo.

> s. s.

Sea Shore

> x Andromeda. (wears only a hairband)

> ask Andromeda about ANYTHING. (She hisses back an insult in Greek.)

> x hairband.

> look up Andromeda in dictionary.

> u. e. s.

Wall of Thorns

> get Fire. strike it. point it at thorns.

> s.

Sacred Earth

You must have previously set the switch to Chance in the Universe Maintenance Room for the Rod of Luck to work.

> get Luck. strike it. point it at me.

> s. (+5. Zeus hurls a thunderbolt at you, and lucky for you, he misses.)

Temple of Zeus

> x coin. take it.

> sw.

West Cloister

> x symbol. (It must mean "season".)

> se.

Inner Sanctum

> x Homer. look up Homer in dictionary.

> look up syrinx in dictionry.

> ne.

East Cloister

Using the dog-eared letter, you can translate most of the inscriptions.

> x pumice. take it. (+4)

> sw. n.

Cross Centre

I translate these inscriptions as "move the gods through this."

> x inscriptions. ("ka-i ur-a re-im ka an-ge")

> nw.

Northwest Cross

> look up Dionysus in dictionary. (god of wine)

> se. ne.

Northeast Cross

> look up Demeter in dictionary. (goddess of plenty)

> sw. se.

Southeast Cross

> look up Ares in dictionary. (god of war)

> nw. sw.

Southwest Cross

> look up Poseidon in dictionary. (god of sea)

Push Poseidon to the Northeast Cross:

> push Poseidon ne. g.

Northeast Cross

Push Demeter to the Northwest Cross:

> push Demeter sw. push Demeter nw.

Northwest Cross

Push Dionysus to the Southwest Cross:

> push Dionysus se. push Dionysus sw. (+3; you hear stone moving)

Southwest Cross

> ne.

Cross Centre

There's a new opening in the floor.

> put pumice in opening. d.


The inscribed stone in the opening stops the walls from crushing you when you take the gem.

> x gem. take it. (+4)

> look up Galita in dictionary.

> u.

Cross Centre

> take pumice. s.

Inner Sanctum

Homer will ask three trivia questions. If you look up the answers in the dictionary, he claims you're cheating and goes back to sleep. But he can't see you using a walkthrough!

> wake Homer.

"Who is the brother of Menelaus?"

> say Agamemnon.

"Who rules Alexandria after Alexander?"

> say Ptolemy.

"What's your favorite color?"

> say yellow. (+6: You get the syrinx.)

> nw. ne. n. n. n.

Clifftop Walk

> e. (The goats block you.)

> take Husbandry. strike it. point it at goats.

> e. (The goats let you go by.)

Outside Taverna

> x tree. x fig. take fig.

> s. (+5)

Eraina Taverna

> x dessert. x bartender.

> give coin to bartender. take dessert. (+4)

> n. w. w. d.

Sea Shore

> give dessert to Andromeda. (She gives her hairband to you as thanks.)

> u. sw.

Cave Mouth

> x stone. (It's Omphalos.)

> look up Omphalos in dictionary.

Do you remember the ragged scroll you found in The Octagon, suggesting that a priestess of Apollo can be summoned with music?

> play pipes. (+3)

Apollo himself briefly greets you. Then the Oracle enters. Note: The Oracle won't speak until after you put an appropriate offering into the urn.

> put fig in urn. ask Oracle about me.

The Oracle's first stanza is about some number of paces and some other number of paces "when six arches have stood sixty years". Remember the two pacing numbers; they're digging coordinates for the Croquet Lawn! The shade she mentions refers to the ghost of Sir Joshua.

The Oracle has two more stanzas to say if you can fetch more figs for the urn. But only this first stanza is critical.

> ne. e. e. take fig. w. w. sw.

> put fig in urn. ask Oracle about me.

The Oracle's second stanza is about preventing the Castle bomb from exploding by using the scarf.

> ne. e. e. take fig. w. w. sw.

> put fig in urn. ask Oracle about me.

The Oracle's third stanza is about the red tablet being the antidote to the Druids' violet pill.

There is no fourth stanza. You're done here.

> get Returning. strike it. point it at me.

(random attic location)

Souvenirs Room

> take Maiden.

⭐ Enter the Star. Save Andromeda.

Souvenirs Room

> take Wands. put it in slot. n.

Disused Observatory

The beam is just a straight rod of light.

> s. s.

Souvenirs Room

The Eight of Wands isn't enterable. Try the Star next.

> take Wands. take Star. put Star in slot. n.

Disused Observatory

Now the beam is a yellow searchlight.

> s. s. (+5)


> x device. (empty)

> d.

Greek Frieze

It's important that you see the frieze. You'll need to use Lagach to get back here later.

> x frieze. (from 5th century BC)

> u.


> take flash. open it.

> take red battery. put it in flash.

> take timer. put it in flash.

> set timer. close flash.

> put flash in device.

Now just wait. Don't try to leave in any way.

> z. z. z. z. z. z. z. z. (+50)

The flash makes a huge blast of light, attracting the Kraken to you, and you both die. But goddesses resurrect you. You're now at...

Family Tree

> i. (uh-oh. You only have the daisy chain.)

> e. e.

Mosaic; Crypt; Bohemia; Hall of Exhibits; White Hallway

> mosaic, lagach.

> mural, lagach.

> mural, lagach.

> still life, lagach.

> painting, lagach.

Greek Frieze

> u.


> take sack. wear gloves. take all.

> take Returning. strike it. point it at me.

(random attic location)

Souvenirs Room

> take Star.

❎ Return to the Octagon and Croquet Lawn. Identify two more Rods. Get astrolabe.

Souvenirs Room

Head for the Octagon:

> n. n. nw. n. e. d. d. nw.

The Octagon

You did put those gloves back on, yes?

> take hairband. wave it. (+6: it's a Rod!)

> put it in coffin. close coffin. open it.

> take Sacrifice.

> take Wands. wave it. (+6: it's a Rod!)

> put it in coffin. close coffin. open it.

> take Infinity.

What can I say about these two Rods? The Rod of Sacrifice may act like a disintegration gun, but it's not the Rod of Disintegration; it sacrifices things. And the Rod of Infinity does whatever it wants to do with anything infinite, which is somehow hideously powerful, nearly useless, and maddeningly vague all at the same time.

Return to the Croquet Lawn:

> se. ne. e. e.

Croquet Lawn

I hope you rememebered the two numbers that the Oracle told you. The first-number is always a east-west coordinate and the second-number is a north-south coordinate. If east and north don't work, you may have to dig at west and north, east and south, or west and south instead. But it's probably east and north.

> take spade. go to peg.

> pace FIRST-NUMBER east.

> pace SECOND-NUMBER north.

> dig. (+8)

> look in hole. take strongbox.

> unlock it with gothic key.

> open it. x astrolabe. (It measures altitudes.)

> take astrolabe. (+4)

> look in astrolabe. (brief view of something grey, angular and tall)

Return to the Souvenirs Room:

> take Returning. strike it. point it at me.

(random attic location)

♌ Enter the sketch. Get cloak, green quarterstaff, rusty key, heart.

Souvenirs Room

> take sketch. put it in slot. n.

Disused Observatory

The beam hits Leo.

> s. s.


> se.


> sw.


> s.

XIIth Dynasty Pyramid

> x writings.

Remember 361 for later. Also the anointing with oil part. Also, these writings are now part of your Lagach chain, so you can now return to Alexandria via LAGACH if you ever leave it.

> smell.

> n.


> blow whistle. (The birds point out a tombstone.)

> x tombstone. ("GALITA"; has open socket mouth)

> look. take cloak. x cloak.

> take gem. put gem in mouth. (tomb opens)

> d. (+5)

The Height of Fashion

> x couch. x sphinxes.

> w.

This Is The Death

> x animal. take it.

> e.

The Height of Fashion

> get on couch. sleep. (+5)

The Spirit World (centuries old)

Same place with sphinxes and doorway, but centuries later. The exit is sealed.

> i. (You have no inventory.)

> get on couch. sleep.

The Spirit World (thousand years old)

> get on couch. sleep.

The Spirit World (quite ancient)

> get on couch. sleep.

The Spirit World (2000 years old)

> z. z. z. z.

French officers enter.

> x officers. (from 1798)

> z. z. z. (Eventually they tweak a sphinx nose and hear a rumbling! They go west to investigate.)

Everytime you go west in The Spirit World, the sphinxes strip 500 years off you.

> stand. w.

> stand. w.

> stand. w.

> stand. w.

The Height of Fashion

> stand. turn nose. (+3)

> w. w. (+5)

Quite an Undertaking

> x coffin. x painting. (features Sosostris with sceptre and grey cloak)

> ne. look. take oak. x it.

> x first socket. ("thu")

> x second. ("thu")

> x third. ("thu")

You're not ready for the sockets until you know what the words above them mean. Come back here later.

> e. e. u. ne. se.

A Tower

> open door. (It won't open.)

> knock on door. ("Sosostris, the Priest of Sosostris")

Did you notice that the cloak has a grey lining?

> turn cloak. (Inside-out, it's now a grey cloak with a rainbow lining.)

> wear it.

> open door. u. (+5)

Consulting Room (in Alexandria)

> x Madame.

> take oak. put it on table. (+3)

She starts incantations and says to return in 2000 years. She gives you something before hustling you out.

A Tower

> i. x keepsake. (it's a locket)

> nw. nw. n.

Island of Pharos

> x grating. x key. (rusty iron key)

> take smooth stone. put it on grating.

The stone attracts the key. The stone must be magnetized. Now just wait a few (or several) turns...

> z. z. z.

Eventually, a wave moves the stone. (+3)

> s. se.


If you like, stop here and wait and watch the entire procession. It loops and never ends, so you can watch it at any time.

> ne. (blocked)

Unfortunately, the procession is always in the way here. But you can join the procession if you look like you belong.

> remove cloak. turn it. (It's now a coat of many colours again.)

> wear cloak. ne.

Outside the Royal Museum

> se. (They won't let you in, and not because of the cloak.)

> x reliefs. (of the Cat.)

Oh. You need to bring Austin here. That explains the "Leo" connection too.

> ne.


Nothing for you here.

> sw. n.

Outside the Theatre

> w. (+5)

Warehouses and Port

The smooth stone and rusty key landed here.

> take stone and key. (+4 for the stone again. Oops.)

> x die. roll die. g. g. g.

The die is labelled with six words for the numbers one to six. If you roll the die then wait for the sailor to roll the die, he will grin if his roll is higher, sigh if his roll is lower, or shrug if they're the same.

So, after many many rolls of the die, you can eventually learn that THU means 1, ZAI means 2, SI means 3, CA means 4, MACH means 5, and HUTH means 6.

Fortunately, you're reading a walkthrough and you don't have to do all that die-rolling yourself!

Return to the Island of Pharos:

> e. s. sw. nw. n.

Island of Pharos

> unlock grating with rusty key.

> open grating. d. (+5)


> enter skiff. (find an adamantine heart)

> take heart.

> sail. z. z.

♌ Revisit Alexandria with Austin. Anoint yourself. Get spindle, two tubes, mystic scroll, sash, skull.

Garden Stream

While you can return to Alexandria by sailing in the skiff again, you need to first get Austin there.

> out.

> take Returning. strike it. point it at me.

(random attic location)

I now need you to go to wherever Austin is. By now, he's probably wandered into the Disused Observatory and stopped there because of the beam of light. For this walkthrough, I'm going to assume Austin is there.

Disused Observatory

> x Austin. (He doesn't like to be pushed, hint hint)

> push Austin south.

Souvenirs Room

Unfortunately, you can't just push Austin into the south wall. You need another trick, and if you never saw Austin and Aunt Jemima together in the Potting Room, you also never saw Jemima jump to make Austin jump out of the room.

Yes, I admit I needed help with this one.

> jump. (+3. Austin jumps into Alexandria!)

You can't re-enter the card yourself. You need to either use LAGACH from either the Mosaic or Mad Isaac's painting, or sail in the skiff in the Garden to get back to Alexandria.

Or... You could LAGACH from Bohemia in Unreal City. That poetry book should still be in Library Storage. I think that's the quickest way back from here?

> n. w.

Library Storage

> read poetry.

Unreal City

> n. e.

Bohemia; Hall of Exhibits

> mural, lagach.

> still life, lagach.

XIIth Dynasty Pyramid

> n. ne. nw.


Austin has been waiting here and now he'll uncharacteristically follow you. You still have the cloak of many colours on, yes?

> se. ne. se. (+5; Austin starts a new life.)

The Birdcage of the Muses

> x pigeonhole. s.

Oil Room

> oil me.

> n.

The Birdcage of the Muses

A messenger-boy puts some tubes into the pigeonhole. If you haven't seen him yet, wait until he shows up.

> take all from hole.

> look in alpha. (a scroll bearing an epic poem)

> read epic.

> look in kappa. (a scroll bearing a short poem)

> read short poem.

> se.

Geography Room

> x globe. take spindle. x spindle.

> nw. e.

Reading Corridor

> look up Callimachus in dictionary. (famous for witty brief poem.)

Try mixing the scrolls.

> take short poem. put it in alpha.

> take epic. put it in kappa.

> give kappa to Callimachus. (He curses about "Apollonius" and stomps off.)

> look up Apollonius in dictionary. (epic poet)

> s.

Librarian's Office

table. Apollonius and Callimachus are arguing.

> give alpha to Apollonius. (+7)

> look. take mystic scroll. take sash.

> x mystic scroll. x sash. wear sash.

The sash is your way back into the museum without a cat, if you ever want to return here.

But now that you've anointed yourself with oil and know how to count to six, return to Quite an Undertaking:

> n. w. nw. sw. sw. d. w. w.

Quite an Undertaking

> take sceptre. put it in first socket.

The sockets spin to random settings, so this will be like rolling a die until you get just the number you want.

> turn it. (Repeat until it says "si")

> take sceptre. put it in second.

> turn it. (Repeat until it says "huth")

When the sockets read "si huth thu", the coffin lid opens. But only enter the coffin if you anointed yourself with oil!

> take sceptre.

> enter coffin. close it. close it.

The coffin is now sliding down the channel. You are...

Buried Alive

You cannot open the coffin, but you can just go up through it!

> u. (+15. Your spirit goes through the coffin and travels to...)


...and now you're solid again.

> i. x skull.

> w. w. n.

♌ Revisit Alexandria yet again. Get the Rod of Ice. Use the astrolabe.

Crypt; Bohemia; etc.

From the Crypt, make a short side trip to the Octagon before heading back to Alexandria.

> mural, lagach.

> mural, lagach.

> still life, lagach.

> writings, lagach.

> nw.

The Octagon

> take spindle. wave it. (+6: it's a Rod!)

> put it in coffin. close coffin. open it.

> take Ice.

The Rod of Ice just seems to chill things rather than make any ice. If you like turning hot tea into iced tea, this Rod is for you!

> se.

White Hallway; Greek Frieze; etc.

> painting, lagach.

> frieze, lagach.

> mosaic, lagach.

> mural, lagach.

> mural, lagach.

> still life, lagach.

XIIth Dynasty Pyramid

> n. ne. ne. n. n.

Outside the Royal Palace of Alexander

CAUTION: Going north into the palace while wearing the cloak of many colours is fatal!

> remove cloak. n. (+5)

Lost Inside the Palace

There's a deaf-mute slave at every intersection. If you're not wearing the sash, a slave will escort you out when you try to go anywhere.

> x slave.

Hopefully, by now, you've used the smooth stone, the dog-eared letter, and the inscribed stone to decipher what the papyrus fragment said. My translation: "To move through the house of Alexander to the [toroma], move northeast east south, say 'anoppe'."

> ne. e. s.

> anoppe. (+5. The "slave" leads you to...)

Palace Balustrade

> take astrolabe. put it on mounting.

> look through astrolabe. (You are drawn to...)

🌙 Back in the Church. Get a hand, then a High Rod.

Out on the Spire

> x clock.

> x hand. take it.

> d. d. w.

West Side Chapel

You have an adamantine statue and three adamantine body parts. Time to play Operation!, but using a wrench instead of tweezers.

> put heart in statue.

> take wrench.

> put hand in statue. tighten hand.

> put skull in statue. tighten skull.

> look. (needs a spark of life)

> take Fire. strike it. point it at statue. (+15)

The knight bows to you.

> point east. (The knight goes east.)

> e.

Parish Church

> point east. e.

East Side Chapel

> give rose to knight. (He is pleased.)

> show locket to knight. (+3. The knight places the rose in Diana's hair.)

> point west. w.

Parish Church

> point down. point at moonstone. (He has partial hearing now?)

> knight, open moonstone. (He does it!)

> d. (Not for mortals!)

> point down. (He changes into ... what?)

> look. (The High Rods of Life, Love, and Death are delicately balanced at the top of the slope.)

> x life rod. x love rod. x death rod.

You can pick only one, losing the other two. This walkthrough will choose Life, but you may make a different choice.

> take Life. (It's too hot to take!)

> take Ice. strike it. point it at Life.

> take Life. (You are warned about the delicate balance.)

> take Life. (+1)

> s.

Stone Cross

> take Moon. give it to Evans. (no: it's tarnished now.)

♟️ Fancy a game of chess? Make your orb glow.

Stone Cross

> take orb. rub orb. (You enter it, of course.)

Inside the Orb

> x images. g. g.

Eventually you realize you're looking at a chess game. White is trying to attack and must break out somehow. But Black looks safe.

The hint for this puzzle is hiding in Anton's entry in the History. He was a chessmaster famous for his sacrificial attacks. I bet you forgot all about Anton, didn't you?

> take Sacrifice. strike it.

CAUTION: Wait until it's White's turn. If you force Black to make a sacrifice play, you'll lose the game.

> z. (Repeat waiting until it's White's turn.)

> point Sacrifice at board. (+10)

White sacrifices a knight then checkmates Black. You automatically leave the orb and it's now pulsating.

♾️ Use the Rod of Infinity.

Stone Cross

Make a side trip to Library Storage and pick up the poetry book for later:

> s. sw. u. n. w. s. w.

Library Storage

> take poetry.

Return to Cellar West:

> e. n. e. s. e. ne. d. nw. w. w. se. e. d. w. w.

Cellar West

> unlock door with wrought key.

> open door. nw. (+5)

Infinity Symbol

CAUTION: If you put a Rod in a socket, you don't get it back. Unfortunately, it's the only way to proceed once you have ten Rods and the glowing orb.

When you insert the first Rod, a spherical opening appears in a wall.

> take returning. put it in arc.

> take fire. put it in arc.

> take ice. put it in arc.

> take stalking. put it in arc.

> take sacrifce. put it in arc.

> take luck. put it in arc.

> take husbandry. put it in arc.

> take bronze. put it in arc.

> take life. put it in arc. (+8)

> take orb. put it in opening.

> take infinity rod. strike it.

> point it at lemniscus. (Much magic. You're now at...)

⏳ Visit a Roman villa. Get a torch, daisy, sandals, die, two Rods, and the bluish stone.

Murky Cave

All of your inventory was left behind. But you have something new.

> i. x pamphlet. (re: monk called Gildas)

> take torch. w. d.

Hanging on Rope

> take daisy. (it's just a bit too far)

> swing rope. take daisy. (+4)

> wear daisy.

It may seem risky to wander the countryside with a lit torch in this time period, but don't worry. It's okay.

> u. e. ne. e. e.


> u. (You spot a man on the roof with a nasty sword and retreat before he sees you.)

> w. s.

Atrium Cloister

> take horn. wave it. (+6: It's the Rod of Language!)

> strike Rod. point it at me. (You now understand Celtic.)

> s.


This early version of the mosaic is not part of your Lagach chain probably because you're already linked to it in your own time.

> e.

Guard Quarters

> take all.

> x die. x sandals. wear sandals.

> w. w.


CAUTION: Don't enter the well until after you've learned that it's quite deep. Putting anything you don't need later into the well is the test. If you sacrifice the torch, you'll learn immediately from its dwindling light that the well is deep. For anything else, you need to wait to hear the splash far below.

> open cover. x well.

> put die in well.

> z. z. (You hear a splash.)

> e. s. (+5)


Entering this location triggers the approach of many men towards the villa. No one enters the villa until you visit this location.

CAUTION: If you go south into the courtyard, you're caught and killed, but staying isn't any better. You need to hide.

> n. w. d. (+4)

Inside Well

> e.


Wait here for several turns, listening to the Druids talk about their plans for the future.

> z. z. z. z. z. z. z. z. z. z. (Wait until the Druids above you leave.)

> w. u. (+5. You are captured and taken to a...)

Rough Tent

All your carried inventory is gone, but you should still have the daisy and the sandals if you're wearing them.

> i. n. x pole. take it. (can't)

A Saxon spy is thrown in. The central pole almost breaks.

> x spy. take pole. (+5)


> wave pole. (It's the Rod of Returning!)

> e. (+5. You cross the coals if you're wearing sandals.)

Beneath Dolmen

> take stone. (+4)

> strike rod. point rod at me. (You return to...)

📖 Revisit Unreal City yet again. Buy a map of Paris.

Infinity Symbol

You're back here. All your old stuff is here. The Rod of Returning was left behind. You can't use the Rod of Infinity again.

> wave bluish. (+6: It's now a fifty-franc note!)

> take sack. take all. wear daisy chain. wear gloves.

You need to revisit Unreal City now. If you have the poetry book handy, just read it again. Otherwise, get to the Mosaic and use Lagach until you're back in Bohemia.

> read poetry.

Unreal City

> e. d.


Alas, the Rod of Language didn't teach you any French, and you must use the French word for "map". Since the game doesn't tell you that it's "carte", you must look it up yourself, perhaps using Google Translate or an English-French dictionary.

> give franc to man.

> say carte. (+1. You get a map of Paris.)

> x Paris.

Once you have the map, the Druids' magic stops working. You can no longer use the magic word Lagach to get anywhere.

> u. w. w. enter boat.

On board the Phlebas

> say time.

🐵 Give a monkey to Old Evans. Then win the game.

Infinity Symbol

I'm not sure why Phlebas brings you here now, but it's fine. Return to Alison's Writing Room via the dumbwaiter:

> take poetry.

> se. e. turn wheel. enter waiter. pull rope. g. out.

> w. s. s. se. e. s. s.

Alison's Writing Room

> take model animal. x mirror. (The animal becomes a living mischievous-looking monkey who scampers off the balcony and down the footpath.)

Follow it!

> n. e. ne. n.

Stone Cross

Evans has a new pet monkey, and he's completely forgotten about his former mascot. Feel better now?

Assuming you have no unfinished business with the demon, angel, or Aunt Jemima, return to the Attic, where this game began:

> s. sw. u. n. w. nw. n.


> save. (No, really. You're five points short, and maybe you'll want to restore to this point and earn them.)

> d. (with the map of Paris)

*** You have won ***

> amusing

My solution, when I tested it, ends with 549 points, which is actually 5 points short because 4 points were erroneously awarded when I took the smooth stone at Warehouses and Port. The missing 5 points are actually the 5 BONUS points that the author takes away four turns after awarding them. Which means... if you really want those points, you have to avoid earning them in all the various ways that you can earn them (see trivia question 1) until just at the end, then get them, then race down from the attic before the author can take them away.

That's utterly mad, and it feels like cheating the system. I don't need those five points that badly, and I hope you don't either. If you must earn them, I suggest kissing Jemima or giving her the chocolate biscuit, then run to the Attic from there. You can just make it. But if you already earned and lost the bonus points earlier in the game, you're out of luck earning them now.



The response to AMUSING is a short menu with two items, but these lead to even more menus and I'm not willing to exhaustively spoil all of them. But I think these are the sections you most want to see:

Frivolous things to do

1. What are the "good but wrong guesses"?

2. How many songs does the radio play?

Eighty-one. The inspiration for the radio station came about when the author was driving at midnight through Oxfordshire and the local station played, in succession, the Moonlight Sonata, the Four Seasons, You Take My Breath Away and Gold. So the radio plays the 80 most hackneyed radio tunes the author could think of.

3. In what *** ways *** can the game end?

Not counting everyday death, winning or the various ways of almost but not quite coming to an end...

4. What are the secret ways to detect a Rod?

If magic, the daisy chain rustles (according to inventories) when you are carrying something which could turn into a rod if waved.

Likewise, the yellow daisy (from Roman Britain) twitches.

The vanity mirror does not reflect rods or things which become rods (unless you're so vain as to polish it, after which it reflects everything).

5. What can you see in the crystal ball?

Apart from the projector beam's effects, looking into the ball shows one of twelve little scenes, corresponding to the twelve main areas of the game.

6. Where are Dame Judi Dench and Donald Sutherland?

The angel and the demon bear a surprising resemblance to them.

Sadly, Donald Sutherland died a few days ago (as I write this). I'm slightly sorry now to have typecast him.

7. Explain the handkerchief initials and the graffiti.

Not only the title, but the plan and a good deal of the incidental symbolism of the Unreal City were taken from early poems of T. S. Eliot (which owed a bit to Baudelaire), and I recommend them (apart from the great interest of the poems themselves) to any who think such elucidation worth the trouble.

The handkerchief is not Jemima's but belongs to J. Alfred Prufrock (though cf. "The Waste Land" l. 178).

8. How many tarot cards are there altogether?

59. Nine can be carried, plus another 21 trumps and 29 plainer cards in the pack. I have obviously departed from the exact constitution of the Tarot pack (with which I am not familiar) to suit my own convenience.

9. How can the medicine bottle be opened?

10. What is the mascot for in the premonition?

Annoyance of the player: it's the biggest red herring in the game. It scores -50, the demon advises you to hang onto it at all times - and it was cursed.


The game makes use of ASCII art in two ways. One, to show the layout of the hedge maze when viewed from above; and two, to show pictograms representing ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics in the style of Infocom's Infidel.

  1. The hedge maze, in its original configuration, as seen from Up the Plane Tree. It is built from "###" and "..." trigraphs.
  2. The list of hieroglyphics in Ellingsworth's letter to Hartley.
    ::   and        #     the               #.    this
    :; but +*+ god/spirit? (()) all
    = of [] house/building ||| indicates plural
    -> through >>> moves <> item/thing?
    __ sits/lies/rests/is near / to/toward
  3. The hieroglyphics in the Octagonal Tomb. I translate them as "The wheel moves."
    # -o- >>>
  4. The hieroglyphics on the coffin in The Octagon. I translate them as "Put magic sticks into-this," where "magic" is literally "god-like".
    (()) #+*+ <>   ->#.
  5. The symbol on the bas relief of the seasons in West Cloister. This is just the word "season" four times:
    (---)  (---)  (---)  (---)
  6. The inscriptions on the inscribed stone. I translate both inscriptions as: "This house of the gods lies towards the [toroma], but the [toroma] moves through the seasons." Note that the ancient Greek is read from right-to-left. Does "toroma" mean "star" or "sun" or something else?
    #. [] = # +*+  __             an-ta re-im ka u bir ka-i
    | |
    / # -+- :; # -+- ka ne : to-ro-ma ka ur
    | |

    >>> -> # (---) .je-fe-im ka ur-a an-ge to-ro-ma

Box quotes

This game uses (at least) 52 box quotes, although six of them have no triggers that display them. I consulted Allen Garvin's reconstruction of the Curses source code for Release 16 when writing up this section.

The PLAIN command turns off the display of box quotes. The PRETTY command turns them back on again.

  1. When the game begins, this quote might be chosen at random:
    Let Rome in Tiber melt and the wide arch
    of the ranged empire fall! Here is my space.
    Kingdoms are clay.

    -- Shakespeare, "Antony and Cleopatra" I:1
  2. When the game begins, this quote might be chosen at random:
    Curses are like young chickens,
    they always come home to roost.
    -- Robert Southey (1774-1843),
    "The Curse of Kehama"
  3. When the game begins, this quote might be chosen at random:
    Nine times she waved the fluttering wimple round,
    And made a little plot of magic ground.
    And in that daisied circle, as men say,
    Is Merlin prisoner till the judgement day...

    -- Matthew Arnold, Tristram and Iseult III (1852)
  4. When you first take INVENTORY:
    Four be the things I'd been better without:
    Love, curiosity, freckles and doubt.

    -- Dorothy Parker, "Inventory"
  5. When the mouse first enters the hole:
    It seemed that the next minute they would discover
    a solution. Yet it was clear to both of them that
    the end was still far, far off, and that the
    hardest part was just beginning.

    -- Anton Chekhov, "The Lady with the Dog"
  6. When the mouse finds the attic key:
                               The mouse
    Behind the mouldering wainscot shrieked.

    -- Alfred, Lord Tennyson, "Mariana"
  7. When the mouse drops the attic key at Cellars South:
    Parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

    -- Horace, "Ars Poetica"
  8. When you first visit Sacred Earth:
    Zeus, whose will has marked for man
    A single way where wisdom lies
    Ordained one eternal plan:
    Man must suffer to be wise.

    -- Aeschylus, "Agamemnon"
  9. When you first use PRETTY:
    I might repeat to myself, slowly and soothingly,
    a list of quotations beautiful from minds profound;
    if I can remember any of the damn things.

    -- Dorothy Parker
  10. When you first point a charged Rod of Fire (or Sacrifice) at Austin:
    More ways of killing a cat
    than choking her with cream.

    -- Charles Kingsley
  11. When you first JUMP near Austin in Meldrew Hall:
    I would like to be there,
    were it but to see how the cat jumps.

    -- Sir Walter Scott
  12. When the electric torch runs out of power:
    Do not go gentle into that good night.
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

    -- Dylan Thomas
  13. When you first hear a splash in the Triclinium's well, after putting something non-lit into the well two turns earlier:
    No, 'tis not so deep as a well, nor so wide as
    a church door; but 'tis enough, 'twill serve.

    -- Shakespeare, "Romeo and Juliet"
  14. When the bomb is five minutes short of the red zone:
    ...I have just signed legislation that will outlaw
    Russia for ever. We begin bombing in five minutes.

    -- President Reagan, mistakenly believing the TV
    cameras were switched off
  15. When you first try to go any direction but aft from the Prow of the Lady Magdalena:
    What is a ship but a prison?

    -- Robert Burton (1577-1640)
  16. When you first try to turn the dial in the Universe Maintenance Room:
    The remarkable fact is that the values of these
    numbers seem to have been very finely adjusted
    to make possible the development of life.

    -- Stephen Hawking, "A Brief History of Time"
  17. When you first try to go anywhere while the carbolic soap exists:
    Remember that you are an Englishman, and have
    consequently won first prize in the lottery of life.

    -- Cecil Rhodes (1853-1902)
  18. When you first visit Dark Staircase:
    Les plus desesperes sont les chants les plus beaux
    Et j'en sais d'immortels quit sont de purs songlots.

    -- Alfred de Musset, "La Nuit de mai"
  19. When you first hit the wooden ball with the croquet mallet:
    There is no return game between a man and his stars.

    -- Samuel Beckett, "Murphy"
  20. When you first drop a Rod:
    Throw away thy rod,
    Throw away thy wrath:
    O my God.
    Take the gentle path.

    -- George Herbert, "Discipline"
  21. When you first say something to Aunt Jemima when she's sulking:
    Speak gently, she can hear
    The daisies grow.

    -- Oscar Wilde, "Requiescat"
  22. When you first get the default "another nobody" card reading:
    Too poor for a bribe, and too proud to importune
    He had not the method of making a fortune.

    -- Thomas Grey, "Sketch of His own Character"
  23. When you first try to move the huge moonstone in any way:
    Facilis descensus Averno:
    Noctes atque dies patet atri ianua Ditis;
    Sed revocare gradum superasque evadere ad auras,
    Hoc opus, hic labor est.

    -- Virgil, "The Aeneid" Book VI:126
  24. Unknown or missing trigger:
    We are the children of primeval night; we bear
    The name of Curses in our home deep under earth.

    -- Aeschylus, "The Eumenides"
  25. When you first polish the vanity mirror:
    Thou makest his beauty to consume away,
    Like as it were a moth fretting a garment:
    Every man therefore is but vanity.

    -- Psalms 39:12 (Book of Common Prayer version)
  26. When you first visit the Brick Path:
    White lilac bowed,
    Lost lanes of Queen Anne's lace
    And that high-builded cloud
    Moving at summer's pace.

    -- Philip Larkin, "Cut Grass"
  27. Unknown or missing trigger:
    At the end of the day victory belongs to the Curses,
    Who shout in shrill triumph
    Over the utter rout of the defeated house.

    -- Aeschylus, "Seven Against Thebes"
  28. When you first point a charged Rod of Husbandry at the herd of goats:
    He shall separate them one from another,
    as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats.

    -- Matthew 25:32
  29. When you insert the amber gem into the mouth of the uninteresting tombstone:
    Quickly now the amber
    Takes the fly with knees deranged
    To be buried unseen, unfound
    And irrevocably changed.

    -- Dean Waynflete, "Substance"
  30. When "you have some impression that White is trying to make an attack, having plenty of spare pieces":
    Thus the devil played at chess with me, and yielding
    a pawn, thought to gain a queen of me, taking
    advantage of my honest endeavours.

    -- Sir Thomas Browne, "Religio Medici" pt I
  31. When you try to go any direction but south from Heavenly Place:
    Art thou pale for weariness
    Of climbing heaven and gazing on the earth?

    -- Shelley, "To The Moon"
  32. When you first try to attack (or throw something at) Aunt Jemima:
    A nice, - respectable, - middle class, middle-aged maiden
    lady, with time on her hands and the money to help her pass
    it... Let us call her Aunt Edna... Aunt Edna is universal,
    and to those who may feel that all the problems of the
    modern theatre might be solved by her liquidation, let me
    add that... she is also immortal.

    -- Terence Rattigan, preface to the "Collected Plays"
  33. When you first try to go in an unavailable direction in either dream:
    I seemed to move among a world of ghosts,
    And feel myself the shadow of a dream.

    -- Alfred, Lord Tennyson, "The Princess"
  34. When you first point a charged Rod of Infinity at the lemniscus:
    If the doors of perception were cleansed,
    everything would appear to man as it is, infinite.

    -- William Blake
  35. When you first read the postcard in the Dark Room's red light:
    Follow the instructions,
    tell us what you think:
    they lose something in translation,
    they might as well be written in invisible ink.

    -- Peter Hammill, "Invisible Ink"
  36. When you first examine (or search) the glass ball after polishing it:
    On a round ball
    A workman that hath copies by, can lay
    An Europe, Afrique and an Asia,
    And quickly make that, which was nothing, All.

    -- John Donne, "Valediction: Of Weeping"
  37. When you first acquire the History book:
    What you don't know would make a great book.

    -- The Rev. Sydney Smith
  38. Unknown or missing trigger:
    Sir Walter Elliot, of Kellynch-hall, in Somersetshire,
    was a man who, for whose own amusement, never took up
    any book but the Baronetage; there he found occupation
    in an idle hour, and consolation in a distressed one

    -- Jane Austen, "Persuasion"
  39. When you first read the romantic novel:
    I am the Love that dare not speak its name.

    -- Lord Alfred Douglas, "Two Loves"
  40. When you've slid eight letters on the Contraption's panel:
    'I am inclined to think -' said I.
    'I should do so,' Sherlock Holmes remarked

    -- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, "The Valley of Fear"
  41. When you try to go any direction but up from Hellish Place:
    Hell is a city much like London -
    A populous and a smoky city.

    -- Shelley, "Peter Bell the Third"
  42. Unknown or missing trigger:
    I hope I shall never be deterred from detecting
    what I think a cheat, by the menaces of a ruffian.

    -- Dr Johnson (a letter from 1775)
  43. When you first go anywhere in the Maze:
    Expatiate free o'er all this scene of man;
    A mighty maze! but not without a plan.

    -- Alexander Pope, "An Essay on Man"
  44. Unknown or missing trigger:
    It's hard to be religious when certain people
    are never incinerated by bolts of lightning.

    -- Bill Watterson, "Calvin & Hobbes"
  45. When you first try to do anything with the nuts in the Hollow while the corn crake is there:
    Follow me, follow
    Down to the hollow
    And there let us wallow
    In glorious mud.

    -- Flanders and Swann
  46. When you've slid five letters on the Contraption's panel:
    Zoe, logic merely enables one
    to be wrong with authority

    -- Dr Who, aboard "The Wheel In Space"
  47. When you first take the astrolabe:
    Then for as moche as a philosofre saith,
    "he wrappith him in his frend, that condescendith
    to the rightfulle praiers of his frend,"
    therefore have I yeven the a suffisant Astrolabie
    as for oure orizonte, compowned after the
    latitude of Oxenforde;

    -- Geoffrey Chaucer, "A Treatise on the Astrolabe"
  48. When you first leave Alison's bed after having the melancholy dream:
    Upon a nyght in sleep as he hym leyde,
    Hym thoughte how that the wynged god Mercurie
    Biforn hym stood and bad hym to be murie.
    His slepy yerde in hond he bar uprighte;
    An hat he werede upon his heris brighte.

    -- Geoffrey Chaucer, "The Knight's Tale"
  49. Unknown or missing trigger:
    To bind me or undo me, one of those.

    -- Shakespeare, "Much Ado About Nothing"
  50. When you've gone two times within the palace:
    In the central display case, there is a curious
    pottery model, either representing the Labyrinth
    of Minos or a water-cooling system.

    -- W. J. Murnane's "Guide to Ancient Egypt"
  51. When you first examine the huge moonstone:
    I don't know who was there before me:
    One person, several, none;
    It doesn't matter.
    There are marks on the slabs of rock,
    Some beautiful, all mysterious;
    Some certainly not made by human hands.

    -- Primo Levi, "A Valley"
  52. When you first look up yourself in the History:
    It has always seemed to me that I had to answer
    questions which fate had posed to my forefathers,
    and which had not yet been answered, or as if I
    had to complete, or perhaps continue, things which
    previous ages had left unfinished.

    -- Carl Jung, "Memories, Dreams, Reflections"


Notable individuals
Notable animals
The Gods
The Druids
Groups in the background
Also mentioned


The game credits are accessed via the HELP command. Choose the Credits menu-item:

Cast of Thousands

An Interactive Diversion by Graham Nelson

Play-testing by Michael Kinyon, Gareth Rees and Richard Tucker

Together with informers: Torbjorn Andersson, Julian Arnold, Jonathan Badger, Greg Bakker, Richard Barnett, Joachim Baumann, Richard Beigel, Don Blaheta, Martin Braun, Allen Braunsdorf, Otto Christenson, Tomas Clark, Andrew Clover, Alan Cox, Richard Develyn, Robert Dickau, Paul David Doherty, Roger Dominick, Koen van der Drift, Ivan Drucker, Jon Drukman, Martin N. Dunstan, Paul Fletcher, Richard Forster, Ron Galicia, Allen Garvin, Chris Goedde, Peter Grundy, Mark "Guido" Guidarelli, David Horowitz, Will Hurwood, Hakan Huss, Randy Hutson, Darin Johnson, Stefan Jokisch, Brad Jones, Jose Kahan, Darius Katz, Dennis S. Keeler, Andrew Kemp, John W. Kennedy, Peter Killworth, Marnix Klooster, Mark Knibbs, Teo Kwang Liak, Matthew J. MacKenzie, Chris Mann, Chris Markwyn, David McGrath, M. Sean Molley, Byron Montgomerie, David Moore, Carl Muckenhoupt, Christine Nelson, Toby Nelson, Carrie O'Grady, Michael A. Patton, Morten Holm Pederson, Mark Phillips, Neil Querengesser, Mason Reed, Robert Rendell, Loren Rittle, Luke Roberts, John Rodriguez, Kathleen Rudden, Bryan Scattergood, Bernd Schmitt, Rene Schneer, Alison Scott, Mike Scott, Matthew Selby, Dilip Sequeira, David Sinclair, Suzanne Skinner, David Stephenson, Robert Stone, Nyko Tyni, David VanBronkhorst, Andrew Vesperman, Hao-yang Wang, Robin Watts, John West, Christopher A. Wichura, Graham Willmott, Andrew Wren, Brendon Wyber, Jeff Zahn and Zhang Genglue.

Apologies and acknowledgements to: the late Mr T. S. Eliot, the Oxford History of England, Philip Vellacott's translations of the Greek plays and the guidebooks of the British Museum; Edouard Poor, for porting interpreters to the Acorn Archimedes; and Volker Blasius, for keeping the if-archive.

Coffee mugs fired by: Helena Verrill.

Genealogy and photography associate: Peter Nelson.

Ancient Greek cultural attache and daisy chain consultant: Dr L. J. Coventry.

Archaeology: the InfoTaskForce, Paul David Doherty and Mark Howell, without whose excavations Inform could not have been written. If I have hacked deeper than them, it is because I stand in their trenches.



You have a carrying limit of five items, not counting worn items. You should pick up the rucksack as soon as you can.


After all three adamantine body-parts are securely placed in the knight, use the Rod of Fire to bring it to life.

Cloth goods

For clothing, see Wearables.

Rods of Power

Look up 1792 in the prayer book to learn that the Rods of Power are disguised as other sorts of sticks, and that the way to reveal one is to wave a disguised Rod while wearing Merlyn's hat. From the calendar in Aunt Jemima's Lair, you can deduce he meant Merlyn's hat daises; see daisy chain.

When a Rod reveals itself, it is called a featureless mahogany rod.

The Rods, disguised or not, are NOT reflected in Alison's vanity mirror (unless you polish the mirror). Also, if you're holding a disguised rod, your daisy chain will be twitching.

From the Melancholy Dream, you learn that the way to use a rod is to STRIKE it (to power it up) then POINT it at something to use it.

CAUTION: If you strike a Rod that's already charged, if will overload and explode, killing you.

Note that pointing a charged rod at something always discharges it, whether or not it did anything else.

To identify and label a Rod, go to The Octagon. Make sure you're wearing the gloves. Open the coffin, put the Rod in the coffin, close the coffin and re-open it. The silver plaque on the Rod now says which Rod it is. The gloves are needed to protect you from the electric charge that the coffin makes when you open it.

You can collect up to ten Rods in the main part of the game and each Rod has a different effect when you point it at something. Identify your Rods as soon as you can to avoid confusion, accidents, and death.

There are three High Rods: Life, Love, and Death. You can only obtain one of these three, but you get to choose which. Unfortunately, these Rods are too powerful for mortals to use, so your choice doesn't actually matter.

Eventually, at the Infinity Symbol, put nine of your Rods, except Infinity, into the sockets. You knew you weren't going to keep them forever, didn't you?

During the Master Game, you'll discover two Rods. Wear a yellow daisy and wave their disguised versions to reveal them.

Sticks (disguised Rods)

These are the sticks that are actually Rods of Power in disguise. Wave a stick while wearing a yellow daisy chain to see if it's a Rod. If it is, the stick becomes a featureless mahogany rod which you can later identify.

Note that the sceptre is not a disguised Rod.

Tarot cards
Tools and Toys


This is the response to SCORE:

[Opening-sentence]. You have so far scored your-score out of a possible 550, in several turns, giving you the rank of your-rank.

The opening sentence tells you, roughly, when and where you are. It'll be one of:

Points are awarded as follows:

Points are deducted as follows:

Also, there's some temporary bonus points:

Finally, there's a BUG that gives you an extra 4 points for picking up the smooth stone at Warehouses and Port when that stone was already scored when you took it in the Cabinets Room.

The known ranks are:


Several years are mentioned in this game. Here's a summary of them:


The zodiac symbols in the observatory aren't used in any puzzles, but they do correspond to several of the Tarot cards.

This is a summary of what the slide projector's backward beam of light does in the observatory, via the glass ball, based on what's in the projector's slot.

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