You play as Bonnie Noodleman, a normal teen-ager in 1959's Canyonville, New Mexico. You're on a nice normal date on Make-Out Mountain when aliens from beyond guzzle out your boyfriend's brains! Jeepers! You've got to do something about this menace, but everyone's busy with the Pine Nut Days festival and won't take your warnings about brain guzzlers seriously!
This solution is by David Welbourn, and is based on Release 1 of the game.
SPOILERS AHEAD. Reading a walkthrough prematurely can sometimes diminish one's enjoyment of an interactive fiction game. Please make an honest effort to play the game before reading this walkthrough.
The game begins with a quiz to let you personalize your character. Feel free to answer as you like. You will get your can't-live-without item in your inventory, and everything else has only cosmetic effects in the game.
> 1 –to– 4.(Choose hair color)
> 1 –to– 4.(Choose worry)
> 1 –to– 4.(Choose item)
> 1 –to– 11.(Choose ice cream flavor)
Jimmy yanks the magazine away. Feel free to choose delaying options, but eventually you must choose to kiss or not kiss him.
Ack! A monster guzzled Jimmy's brain!
Mercury Meteor
Examine yourself and your stuff:
> x me. i. x skirt. x pamphlet. read it.(No unwinnable states!)
> x book. read it. g. g. g.(Your poetry book.)
> x blade.(Your switchblade.)
> x hoop.(Your hula hoop.)
> x mister.(Your teddy bear.)
Get and read the yearbook:
> open compartment. take yearbook. x yearbook.
> 1.(Foreward)
> 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.(Our Students)
> read yearbook. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4.(Our Community)
Examine everything else:
> x wheel. x horn. x headlights. x pines.
> turn on headlights. push horn. turn wheel.(None of that helps.)
> x brake. pull it.
The car rolls backwards! You awaken at...
Part 2: Pleading Pathetically with the Police
The Drive-In
> x wreck.(The glove compartment survived.)
> x screen. x hole. x mist. x mountain. x road. x buildings.
> s.
North Saguaro 300 Block
> take sketchbook. x it. read it.(drawings of soup cans)
> x barn. e.(Beatnik says they're closedville until tonight.)
> w.
McDillingfitty's Junkyard
NOTE: There's a chance every turn near the goat that he'll butt his head into you, causing you to drop something. Of course, pick up what you dropped if that happens.
> x goat. x silo.("X271 -- Minisystems Labs")
> enter silo.(Goat stops you.)
> x garbage.
> e. s.
North Saguaro 200 Block
> x Jenny. x glow. x petals. x cracks.
> talk to Jenny.
Tell Jenny about Jimmy and the brain guzzler:
> 1. 1.
Talk about the parade:
> 1. 1. 1. 1.
Talk about the glow/seed:
> 1. 1.
Talk about the sketchbook:
> 1.
Talk about getting someone else (including yout teddy bear if you have one) to do Jenny's work:
> 2. 1. 3.(done)
> s.
North Saguaro 100 Block
> x parade. x parade-watchers.
> e.
Police Station
> x Buck. x phone. x desk. talk to Buck.
Tell buck about Jimmy and the brain guzzlers:
> 1. 1. 1.
Argue some more:
> 1. 2. 2. 2.(done)
So you need find some evidence to show him.
> w. n. n. w.
McDillingfitty's Junkyard
> give sketchbook to goat.(He now follows you.)
> enter silo.(You find nothing but a dreadful smell.)
> e. s.
North Saguaro 200 Block
> talk to Jenny. 2. 2.(Offer the goat; Jenny leaves.)
> e.
Yoshida Floral
> x chart. take it. x seed. take it.
> w. s. e.
Police Station
Show the "alien egg" to Buck.
> show seed to Buck. 2. 1.
Buck locks you up, leaves for the Bristlender place. Later, Deputy Wilcox frees you. It's now noon.
> w.
Part 3: Finding Freaky Phenomena at the Fairground
North Saguaro 100 Block
The parade's gone. The goat is still where you left it.
> s. e. s.
Five and Dime
Either the green pills or the blue pills could be the ones that add weight; it's randomized.
> read note.
> x green display. x green canister. take it.
> x blue display. x blue box. take it.
Don't forget to read a comic book:
> x comic books. read comic.
> n. w. sw.
Finch's Diner
"Today's special" is randomized; you'll have to play the game several times to see the possibilities.
> x photo. x chalkboard. x counter. x Renee. x ray gun.
> talk to Renee. 1.
Ask where is everybody:
> 1. 1. 1.
Ask about the ray gun:
> 1. 1. 1. 1.
Prove your sci-fi creds by quoting the comic book:
> 1. 4.(She gives the ray gun to you.)
Feel free to order everything:
> 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2.
You're done here:
> 2.
> x gun. x deluxe. eat deluxe.
> ne. e. e. e. e.
Town Square Center
> x statue. x deputy.
> talk to deputy. 1. 1. 1. 1.
The deputy wants to see three weird things as evidence.
> e.
Midway Games
> x ducks. x BB gun. x carny.
> talk to carny. 1. 1. 1. 1. 2.
You need to take the BB gun in order to play the game, but use the ray gun to actually win it.
> take BB gun. 1. 1.(repeat until a duck appears)
> 2.(You get the trophy.)
> x trophy. s.
The Haunted Porch
The tombstone is won by dying of fright in the ride.
> x sign. x door.(Doesn't open manually.)
> x case. x tombstone.(glowing crystal substance?)
> x car. x tracks.
> w.
Tomorrow Pavilion
> x car. x kiosk. x ice cream. take it. eat it.
> x wife. talk to wife. 1. 2. 3. 4.(No Scotch for you!)
Finally ask her for a test walk:
> 4.(She will now be following you.)
> 5. e.
The Haunted Porch
Since the Wife has no heartbeat, you'll win the tombstone.
> enter car. take tombstone. w.
Tomorrow Pavilion
It doesn't hurt to put the Wife back.
> talk to wife. 4. 5.
> n. n.
Blue Ribbon Pie Tasting
> x Mary Jane. x pies. x gruesome pie. x ladies. x purse.
> take gruesome pie.(The ladies won't let you.)
> talk to Mary Jane. 1.
Ask about Jenny:
> 2.
Ask about pie:
> 1.
Ask about the weird pie:
> 1. 1. 1.
Discuss Jenny's pie:
> 2. 2.
Talk about MJ's figure:
> 3.(She unlocks her purse and checks a sheet.)
> 4.(done)
There are two ways to solve this puzzle: either use an add-weight pill or switch charts in the purse. Sometimes the pills don't work, though, and I don't know why. Try both pills; they might be mislabelled and only the green pills actually work.
> open CANISTER-or-BOX. put GREEN-or-BLUE pill in pies.
> look in purse. x physical. take it. put seedling in purse. > talk to MJ. 3.
Mary Jane and her Ladies-in-Waiting leave.
> take gruesome pie.
> s.
Town Square Center
Show all your evidence to the deputy!
> talk to deputy. 1. 1. 1. 1.
Mary Jane screams that aliens are attacking! During this chase sequence, it doesn't matter what you do.
> 1. 1.
Something grabs you in Main Street!
> 1 —or— 2.
You, MJ, and Renee are now hiding in the diner.
> 1.
> 1 —or— 2 —or— 3.
> 1 —or— 2.
> 1.
You're all racing north.
> 1 —or— 2 —or— 3 —or— 4.
Part 4: Time-Out in the Tunnel
Harding Tunnel
The tunnel collapses between you three and the monster to the southwest.
Note you've lost some things on the way here. You no longer have the ray gun, any charts, the pills, or any of the weird stuff you showed to the deputy.
> x grate. x rocks. x MJ. x Renee.
> talk to MJ. talk to Renee.
> ne.
Pool of Light
> x car. open car. x body. x eggshell.
> x goo. take shell.(Not without a darn good reason!)
> x lights. ne.(Not without light.)
> sw.
Harding Tunnel
Renee is examining the grate.
> talk to Renee. 2. 1.
You get to another grate.
> 1. 1. 1. 1.
Huh. This is Mary Jane's house. She runs off to her room and slams her door.
Part 5: Building a Better BUBU
Modernist Living Room
> x paneling. x chair. x books. x lamps. x shutters. x hi-fi.
Your conversation with Renee, regardless of your choices, will always follow the same topic path.
> talk to Renee.
> 1 —or— 2 —or— 3.
> 1 —or— 2.
> 1 —or— 2.
> 1 —or— 2 —or— 3.
> 1. 2.(done)
> u.
> x machine. x sky. x mountains. x desk.
> x mug. take mug.
> x prof. talk to prof.
> 1 —or— 2.
> 1.
Ask about the BUBU:
> 1. 1.
Ask about the Brain Guzzlers:
> 1. 1. 1. 2. 1. 3.
> 2.(done)
> x blackboard.(You create a checklist; Prof opens the shutters.)
> x checklist.
Talk to the prof again about what you're looking for:
> talk to prof. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
> d.
Modernist Living Room
Ask Renee to design a spaceship:
> talk to Renee. 2. 2.
> x drawing.
> e.
Hall of Amazing Advances
The game doesn't say explicitly, but RPS means Rock Paper Scissors! The cannon's display is the hand shape you make in the game; the sideways peace sign means "scissors".
> x weapons. x cannon. x target.
> take cannon. shoot target.(Scissors destroys paper.)
> x transportation. x pod. open it. take it.
> e.(Tentacle! You slam and lock the door.)
> w. sw.
Hydroponic Kitchen
Make a spork by fusing a fork and spoon.
> x telepad. x fork. x spoon. take fork and spoon.
> put fork and spoon on telepad. push button.
> look in telepod. take spork. x it.
> x garden.(No ripe fruit yet.)
> x view.(You see tanks and jeeps on Saguaro Road.)
> ne. d. ne.
Pool of Light
> take eggshell.
> sw.
Harding Tunnel
Use the RPS cannon to get rid of the rockslide:
> turn dial. g.(Display shows flat hand meaning "paper".)
> shoot rocks.(Paper destroys rock.)
> sw.
Harding Tunnel Entrance
> x labs. sw. n.
The Drive-In
> take screen.(it's a perforated silver membrane!)
> s.
North Saguaro 300 Block
> e.(The doorman stops you from bringing outside coffee inside.)
> drop mug. e.
The Beat Barn
> x customers. x coffee.(Reminder that coffee makes people pee.)
> x stage. x Traudl. x head.
> talk to Traudl.(She's too far away.)
> get on stage.(Beatnik bodyguard stops you.)
> x beatnik. talk to beatnik.(Doesn't help.)
Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
> close pod. drop pod.
> w.
North Saguaro 300 Block
> take mug. s.
Forward Base Yankee Foxtrot
This is what's south of North Saguaro 300 Block now.
> x tanks. e.
Yankee Foxtrot Headquarters
> x map. x officers. x Jenny. talk to Jenny.
> 1 —or— 2.
> 1 —or— 2 —or— 3.
> 1. 1.(You and Jenny go to...)
MJ is helping, now that she knows Jenny's okay. You can ask her about anything you're missing.
> x MJ. talk to MJ. 1. 1. 2. 3.
Might as well give the four items we have so far:
> talk to prof. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4.
> d. nw.
Very Pink Room
Might as well check out MJ's bedroom while you have the chance.
> x bed. x vanity. x makeup. x posters. x window.
> se. sw.
Hydroponic Kitchen
Jenny's made herself at home in the kitchen.
> x Jenny. x snickerdoodles. eat it.(You now have too many snickerdoodles.)
> talk to Jenny.
> 1 —or— 2.
> 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Now that Jenny's suggested it, you can try talking to the plants:
> talk to garden.
> 1 —or— 2 —or— 3.
> 1 —or— 2 —or— 3.
> 1 —or— 2 —or— 3.
> 1 —or— 2 —or— 3.(The fruit ripens!)
Jenny makes a fructonium pie for you:
> x fruit. take fruit.
> talk to Jenny. 4. 3.
> x pie. ne.
Modernist Living Room
> talk to Renee. 2. 2.(Give snickerdoodles.)
> u.
> talk to prof. 2.(Give snickerdoodles.)
> 3.(Give the pie.)
> 3.(done)
> talk to MJ. 1. 2.(Give snickerdoodles.)
> d. sw.
Hydroponic Kitchen
> put mug on pad. push button.
> ne. d. sw. sw. e.
The Beat Barn
> take telepod. open it. take mug.
> give mug to bodyguard.(He runs off to bathroomsville.)
> get on stage.
> talk to Traudl. 1. 1. 1. 1.
> 1. 2.(Offer snickerdoodle.)
> 1.(Let's write poetry!)
The trick here is to always rhyme. Traudl hates rhymes and your insistence on rhyming will really annoy her.
> 3.(Rhyming glamour with hammer.)
> 1.
> 3.(Rhyming rains with brains.)
> 1.
> 4.(Rhyming scream with team.)
> 1.
> 1.(Rhyming now with cow.)
Traudl gives the head to you in defeat.
> x head. talk to head.(No response.)
> stand. w. ne. ne. u. u.
> talk to prof. 2.(Hand over the head.)
Time to use the BUBU:
> 2. 2. 1.
The brain guzzlers are defeated, deflating like balloons. A bright uncertain future awaits.
Jimmy Johnson is rescued in a lifeboat, but with no memory how he got his brain back.
*** The END...? ***
These are sampled images from the game, scaled down to thumbnail size. Please play the game to see the artwork in its full size. And don't forget to look at the Pine Nut Days flyer included as a feelie!
Bonnie Noodleman is the player-character and a normal teen-ager for a fun camp horror story with wacky sci-fi tropes set in 1959.
Jimmy Johnson is Bonnie's date on Make-Out Mountain. His brain gets guzzled early in the game, but somehow he manages to return, alive, in the epilogue. How??
A deer runs past the car then gets killed just before Jimmy is attacked.
Traudl Brandt is the featured performer in The Beat Barn. She recites free verse and views Art as a revolutionary weapon.
Renee Finch is one of Bonnie's best friends. Renee is working in her parents' diner and loves science fiction.
Mary Jane Minsky is blonde, white, and pretty in pink. She seems born to be a prom queen, but she also knows quite a lot of science.
Jenny Yoshida is of Asian descent, excellent with plants, loves to bake cookies and pies, and is Mary Jane's best friend.
Officer Buck Wilcox is a stereotypical policeman who interprets everything you tell him as female hysterics. He seems mentally incapable of believing your story.
A goat in McDillingfitty's Junkyard is willing to follow you if you give it something it wants to eat.
Ladies-In-Waiting attend to Mary Jane during her stint as Pine Nut Queen at the fair.
Deputy Wilcox is Buck's nephew and far more reasonable than his uncle. However, he also wants to see at least three pieces of evidence before he'll act on your story.
The Wife of Tomorrow is a mechanical woman on display at the fair. She embodies a sexist version of what an ideal woman might be like, but in such a robotic way, the result is laughable.
Barney, the carny, runs a booth at the fair where you can try to shoot toy ducks with a BB gun.
Prof. Barrabas Rudolph Minsky is Mary Jane's father and a scientist. He's very busy trying to invent something that will stop the brain guzzlers and their alien invasion.
The parade and the parade-watchers block your way early in the game. The parade features The Canyonville High marching band, The Canyonville High flag squad, clowns, shriners, members of 4-H and their cows, and Mary Jane Minsky.
The people at the fair are enjoying themselves until the aliens attack.
The customers at The Beat Barn are mostly beatniks.
The doorman of The Beat Barn won't let you bring any outside coffee inside.
The beatnik bodyguard in The Beat Barn blocks you from going onto the stage where Traudl is.
Officers and army men set up a camp and base outside and inside the Yoshida flower shop.
The brain guzzlers are jiggly tentacled alien monsters from the vicinity of Pluto or beyond. No one knows why they're on Earth or why they're guzzling brains.
The plants in the kitchen respond when you talk to them at length. What does this mean?
Mr McDillingfitty owns a decaying junkyard.
Jenny's Granny is keeping Jenny working at the store.
The Bristlenders call the police station about their dead cows.
Poppy, Girl of the Galaxy, and her robot dog RF-RF are fictional characters in the comic book.
Charles Fobb has a statue in the Town Square.
The robot thinks you're "Dave Johnson".
Ralph Randolph Dickinson wrote your book of poetry.
This is the response to CREDITS:
Writing and Art by Steph Cherrywell
Sarah Adams
Andrew Schultz
Hanon Ondricek
a poetry book. It's in your inventory if you chose a book of poems in the quiz.
Read it for a random poem.
When talking to Traudl, there's an option to show her your book of poetry. She actually giggles before returning it and giving you the WIFE's head.
a switchblade. It's in your inventory if you chose a switchblade in the quiz.
I found no use for the switchblade. Sorry!
a collapsible hula hoop. It's in your inventory if you chose a hula hoop in the quiz.
Try to use hoop in different places. It doesn't help any, but it's something fun to do.
Mister Puffitystuff. He's in your inventory if you chose a teddy bear in the quiz.
I found no real use for the bear. You can't even hug him. You can offer him to Jenny to watch over the florist shop for her, but she declines that offer.
a skirt-and-sweater combo. You're wearing it.
Ignore it.
a game pamphlet. It's in your inventory.
Read it.
a Canyonville High yearbook. It's in the glove compartment of Jimmy's car.
Read it to learn more about yourself, your classmates, and the town.
a sketchbook. It's at North Saguaro 300 Block.
Give it to the goat in McDillingfitty's Junkyard to get him to follow you.
a seedling growth chart. It's in Yoshida Floral.
At Blue Ribbon Pie Tasting, if you swap the seedling growth chart for the physical results chart in Mary Jane's purse, then ask MJ again about her figure, she'll re-check the chart in her purse and be convinced that she's gained weight. She and her ladies will leave, leaving the gruesome pie unguarded.
a glowing seed. It's in Yoshida Floral.
Show it to Officer Buck as evidence of something strange going on.
a green canister containing a whole bunch of green pills. It's on the green display in the Five and Dime.
Examine both the green canister and the blue box to see which contains the WATE-ON pills.
At Blue Ribbon Pie Tasting, put a WATE-ON pill in the pies that Mary Jane is tasting. She'll gain weight and leave with her ladies; the gruesome pie is now unguarded.
a blue box containing a whole bunch of blue pills. It's on the blue display in the Five and Dime.
Examine both the green canister and the blue box to see which contains the WATE-ON pills.
At Blue Ribbon Pie Tasting, put a WATE-ON pill in the pies that Mary Jane is tasting. She'll gain weight and leave with her ladies; the gruesome pie is now unguarded.
EXCEPT, sometimes the blue pills don't work. Try the green pills instead or try swaping MJ's physical chart with the seedling chart instead.
a cosmic ray gun. In Finch's Diner, Renee is carrying it.
To get the ray gun, first read the comic book in the Five and Dime, then talk to Renee and quote the comic to her when she doubts you know any science fiction.
At Midway Games, take the BB gun to start the carny's game, but when a duck appears, shoot the duck with the ray gun instead. You'll win the trophy.
a Depth Charge Deluxe. You can buy it in Finch's Diner: talk to Renee and order the burger.
You don't need the burger for any puzzles, so feel free to eat it and enjoy it.
a BB gun. It's at Midway Games.
Take the BB gun to start the carny's game, but whwn a duck appears, shoot the duck with the ray gun instead. You'll win the trophy.
Win or lose, you'll automatically drop the BB gun when the duck shooting game ends.
a glowing trophy. You can win it at Midway Games by shooting a tin duck with the cosmic ray gun.
Show the trophy to the deputy at Town Square Center.
a tombstone. On the Haunted Porch, the tombstone is inside the glass case.
The tombstone is won by dying of fright in the ride. Go to the Tomorrow Pavilion and talk to WIFE. Ask her for a test walk, and she'll follow you. Return to the porch and enter the car; since WIFE has no heartbeat, she must have "died", and the glass case opens.
Show the tombstone to the deputy at Town Square Center.
your-favorite-flavor ice cream. There's some at the Tomorrow Pavilion. It'll have whatever flavor you said was your favorite when you answered the quiz at the beginning of the game.
Feel free to take it and eat it! Yum!
a physical results chart. It's inside Mary Jane's purse at the Blue Ribbon Pie Tasting.
The purse is locked. To unlock it, talk to MJ and ask about her figure. She'll unlock the purse and check the chart inside but leave the purse open afterwards.
If you swap the seedling growth chart for the physical chart, then ask MJ again about her figure, she'll re-check the chart in her purse and be convinced that she's gained weight. She and her ladies will leave, leaving the gruesome pie unguarded.
a gruesome glowing pie. It's at the Blue Ribbon Pie Tasting, but Mary Jane's Ladies-In-Waiting won't let you take it.
If you put a green pill in the other pies, Mary Jane will gain weight. She and her ladies will leave, leaving the gruesome pie unguarded.
Alternatively, if you swap the seedling growth chart for the physical chart in Mary Jane's purse, then ask MJ again about her figure, she'll re-check the chart in her purse and be convinced that she's gained weight. She and her ladies will leave, leaving the gruesome pie unguarded.
Show the pie to the deputy at Town Square Center.
a checklist. You create it when you examine the blackboard in the Tomorrowdome. The blackboard won't be there until you've talked to the professor about the BUBU.
The checklist tells you what you need to find so the professor can finish building the BUBU.
an enormous coffee mug. It's in the Tomorrowdome and full of coffee.
You want to give the mug to the beatnik bodyguard in The Beat Barn, but the doorman stops you from bringing any coffee inside. So, teleport it there.
Specifically, first drop the telepod (empty) in The Beat Barn. Return to the Hydroponic Kitchen, put the mug on the telepad and push its button; the mug is now inside the telepod. Go back to the club, take the mug from the pod, and give the mug to the bodyguard. He'll drink the coffee and immediately leave for the restroom; now you can get onto the stage and talk to Traudl.
a really keen spaceship drawing. Renee, in the Modernist Living Room, can create this for you. After you make a checklist, simply ask Renee to design a spaceship for you.
In the Tomorrowdome, give the drawing (in lieu of a 20,000-Ton Impenetrable Steel Chassis) to the prof.
a RPS cannon. It's in the Hall of Amazing Advances, after you examine the weapons display.
RPS stands for Rock-Paper-Scissors, and it uses the same logic as the casual game. Turn the dial to show one of three hand shapes: a fist means Rock, a flat hand means Paper, and a sideways peace sign means Scissors.
In the Hall, there's a paper target. If the cannon is set to Scissors when you shoot the target, the target is destroyed (because Scissors beat Paper).
More importantly, in Harding Tunnel, if the cannon is set to Paper when you shoot the rocks, the rockslide is destroyed (because Paper beats Rock). You can now go southwest back to the tunnel entrance.
a telepod. It's in the Hall of Amazing Advances, after you examine the teleportation display.
Things can be teleported from the telepad in the Hydroponic Kitchen into the telepod. Place the pod wherever you want and make sure it's empty. Put the item you want to teleport onto the pad and push its button to 'port it.
Create a spork by teleporting a spoon and fork together.
Get coffee past the doorman and into the The Beat Barn by dropping the telepod inside and teleporting the coffee mug there.
a fork and a spoon. They're both in the Hydroponic Kitchen.
Put them both onto the kitchen's telepad then push its button; they will fuse together into a spork which you'll now find in the telepod.
a spork. It appears inside the telepod when you put the fork and spoon together onto the kitchen's telepad and push its button. The two utensils have fused into one.
In the Tomorrowdome, give the spork to the prof.
a silver screen. It's at the Drive-In, but you probably can't take it until you've made the checklist.
In the Tomorrowdome, give the screen (as a Perforated Silver Membrane) to the prof.
some fragments of eggshell. It's in the crashed police car in the Pool of Light northeast of the Harding Tunnel, but you won't take the eggshell until you've made the checklist.
In the Tomorrowdome, give the eggshell (as a Brain Guzzler DNA Sample) to the prof.
too many snickerdoodles. When Jenny and the snickerdoodles are in the Hydroponic Kitchen, eat some to obtain too many of them.
Now, whenever you talk to someone, there's an option to offer snickerdoodles to them. This won't help you solve any puzzles, but it is amusing. Everyone wants a snickerdoodle!
oodles of ripe fruit. Fruit can be grown in the Hydroponic Kitchen.
First, talk to Jenny when she's in the kitchen until she suggests talking to the garden plants.
Second, talk to the plants until they grow fruit. Take the fruit.
Third, talk to Jenny again, this time asking her to make a pie with your fruit. She'll gladly do that for you.
a fruit pie. In the Hydroponic Kitchen, when you have ripe fruit, talk to Jenny about baking a pie with your fruit; she'll make it for you right away.
In the Tomorrowdome, give the pie (as Purified Fructonium) to the prof.
The Head of the Wife of Tomorrow. Somehow, Traudl obtained it. She's on the stage in The Beat Barn.
Before you can reach Traudl, you must get rid of the beatnik bodygard; give the coffee mug to him.
Get on stage and talk to Traudl about writing poetry. For every line of poetry she recites, respond with a line that rhymes with hers. Traudl hates that. After several rhymes in a row, Traudl will give up on teaching you poetry and give the head to you, in the hope you'll take it and go away.
Alternatively, if you have the poetry book, you can show that to her and she'll hand over the head right away.
In the Tomorrowdome, give the head (as a Micro-Mini Computer) to the prof.
Honorable mention:
a goat. It's in McDillingfitty's Junkyard.
Give the sketchbook to him and he'll follow you. Go to Jenny and offer the goat to look after the floral shop while she's gone.