
Key & Compass presents:
The Bureau of Strange Happenings
by Phil Riley

The Bureau of Strange Happenings is a Glulx interactive fiction game written with Inform 7 and is ยฉ 2024 by Phil Riley. It was an entry in IF Comp 2024, placement to be determined.

In this occult game, you play as Agent Larch Faraji of the Bureau of Strange Happenings, recently relocated to a strip mall in Maryland due to budget cuts. Your efforts to answer the phone locked inside your desk lead you through hyperspace and to a new mission: rescue another agent trapped in Enigma Lake, New York by lizard people in 1954.

This solution is by David Welbourn, and is based on Release 1 of the game.

SPOILERS AHEAD. Reading a walkthrough prematurely can sometimes diminish one's enjoyment of an interactive fiction game. Please make an honest effort to play the game before reading this walkthrough.


Map 1: Strip mall, Swamp Park, MD

Astraltunnel North end ofthe strip mallparking lot Li'l NectarineConvenienceStore Laundromatbasement Laundromatback room Laundromat Portalroom 2 Backbasement Astraltunnel Moira'soffice Utilitycloset South end ofthe strip mallparking lot BoshChief'soffice Hallway Frontoffice Featurelesshyperplane Back lot Faraji'soffice Dave'sPawn Shop Astraltunnel Thedumpster Old rootcellar bs fn u b f enter portal entermachine b f out b f d push button (to car wash) (to militaryrecruitmentcenter)

Map 2: Featureless hyperplane and BOSH field office

3 : 4 : -2 20 : 4 : 14 0 : 0 : 0 d : b : q# qo : b : pb o : o : o firstentrypoint Etherealpillar Descendingstair Backbasement Portalroom 1 Minerva'sOffice EnigmaParktown hall Field officechief'soffice Fieldofficehallway Fieldofficereception Solvay Rdby lake Portalroom 2 Christy'soffice Utilitycloset 11 F + 7 N 10 S + 4 E + 9 B u f b entermachine d enterportal b f enterportal

Map 3: Enigma Lake, NY, 1954

Dirtyshack ๐ŸŒง๏ธ Solvay Rdby lake West end oflake shore ๐ŸŒง๏ธ ๐ŸŒง๏ธ Lakeshore northof park Lake StandRidge Rd ๐ŸŒง๏ธ Portalroom 1 Hortonsecondfloor Workshed Steeple ๐ŸŒง๏ธ Churchbasement ๐ŸŒง๏ธ Hortongraveyard Hortonkitchen Solvay Rdleadingout of town ๐ŸŒง๏ธ EnigmaPark ๐ŸŒง๏ธ Lake Stby the park ๐ŸŒง๏ธ FirstUtilitarianChurch Vestry Largegrave Hortonparlor Circularchamber Old rootcellar Thedumpster Astraltunnel Hook andLadderCompany #1 ๐ŸŒง๏ธ Solvay Rd100 block EnigmaParktown hall ๐ŸŒง๏ธ Lake Stby the gym Publicgymnasium Gymbasement Sewertunnel Sewertunnel Sewertunnel Bookstorebasement ReadingRoom Main andSolvay ๐ŸŒง๏ธ 200 blockof Main St ๐ŸŒง๏ธ Main andLake ๐ŸŒง๏ธ Portalroom 1 Fresnel'sMusic Henry'sHot Skillet Rolle'sDepartmentStore RadioStationWGXC Radiostationroof ๐ŸŒง๏ธ Henry'sroof ๐ŸŒง๏ธ Broadcastbooth push button d d d u u u in be d u u d in u u d d fs bn fw u in d d u

Map 4: The Bureau of Special Help

Livingroom Ornamentalgarden anywherein themain game Bureau ofSpecialHelp Observationroom help pushbutton


Are you using a screen reader?

>> nooryes

South end of the strip mall parking lot

NOTE: This game is told in third-person.

> about.

> x me. x car. i. x phone. x office.

> worin.

Front office

Margaret tells Faraji she put their desk together, and their new phone is on the desk. Faraji hands over their old phone, which Margaret promptly deactivates.

Soon after you meet Margaret, she enters an infinite loop of activity where she periodically flattens and picks up cardboard boxes here, then carries them down the hall, through your office, and into to a back lot where she tosses the boxes into a dumpster. Then she returns here to start the cycle anew. She is slowed down by unlocking, opening, closing, and locking the back door.

A phone is ringing somewhere to the west. Don't worry about rushing to answer it. Trust me on this.

> ask about phone exchange.

> ask where Klimp is. ask where Moira is.

If necessary, wait until Margaret heads west. Follow her.

> w. s.

Faraji's office

Assuming Margaret is here, unlocking the back door.

> ask about computer. (It's behind Margaret's desk.)

Margaret goes west.

> x desk. (fastened with hex screws)

> open drawer. (locked)

Margaret arrives.

> ask about desk key. ("It's in your desk.")

> ask about hex wrench. (It's in the heating vent behind her desk.)

Margaret heads north. Follow her.

> n. e.

Front office

> ask about locked desk. ("take it apart?")

Okay, stop questioning Margaret for now. Explore a bit.

> x Margaret.

> x desk. (You find your computer and that vent.)

> x computer. (Faraji takes a thumb drive from it.)

> x drive. x symbols.

> x vent. x screws. x wrench.

> x photos. x couch. x table. x rack.

> x shelves. x carpet.

By this time, Margaret has returned from another trip to the dumpster.

> ask for screwdriver. (left behind)

> unscrew screws with drive. (nope)

> e. n.

North end of the strip mall parking lot

> x center. x posters. ("Answer the Call!" har har)

> x store. x road. x sign.

> e.

Li'l Nectarine Convenience Store

> ask for screwdriver. (only for sale)

> x screwdriver. x case.

> x flashlight. x computer. x earbuds.

> x clerk. x t-shirt. x cigarettes. x tickets.

> x counter. x aisles. x shelves. x magazine.

> w. s.

South end of the strip mall parking lot

> x swamp. x car wash.

> x laundromat. A-plus. (closed)

> x pawn shop. (Spoiler: You won't find any gold today.)

> sw.

Dave's Pawn Shop

> ask for screwdriver. (Laundromat guy borrowed it.)

> ask about laundromat owner.

The laundromat's been closed for two weeks. He suggests that if you trespass, see if you can find a watch the guy borrowed.

Asking Dave about the laundromat owner triggers the arrival of Klimp; you hear a car door slam. But there's no need to rush. Klimp is in his office from now on. Finish exploring here.

> ask about watch.

> x Dave. x tattoo.

> ask about tattoo. ask about Butterfree.

> x counter. x jewelry. x guns. x blinds.

> out.

South end of the strip mall parking lot

> x porsche. w. w. w.

BOSH chief's office

Klimp gives you a copy of "Liber Animarum", not caring at all what you do with it.

By the way, did you notice how you can ask everyone you meet for a screwdriver, but never for a hex wrench? What's up with that?

> ask for screwdriver.

> x Liber. x Klimp. x desk.

> ask Klimp about money. (ask Margaret)

> x books. x Aliens. x Travels.

> x Dictionary. (random entry)

> x BOSH.

Dictionary topics (an incomplete list)

You can get extremely sidetracked by looking up topics in the dictionary, asking Klimp about any of them, also about several of the random things that he says. Within a few turns, he's mentioned Budapest, Senator Savra, aliens, ghosts, vampires, and the Black Knight Satellite. Feel free to explore these topics, but they're almost all not relevant.

What you must do is examine the shelves and ask for the astral lenses. Why? Because. This is a bottleneck in the game mostly because the potential deluge of info from Klimp and his books obscures what's important or unusual. If everything is weird and strange, nothing stands out.

> x shelves. x skull. x lenses.

> ask about lenses.

> ask to borrow lenses.

> wear lenses. (not with indoor lighting)

> e. s.

Faraji's office

If necessary, wait or vamp until Margaret gets here. Some suggested actions:

> x degree. x drawing. x photo.

> x carpet. x chair. x screws.

When Margaret arrives to unlock the door:

> ask about money.

> w.

Back Lot

> x dumpster. x fence. x property.

> x laundromat door. open it. (locked)

> wear lenses. x tunnel.

> help hyperspace.

In this version of hyperspace, the new directions are FORTH (F) and BACK (B). In other games, they might be called ANA and KATA.

> b.

Astral Tunnel (two locations)

> n. f.

Laundromat back room

Because of the lights, you immediately remove the lenses.

> x desk. x papers. take paper.

> open drawer. x key. take it. unlock door.

> e.


> x machines. unlock door. x handtruck.

> w. d.

Laundromat basement

> x boxes.

> s.

Back basement

> x switch. x glow. x crates.

> move crates. (not by hand)

> turn off switch.

> n. u. e.


> wear lenses. (A new tunnel is found.)

> push handtruck bs.

Astral tunnel

> push handtruck b.

Back Basement

> move crates. (using the handtruck)

> x machine. open it. enter it.

Featureless Hyperplane

You immediately remove the lenses; it's too bright here. All directions are possible, including the hyper ones. You don't see any way back.

Something is to the forthnorth.

> x structure.

The structure is quite distant, and you must be persistent to reach it, since it's not obvious for ages if you're making any progress.

> fn. fn. fn. ("not too far off")

> fn. f. fn. f. fn. f. fn. ("close by")

> f.

Ethereal Pillar ("qo : b : pb")

> x pillar.

> x ethereal symbols. ("o p q d b")

> x message. ("All you need is love : love: love - Doris")

> x compass. ("qo : b : pb")

> take compass.

Experimentation shows that:

"Love" is zero in tennis, so you want to go to "o : o : o" by going south ten times, east four times, and back nine times.

If you go too far, negative numbers are indicated with a hatch character after the letters, so "p#" means minus one.

> s. s. s. s. s.

> s. s. s. s. s.

> e. e. e. e.

> b. b. b. b. b.

> b. b. b. b.

Descending Stair (o : o : o)

> x stairs. d.

Field office reception

Maggie appears to be an odder version of Margaret.

> x directory. x desk. x panel.

> x Maggie. ask for screwdriver.

If you ask how to get home, Maggie activates the auxilary portal in Portal Room 2.

> ask about Doris. (He's west.)

> ask about Christy. (They're west then south.)

> ask about Minerva. (She drinks coffee; she's west then north.)

> ask about portal to the past. (activated via her control panel; the portal itself has a panel to set the when and where)

> ask about me.

> w. w.

Field office chief's office

Doris asks if you brought the thumb drive. Doris is basically another Klimp.

> x Doris. ask who he is. ask about his name.

> ask where we are. (He claims that your office is a branch of his.)

> tell Doris Klimp is fine.

> ask for screwdriver.

> show drive. give drive.

An agent, Daniels, was lost in time. The symbols on the drive say "They found me out and sent me back. 14th century. Old Onondaga holy place. Savra is going to move on the Dragon."

> ask about Savra. (He asks if you believe in aliens.)

> yes. (He laughs. Aliens aren't real. Senator Savra is a lizard person from Earth's history.)

> ask about lizard person. (allergic to rutabagas)

> tell Doris Savra's not reptilian. (He's in disguise. Then Doris mentions your mission.)

> ask about mission. (You first need to find a book like New Bikers of Troy, or something like that, to help locate the Onondaga holy place. Bring the book here.)

> ask about New Bikers of Troy.

> ask about the Dragon. (He won't tell you until you need to know.)

> ask about time travel. (It's real.)

> ask how to get home. (ask Maggie)

> x posters. x maps. x charts. x desk.

> x Tardis. x Rubik's. x CMY. x papers.

> e. s.

Christy's office

Of course, Christy is your counterpart here.

> x Christy. ask for screwdriver.

> x desk. x sketchbook. x pencil.

> ask about Doris. ask about sketchbook.

> ask about BOSH. ask about Christy.

> ask about Minerva. ask about Maggie.

> n. n.

Minerva's Office

> x Minerva. x desk. x maker.

> ask for screwdriver.

You can read Minerva's books without needing to borrow them first. You don't need any of Minerva's books. You will need coffee later.

> read hyperspace.

> read light.

> read advanced.

> s. f.

Portal Room 1

> x machinery. x portal. x panel. x keypad.

> b. b.

Portal Room 2

> x machinery. x portal.

> f. e.

Field Office Reception

> ask how to get home. (Maggie activates the auxiliary portal.)

> w. b. in.

Utility closet

> wear lenses. (Now you can "see".)

> w. (locked)

> x box. open box. (locked)

> knock on door. (Moira unlocks the door and lets you out.)

Moira's office

Like Minerva, Moira has a collection of borrowable books.

> tell Moira about portal.

> ask for screwdriver.

> x Moira. x desk. x shelves.

Hmmm. "Tribes of New York" is an anagram of "New Bikers of Troy".

> x Tribes. (It mentions the Onondaga tribe and lizard people.)

> ask to borrow a book.

>> Tribes

Optional: Read all the other books:

> read No Myth. (author is Niz Ariom)

> ask about Atlantis.

> read PhD.

> read Hoax.

> read Applied.

> read Biking. (Spooney was ill with a stomach bug. He thought he was followed by lizard people.)

> read Investigative. (Arthur "Spooney" Spooner of Enigma Lake might've been murdered by lizard people.)

> read Calculus.

> read Stigmata.

> ask about chief.

> ask about Margaret.

> ask about me.

> ask about Voynich.

Head for the hyperspace portal:

> s. e. e. nw. w. d. s.

Back Basement

> enter machine.

Descending Stair

Oh good, you don't need to navigate that space again.

> d. w. w.

Field office chief's office

> give Tribes. (He scribbles a note for you to give to Christy.)

> x note. (You can't read it.)

> e. s.

Christy's office

> give note. (They take the note and Tribes and ask for a cup of coffee.)

> n. n.

Minerva's office

> ask for a cup of coffee. (You pour yourself one.)

> s. s.

Christy's office

> give coffee. (They'll let you know when they have something.)

> n. (They're done! They give you Tribes back and a note for Doris.)

> x note. ("62358234")

> n. w.

Field office chief's office

> give note.

He now knows the destination: Enigma Lake. He'll send you to 1954 before it was flooded. Find Daniels or something of his.

> ask how will I find him.

> tell Doris I'm ready.

He gives you a recall button. Push it to return to Doris's office whenever you need to.

> x button.

> e. f.

Portal room 1

> enter portal.

Enigma Lake town hall

> x desk. (You find a bell and a backpack.)

> x backpack. ("WGT")

> open it. x red key. ("ELG" = Enigma Lake Gymnasium)

> wear backpack.

> x schedule.

The initials "WGT" on the backpack don't seem to match anyone on the schedule until you remember Bill is short for William. The backpack and the red key belonged to William (Bill) Thompson.

> x bell. take it.

> s.

๐ŸฆŽ ๐ŸฆŽ ๐ŸฆŽ

There's a randomized element in Enigma Lake: a trio of lizard people are wandering about. If you encounter them directly, they teleport you to another random location in town. This makes it challenging to write a walkthrough around them.

There is a way to banish the lizard people so they no longer annoy you, but until then we need to establsh a strategy around them.

So... I'm going to pretend they aren't teleporting you. When they do teleport you, consult map 3 and walk back to where you were then continue using the walkthrough as if nothing happened. When you're more familiar with the geography, feel free to move out of their way instead.

200 Block of Main Street

> x hall. x store.

> s.

Rolle's Department Store

The lamp is important; the waxer is not.

> x lamp. ("Spectre", has power cord, but no bulb or shade)

> take lamp.

> x waxer.

> n. w.

Main and Solvay

> s. (Skillet door locked)

> sw.

Fresnel's Music

> x fork. take it. hit it. (440 Hz)

> ne. w.

Reading Room

> take Secrets. read it. (This is your first introduction to astral resonators.)

> x chairs. x counter.

> x shelves. (You examine a random book.)

Shelved books

There is an insane number of books on these shelves. They all have interesting descriptions. You cannot take any of the shelved books, but you can re-read a specific book if you know its title or author.

None of the shelved books here are relevant to your quest.

> d.

Bookstore basement

> take Root. read it. (Rutabagas can be a weapon against "evil earth demons".)

> x cord. take it.

> x breeze. (sewage smell)

> x walls. x shelves. x boxes.

> u. e. n.

Solvay Road 100 block

> x station.

> w. (no: garage door too heavy to open manually)

> n.

Solvay Road loading out of town

> x Horton House. (Hezekiah Horton was a supernaturalist.)

> w. (locked)

> e.

Enigma Park

> x obelisk. (has crystal on top)

> x crystal. take it. (can't)

> climb obelisk. (can't)

> n.

Lake shore north of the park

> se.


> open cabinet. (locked)

> x floor. x bulb.

> take bulb. put bulb in lamp.

> out. e.

Lake Street and Ridge Road

> x truck. take cutters.

> x hood. open it. x battery. (leaking acid)

> enter truck.

> open glove compartment. take brass key. x it.

> out. s. e.

First Utilitarian Church of Enigma Lake

> x windows. x pulpit. x Bible.

> x pews. x outlet.

> e.


> x tapestry. move it. (circuit breaker switch found)

> x switch. turn it on.

> w. d.

Church basement

You can see in here if you wear the lenses.

> wear lenses.

> x altar. (has The Book of Utilitarianism)

> x Book. (can't with lenses on)

> take Book. (no: shocked)

> u.

First Utilitarian Church of Enigma Lake

> plug lamp in cord.

> plug cord in outlet.

> turn on lamp. (It's lit.)

> remove lenses. d.

Church basement

The Book of Utilitarianism has many entries, but reading at least six should be sufficient. Note which scary word, such as "hermeneutics" makes lizard people run away; the scary word is randomized. Also, you're told again that they don't like rutabagas.

Oh, there might be a story about someone named Gorm you can piece together in this, but it's not relevant.

> x Book. g. g. g. g. g.

> u.

First Utilitarian Church of Enigma Lake

You can leave the extension here and plugged in for later.

> turn off lamp. unplug it. drop cord.

> u.


> x telescope.

> look in telescope. (It's pointed at the obelisk.)

> focus telescope. (can't)

Wait until you see the "shadowy figures" (the lizard people) and learn where they currently are.

> d. w.

Lake Street by the park

Now go to the lizard people or wait for them here if they're coming your way.


(lizard people location)


You banish the lizard people, and one of them drops a shiny astral resonator!

> take shiny. x it. (It has chains with clamps on the ends to it can be attached to something.)

> hit fork. (The resonator resonates with it.)

Use map 3 to find Solvay Road by the lake at almost the northwest corner of the map. Head there.


Solvay Road by the lake

The compass pings.

> x compass. (The compass shows a new randomized eight-digit number. I'll call this the Solvay-by-Lake-number. Remember it for later.)

> w.

Dirty shack

> ask who he is. (Hutz, the town groundskeeper)

> ask for screwdriver.

> ask why he's still here.

> ask how he can help them.

> x Hutz. x cat.

> x plates. x cups. x sledgehammer.

> ask about secret.

> ask Hutz for help. (He can't focus.)

Go get him some coffee.

> push button.

Field office chief's office

> e. f.

Portal Room 1

> x panel. (It currently shows the number you saw on Christy's note.)

> type SOLVAY-BY-LAKE-NUMBER on keypad.

> b. n.

Minerva's office

> ask for coffee. (You get a cup.)

Rush to Hutz with it before it gets cold.

> s. f. in. w.

Dirty shack

> give coffee to Hutz. (He gulps it down.)

> ask if can help. (He gives you an iron key for the workshed cabinet; something inside can help you.)

> pet cat.

> take hammer.

> ask about lizard people. ask about cat.

> ask about Henry's.

> ask about resonator.

> ask about hammer. (from Josef)

> ask about flood.

> e. e. e. se.


> unlock cabinet with iron key. open it.

> take rusty resonator. x it.

> out. s. s. s. w.

Main and Solvay

> s. (unlocking the Skillet door with the brass key you got from the truck's glove compartment)

Henry's Hot Skillet

> x counter. x wires. pull wires.

> u.

Henry's Roof

> x aerial. x wires. x threaded socket.

> d. n. w.

Reading Room

I just want to point out this book on the shelves:

> read Josef.

> d.

Bookstore basement

> hit wall with hammer.

You've opened a passage into the sewer tunnels.

> n. e. e. n.

Gym basement

> x lockers. (numbered 1 to 100)

> u.

Public Gymnasium

> x desk. x record book.

Bill Thompson (from the town hall schedule) has an entry in this book. Remember his locker-number listed at the end; it's randomized.

> look up Bill in book.

> x green key. take it. unlock door.

> x basketball. take it. dribble it.

> shoot hoops. g. (Repeat as often as you like; when it goes through, you earn points.)

> score. (oh, you fibber)

> x area. x machines. x free weights.

> lift weights. (not now)

> d.

Gym basement

> open locker LOCKER-NUMBER. (using the red key. You acquire a copper key.)

> x copper key.

Of course, the copper key is for the Horton House.

> u. w. n. w. w. w.

Horton Family House kitchen

> x rod. take it.

> x table. x chairs. x hearth. x logs.

> s.

Horton Family House parlor

As you enter, a horrible doll-fly attacks you before flying out of the room.

> x table.

> x Names. take Names.

You can look up a creature name to see it and its incantation.

> wear lenses. (aha)

> fs.

Astral tunnel

> be.

Hook and Ladder Company #1

> x ladder. take it.

> push blue button. (The garage door opens.)

> fw. bn. n. u.

Second floor of the Horton Family House

> x window. x bed. x straw.

> x wardrobe. open it.

> take Witnessing. x it.

To summarize what Witnessing tells you:

And what that all means:

> d. w.

Horton graveyard

> x shovel. take it.

> x holes. d. (not unaided)

> put ladder in hole. d.

Large grave

Something you have vibrates.

> x rod. (It's vibrating.)

> dig. (with the shovel. You acquire a wooden frame. The rod stops vibrating.)

> x frame. (It has an open lid.)

> u.

Horton graveyard

> take ladder.

> e. e. e. e. e.

First Utilitarian Church of Enigma Lake

The doll-fly is here.

> x doll-fly. (It tells you its full-name, eg: "Zorax the Pugnacious".)

> look up FULL-NAME in Names. (Note which bane-word is written below the drawing, eg: "fooblitzky".)

> say BANE-WORD. (The doll-fly disappears, dropping something.)

> look.

> take Rod of Hezekiah. x it.

I'm assuming the lamp is not plugged into the cord, but it still has its light bulb.

> put fork in frame.

> put lamp in frame.

> put lenses in frame.

> hit frame with Rod of Hezekiah. (The frame fuses into a makeshift astral resonator.)

> x makeshift. (It has a short cord dangling from it.)

> plug makeshift into cord.

I'm assuming the cord is still plugged into the outlet, but if not, do it:

> plug cord into outlet. (The makeshift resonator is lit.)

> u.


> take telescope.

> put makeshift on tripod. (A beam of light hits the obelisk.)

> d. w. s. s.

Main and Lake

> x WGXC. ("1055 AM")

> se.

Radio Station WGXC

> u.

Radio station roof

> x tower. (Something was mounted here.)

> x cabinet.

> x padlock. (needs a key)

> cut padlock with cutters. (The cabinet contains a power switch that's off.)

> turn on switch. (The tower hums.)

> attach shiny to tower. (A second beam of light hits the obelisk.)

> d. s.

Broadcast booth

> x bin. (which?)

> x rotation bin. x trash bin.

> x turntable. x speakers.

Now that the radio station has power, feel free to put any record on the turntable, then PLAY RECORD, but you don't need to play any of them.

When you're done here, fetch something from the first location in the game:

> push button.

Field office chief's office

> e. b. in. w. s. e. e.

South end of the strip mall parking lot

> x Hyundai.

> open Hyundai hood.

> x battery. take it.

> push button. e. f.

Portal room 1

Pushing reset makes this portal reset its connection back to the town hall.

> push reset. in.

Enigma Lake town hall

> s. w. s.

Henry's Hot Skillet

> put battery on counter.

> attach wires to battery.

> u.

Henry's Roof

> put rusty in socket. (A third beam of light hits the obelisk.)

When the third resonator is placed, lightning strikes the crystal, and you should really go there and see what changed.

> d. n. n. n. e.

Enigma Park

The obelisk moved, revealing a ladder down.

> d.

Circular chamber

> save

> x portal. enter portal.

Old root cellar (BOSS BATTLE!)

Note: The scary-word you used on the lizard people won't work on them a second time.

> Daniels, open green basket. (He finds a rutabaga.)

> Daniels, throw rutabaga at lizard people. (It's now near you.)

CAUTION: If you immediately "throw rutabaga at lizard people" now, they see it coming, and it lands far away from you.

> take rutabaga.

If necessary, DODGE or TAKE POTATO until Daniels insults the lizard people, and they turn to him and away from you.

> throw rutabaga at lizard people.

You win the battle! Daniels introduces himself as an agent of the BOSH field office and also as the laundromat owner.

By the way, if you lose the battle, the game resets itself back before you entered the portal so you can try again.

> tell Daniels Doris sent me.

> ask about laundromat. (He lost Dave's screwdriver.)

> ask how he got here. (Savra's minions sent him back into the past and he was stuck.)

> ask where we are.

> ask what's next.

Daniels tweaks the recall button so it'll send him back to his office and you back to yours. He gives the recall button to you to use.

> open red basket. (potatoes)

> open blue basket. (turnips)

> push button.

Just before you make contact, he hands you something. You're now inside ...

The Dumpster

> x trash. x boxes. out.

Back lot

> i. x wristwatch. ("DM")

By the way, the recall button didn't come with you.

> n. e. se. sw.

Dave's pawn shop

> give watch to Dave. (He gives you a gift card in exchange.)

> x card.

> ne. n. e.

Li'l Nectarine Convenience Store

By the way, if you foolishly try to buy anything else with the card, you learn they're too expensive.

> buy screwdriver with card.

> w. s. w.

Front Office

> unscrew screws. (You get the hex wrench and close the vent.)

> w. s.

Faraji's office

> unscrew desk.

*** Congratulations on answering the phone! ***

Larch Faraji will return in "BOSH II: Mazes".

[No, not that kind of maze.]



In Swamp Park:

In hyperspace:

In Enigma Park:

In the Bureau of Special Help:



This is the response to CREDITS:

The Bureau of Strange Happenings is a work of interactive fiction created with Inform 7. It was written by Phil Riley.

Many thanks to the following people for their help and support:
Playtesters Max Fog, Mike Russo, Tabitha, Peter Gross, Climbingstars, and Winifred Gosling.
My wife, Laura, for understanding my need to spend hundreds of hours writing something that only a couple of dozen people will ever play, and for innumerable helpful suggestions.

Third-party extensions used in this game:
Standard Rules version 3/120430 by Graham Nelson
Epistemology version 9 by Eric Eve
Conversation Framework version 12 by Eric Eve
Conversation Responses version 7 by Eric Eve
Conversational Defaults version 3 by Eric Eve
Formatting Capture version 2/221014 by Daniel Stelzer (based on Text Capture by Eric Eve)
Undo Output Control version 5/170902 by Erik Temple
Gender Options version 3/210331 by Nathanael Nerode
Exit Lister version 11 by Eric Eve
Secret Doors by Gavin Lambert
Far Away version 5/160517 by Jon Ingold


If you lose the boss battle, time rewinds. You're back in the circular chamber before the battle happens; try the battle again.


๐Ÿ“š Books
โšก Electronics
โ„น️ Help items

All of these items are confined to the Bureau of Special Help region of the game and cannot be used elsewhere; say HELP to go there. These items exist only to help new players learn how to play interactive fiction.

๐Ÿ”‘ Keys
๐Ÿ”ฎ Mystic items
๐Ÿ› ️ Other stuff

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