
Key & Compass presents:
Beat Witch
by Robert Patten

Beat Witch is a Glulx interactive fiction game written with Inform 7 and is © 2023 by Robert Patten. It was an entry in IF Comp 2023 where it took 37th place.

In this horror game, you play as Polly Miller, a beat witch. People fear you because you can drain their life. Loud music can kill you. The dead victims of another beat witch litter the city, but unfortunately, the emergency responders discover you first.

CONTENT WARNING: Corpses, zombies, violence.

This solution is by David Welbourn, and is based on Release 1 of the game.

SPOILERS AHEAD. Reading a walkthrough prematurely can sometimes diminish one's enjoyment of an interactive fiction game. Please make an honest effort to play the game before reading this walkthrough.


Roof UpperLobby Corridor End ofCorridor Break-room Sales Floor Alley Falling Bottomof Stairs MainLobby Park FleshyBridge South Sideof Sky-scraper Deeperin City Beach StagingArea (2 turns after) turn dial drain girl(or)give lifeto girl d drainpeople openoffice door turn onbattery climb building go open door (win!)

Note: Although this game does have a geography, it's also very plot-driven and linear, making a map rather unnecessary.


Note that the status line shows music status on the left, the current location in the middle, and an adjective describing your current health on the right.

Staging Area

You are forced to walk with others past the smoldering dead into an enclosed area. Dr. Steve takes off his hazmat helmet and motions for everyone else to do the same. Dr. Steve is between you and the magnetically sealed door.

> i. remove helmet. (not yet)

> x Steve.

Everyone is waiting for you to remove your helmet.

> remove helmet.

Dave draws a pistol. You're not Alisha. Dr. Steve demands you talk to him.

> talk to Steve.

>> 1

Dr Steve realizes you're a beat witch, pulls out an iPhone, and now its loud music is killing you!

> wear helmet. (This muffles the music.)

> drain Steve. (You are now strong.)

> open door.

Deeper in City

Someone shoots you in the leg. You're now wounded and leaving a trail of blood.

> x corpse. (You can't GIVE LIFE to a corpse.)

> n. (Or any other direction.)

South Side of Skyscraper

You black out and lose the helmet. You wake, still wounded.

Oh, and you don't have the option of exploring just yet. You must face the beat witch first.

> n.

Main Lobby

As the doors slam shut, outside, the mob and their music arrive.

> x logo. x desk. x Ted.

> talk to Ted.

>> 1 (He just nods.)

> x elevator. (broken)

> w.

Bottom of Stairs

> x album. x camera.

> drain Ted. (no effect)

> u. (no: Ted blocks you.)

> give life to girl.

You black out and wake healthy somewhere new.

Upper Lobby

Your Walkman and notepad are gone. A man hugs you. He says he's Hal, the chief exec. He points out a note from the witch: "BENNY ABANDONED YOU", which means she listened to the B side of your tape!

> x Hal. (soft music is now torturing you)

> e.

First, Hal wants to know if you're here to kill the other beat witch?

>> no

Was it a lie? Hal follows you.


> x memo. (It's from Hal Tau re: testing of the Semper battery.)

> open door.

The office is filled with corpses, burnt ones on the bottom.

> close door.

> e.

End of Corridor

Margo Harris is wearing earplugs and she can talk. She invites you and Hal to enter the breakroom.

> e.


Margo confirms that Ted is dead.

> x Margo.

She learned about the battery and electronics through Ted. She turns off the music and turns on the TV. Ted crunches the remote into bits. Margo shoves you into a chair.

The news on the TV identifies you as Polly Miller, shows you and Benny with a harp and tuba respectively, footage of you fleeing, and finally dragging "noted epidemiologist Alisha Brown" and taking her hazmat suit.

When a jingle-filled ad comes on, Margo rips the TV off the wall and out the window.

Margo then gives you your notepad, but the Walkman to Hal, putting the earphones into your ears.

> show notepad to Hal. (Ugh, Margo edited it.)

>> 5 (closed)

> give life to Hal.

Hal breaks free of Ted, throws Ted at Margo, pulls the earplugs out of your ears, puts them in Margo's, and plays the tape. She's now near the broken window.

> push Margo.

Margo, Hal, and your Walkman fall out the window.

> x sandwich. x Ted. open fridge. (nope)

> w.

End of Corridor

You somehow have your strength back, and Ted speaks as if he was Margo.

> w.


Something's happening behind the south door. Ted/Margo begins telling a story.

> w.

Upper Lobby

Ted/Margo says she almost died when... "BOOM!"

> w. (The stairwell door is jammed.)

After the EMP, she was able to drain many people at once and she got strong enough to drain from a distance.

> e.


> open office door.

The corpses push you all the way to...


> x machine. x dial. (two unlabeled settings)

> x displays. (You don't understand them.)

> turn dial.

The corpses stop you. Ted arrives with the girl from the stairs. She's the true beat witch, Denise, who speaks through the dead. She explains how draining so many people at once made her so powerful.

You now have one last chance to use your altered notepad.

>> 5 (close notepad)

Denise says they'll soon send music-playing drones. Ted eats your notepad. The corpses grab you.

> drain Denise. (You can't do that to her any more than she can drain you.)

> z.

After Denise takes your photo, the corpses throw you off the roof.


> drain crow. (The attempt fails.)

You remember Benny telling you to find him at the abandoned lighthouse when you can prove you're not a monster.

> give life to crow. (This also fails.)

> x crow.

You're now near people. You remember Denise saying you can drain more than one person at once. You remember Benny saying you may need to do something magnificent.

> drain people. (This works but...)

*** You die ***

But the next thing you type is...


South Side of Skyscraper

Your body heals and the crow scrams. You are now deaf and divine.

> x dent. (Your hearing returns, and Dr. Steve's phone is playing loud nearby.)

> look. wear helmet.

> take phone.

> turn off phone. (You don't know how.)

> n.

Music from hidden speakers assault you and you're forced back outside. You can't get back upstairs that way.

> search people. x dent.

> climb building.

The undead try to grab you, but the phone repels them. You reach...

Fleshy Bridge

The bodies are recoiling from the phone's music. You briefly see how the bridge links the skyscraper roof to another building to the south, and how other bridges are forming between buildings.

> s.

You lose the phone and helmet as the bridge grabs for you. The bodies crush you; you heal, but you lose strength.

Denise, Ted, and the battery are nearby. Denise is about to kill you, but the musical drones arrive!

Everyone's in agony, and Denise's aura fades.

> turn on battery.

The bridge falls apart. Battery and Denise fall. Then you. You fall into...

Sales Floor

There's no music, but you're now weak. You no longer sense Denise; she's dead.

> look. w.

South Side of Skyscraper

> x bodies. x drones.

> ne. (You spot Denise's gray photo album.)

> take album. (Ugh. You drop it.)

> ne.


> x dumpster. x grass.

> x swing. sit on it. (You remember happier times.)

> nw.


> x ribbon. take it.

> x Hal. x Margo. x TV. x Walkman.

> x grate. open it.

Dr. Steve attacks you with a scalpel. You could drain him (which would kill him) or just escape into the sewers.

> d. (He tries to follow you, but he's weaker than you are.)


By this time, you're healthy again.

> x windows. n. (You run. It's him.)

*** The End ***

Polly Miller will return.



Found dead:



This is the response to CREDITS:

Beat Witch
An interactive loneliness by Robert Patten
Release 1 / Serial number 230928 / Inform 7 build 6M62 (I6/v6.33 lib 6/12N)

Identification number: //5EDB3173-2DC0-4D98-87D5-CDDBC66265CD//
Interpreter version 0.6.0 / VM 3.1.3 / Library serial number 080126
Standard Rules version 3/120430 by Graham Nelson
Simple Chat version 4 by Mark Tilford
Room Description Control version 13/160517 by Emily Short
Numbered Disambiguation Choices version 7/140501 by Aaron Reed
Epistemology version 9 by Eric Eve
Room Description Headings version 1/090620 by Erwin Genstein
Basic Help Menu version 4 by Wade Clarke
Music by Daniel Stelzer (based on code by Massimo Stella and Wade Clarke (Glulx sound), Erik Temple (Glulx timing), and Eliuk Blau (DAMUSIX for I6))
Menus version 5 by Wade Clarke

Music and cover art by Robert Patten. Sounds by albertomarun, foad, inchadney, and robni7 from

The author would like to thank the testers: Christopher Merriner, Matthew Goh, and Mel Jason.
Any errors in this story are the author's responsibility and not the testers', who were all wonderful!

Type HELP if you are stuck or to learn more about this story.



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