
Key & Compass presents:
Awakened Deeply
by R.A. Cooper

Awakened Deeply is a Glulx interactive fiction game written with Inform 7 and is © 2024 by R.A. Cooper (as "Lamp Shade Light Games"). This game was an entry in IF Comp 2024, placement to be determined.

In this short sci-fi game, you play as Captain Pitker of the Crusade. The ship's computer awakens you from cryosleep to deal with a "disturbance". You soon learn the ship was attacked; your crew is dead or fled. Find out what happened and decide what to do about it.

This solution is by David Welbourn, and is based on Release 1, Serial number 240908 of the game.

SPOILERS AHEAD. Reading a walkthrough prematurely can sometimes diminish one's enjoyment of an interactive fiction game. Please make an honest effort to play the game before reading this walkthrough.


WestBarracks BarracksHall EastBarracks BarracksEntry TunnelNorth Laboratory LabsHall SubwayStation Warehouse TunnelWest Tunnels SleepChambers EngineeringBay EngineeringPort enter box enter car


Darkness / Sleep Chambers

> i. push button.

> take note. x it.

> x knife. take it.

> x stars. x planets. x cryotube.

> x door. x mainframe. push lever. (door now unlocked)

> w. n.

Tunnel North

> x Yostin. x pockets. (You acquire a paper: "364".)

> x arm. take it. (nope)

> x door.

> s. w.

Tunnel West

> x hole. x crate. open it. (no)

> x panel. open it. (too high)

> get on crate. open panel.

> x controls. x switch. x wires.

> push switch. (The platform box arrives.)

> stand. enter box. (You travel to...)

Subway Station

> take recorder. x it. play it.

> x marks. x stores. x benches. x eateries.

> n.

Barracks Entry

> x computer. x dial.

> turn dial to 364. (door now unlocked)

> n.

Barracks Hall

A phone rings. You answer. "Smith" tells you to get to Engineering for your safety.

> w.

West Barracks

> x cadet. talk to cadet. (He dies. You take his tags.)

> x tags.

> x wall. x body. (You take a paper and pistol from Jimson.)

> i. read orders. x pistol.

> x table. x windows.

> e. e.

East Barracks

> x supplies. x forklift. (You take its battery.)

> x battery.

Return to Tunnel North:

> w. s. s. enter car. e. n.

Tunnel North

> shoot door. (with the pistol)

> x corpses. (You find Major Brickton.)

> x major. (You acquire an orb.)

> x orb. open orb. (It's now a six-sided shape.)

> s. w. enter box. w.

Labs Hall

> x gate. put orb in gate. (It's now open.)

> w.


> x mainframe. x power port.

> put battery in power port. (You find Doctor Jeffer's lab coat.)

> x coat. (You find a keycard, but...)

You hear footsteps approaching. You should hide.

> enter locker.

Darkness (inside Storage Locker)

Whoever's looking for you is unfriendly, but they don't find you, and will check the barracks next.

> open locker. out.


> take drive. x it.

> put drive in mainframe. (You hear a cadet's message.)

> e. e. e.


> x desk. x clipboard. (You take a drawing.)

> x shelves.

> x green placard. (has down-arrow)

> x red placard.

> x orange placard. (has up-arrow)

Here's where I stumbled: I didn't realize that the arrows were clues to LOOK UP and LOOK DOWN. In most games, I never think to look in any direction unless the game tells me upfront that that action is significant.

> look down. ("1 green")

> look up. ("2 orange" and "9 red")

> w. s.

Engineering Bay

> x gate. x moon.

> put keycard in slot. (The gate is unlocked.)

> s.

Engineering Port

You fake out then kill an Authority soldier.

> x soldier. x dweller.

> x symbol. x window.

> x communicator. x button.

> x keypad. (red-green-orange)

Type numbers seen in the warehouse in the color order suggested by the keypad.

> type 9. type 1. type 2.

> push button.

"Smith" gives you two options. Either use the escape pod he summons, or crash the ship into Station Landing.

> look. x destination button.

Choose your ending:

*** The End ***



Found dead:



This is the response to CREDITS:

"Awakened Deeply" is a game made in 2024 solely by R.A. Cooper.

And this is the response to ABOUT:

Awakened Deeply, is an Interactive Fiction game by R.A. Cooper. I did not start working on this project with the IF comp in mind, but the dates aligned with me finishing the project. This is my rookie IF Comp entry as well as my first fully finished interactive fiction work. I took inspiration from the original Star Trek Series for this game, or "The Original Series" for you real fellow "TOS" Trekkies out there. I also was inspired a lot by Planetfall, the infocom game.

There are two places in which you can die in this game. However, you are allowed to type "undo" a generous amount of times.

For any puzzle specific issues, you can likely find the answer to any potential command issues in the provided read me documentation. You can also find the direct solution from the provided walkthrough.

I really appreciate you taking the time to play my game.


All endings end with the The End epitaph. The known endings are:


Your inventory could be roughly divided into two groups: things that help you open doors, and things that help add to the story. Very little on the story side could be considered essential for solving the game.

Thank You to my Patreon supporters

This walkthrough is provided free of charge since the work it's based on has less than fifteen locations. Please consider it a thank you for your support!

I create larger walkthroughs too! Please visit my Patreon account if you're interested in helping me create more interactive fiction walkthroughs. I appreciate all the help I can get! Thanks again.

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