
Key & Compass presents:
by Shay Caron

Chaos is a TADS 2 interactive fiction game and is © 1999 by Shay Caron. It was an entry in IF Comp 1999 where it took 19th place. It is billed as a prequel to Protection, but that game never appeared.

In this game, you direct the actions of the evil Captain Chaos, a young villian whose specialty is building robots and who is currently sleeping in his massive floating airship above San City. In five minutes, the ship will clip a tree, lose power, and start to crash unless you can help him fix everything.

This solution is by David Welbourn.


in u u Cockpit LeftRoom Hallway RightRoom Closet EngineRoom StairwellorGear Room Abovethe Ship OutsidetheAirlock Belowthe Ship d u d d



> footnote 1. footnote 2.

> x controls. x hammock.

> i. x list. yes.

> x machines.

At turn 5, the ship clips a tree, and Chaos wakes. There's now a branch lodged in the landing gear doors, and Choas orders an emergency override from the computer.

> s.


> x runner-bot. (It's hamster-like.) footnote 3.

> take runner-bot.

> x pet-bot. (Dog-like, lifeless, cover plate.)

> s.

Engine Room

CAUTION: There's an awkward way you can put the game into an unwinnable state by running in the wheel yourself and then telling the runner-bot to run in the wheel soon afterwards. Because you ran in the wheel, power will "run out" a handful of turns later, even if the runner-bot is running in the wheel. And unfortuntely, the game won't let you turn the runner-bot off and on again, so you have no way to give power to the ship after that point.

So, um, just have the runner-bot generate power from the start. Or, if you must try out the wheel yourself, wait for the power you generated to run out before installing the runner-bot.

> x battery. x control-bot.

> x wheel. x block. take block. drop block.

It's not at all obvious to me that you can talk to the runner-bot.

> put runner in wheel.

> runner, run. (+10)

> w.


> take all. x head. x headset. x gear.

> x toolbox. x crowbar. x screwdriver.

> e.

Engine Room

> attach head to control-bot. (Using the screwdriver)

Control-bot needs to be caliberated.

> push button. (+6) n.


Fixing pet-bot is completely optional, but you get points for it.

> pry pet with screwdriver. (+1)

> footnote 4.

> put new gear in pet.

> screw screw with screwdriver.

> w.

Left Room

This room is empty, but its description tells you about Chaos's plans for it. Also, the game is counting all the rooms you're visiting, so you should try to visit them all.

> e. e.

Right Room

> x marbles. take marbles. w.


> put marbles in pet. (+4)

> xyzzy.

> d.


> u. s.

Engine Room

> s. (Chaos isn't opening the airlock personally.)

> n.


> wear headset.

Engine Room (as the control bot)

> s.

Outside the Airlock (as the control bot)

> x ducks. x city. u.

Above the Ship (as the control bot)

> d. d.

Below the Ship (as the control bot)

> pull branch. (+3)

Gear Room (as the control bot)

> u.

Hallway (as the control bot)

Caution: Don't re-wear the headset after this point. The game gets confused.

> remove headset. d. u. n.


> turn on autopilot. (+2)

> touch touchpad. (A map overlay appears, but we can't examine it.)

> push gear release. (+5)

*** You have won the game! ***

The author thanks you for playing and thanks people who helped him create the game.

Would you like to read the list of amusing things to do? Type just a single "y". If you type "yes" or anything else, you don't see the amusing list.

> y



Look at the scenery. Almost every object mentioned in a room description can be examined. Just a few of the items you can observe:

Just before the control-bot removes the tree branch, have Chaos move into the stairwell.

Fix all the robots! They're kinda fun to play around with; they don't do a lot, but they do something.

Can you find the one item, decoration, or scenery in the game that can be referred to as “Phil”? (This is a silly in-joke with Natalie.)

And one final question: Can you figure out how to win without Chaos ever waking up, i.e. within the first five turns?

By the way, "Phil" is the tree branch, if you were wondering.



From game's end, omitting everyone's email-addresses:

I'd like to extend thanks several people who, knowingly or not, helped me out with this game. To wit:

From copyright-notice.txt:

From: (Shay Caron)
Subject: [IFComp] Chaos: Two Announcements
Date: 14 Oct 1999 00:12:21 GMT

1) I didn't write the Evil Overlord list that Captain Chaos has, but the way it was put in may have made it seem that way. The official location of the list, written by Peter Anspach, is at:

Here's the copyright message I forgot to include:

This Evil Overlord List is Copyright 1996-1997 by Peter Anspach. If you enjoy it, feel free to pass it along or post it anywhere, provided that (1) it is not altered in any way, and (2) this copyright notice is attached.

Apologies to Peter for my inadvertent theft of credit, and thanks to Mark Musante and Irene Callaci, both of whom gently pointed out my error. [embarrassed smile]

Shay Caron ( or | Game author

(Remainder of post deleted. VB)



Reading footnotes doesn't take up any game time.



In a total of several turns, you have achieved a score of your-score points out of a possible 31. This gives you the rank of ranking.

You have seen item-percentage of the items, and location-percentage of the game locations.



Thank You to my Patreon supporters

This walkthrough is provided free of charge since the work it's based on has less than fifteen locations. Please consider it a thank you for your support!

I create larger walkthroughs too! Please visit my Patreon account if you're interested in helping me create more interactive fiction walkthroughs. I appreciate all the help I can get! Thanks again.