
Key & Compass presents:
The Asian Challenge
by Conrad Button

The Asian Challenge is a MS-DOS formerly commerical text adventure game written with GW-BASIC and is © 1989 ButtonWare, Inc.. It was written by Conrad Button.

In this educational game, you are playing as a Special Investigator for the Senate Foreign Aid Committee. Your mission is to obtain information about the Asian continent, the largest in the world. You begin your tour in Instanbul, Turkey, carrying only a compass and a scrap of paper.

This solution is by David Welbourn, and is based on version 2.0 of the game.

SPOILERS AHEAD. Reading a walkthrough prematurely can sometimes diminish one's enjoyment of a formerly commerical text adventure game. Please make an honest effort to play the game before reading this walkthrough.


Map 1: Western Asia

bucket TaimyrPeninsula Uelen walrus,bering skis Cabin UralMountains WestSiberia CentralSiberia Istanbul,Turkey Ankara,Turkey sturgeon Aral Sea Ulan Bator,Mongolia yak Syrianplains Tehran,Iran key GobiDesert,Mongolia KunlanMts, China sword teacher trough camel Damascus, Syria Baghdad, Iran Iranplateau Tashkent,SovietUnion High plateau Great Wallof China(north side) Sea ofGalilee Jerusalem,Israel West Bank Amman,Jordan Iraqdesert Saltwaste HinduKushMountains Kabul,Afghanistan Islamabad,Pakistan carpet parchment Dead Sea Mecca Riyadh Indusplain TharDesert,India go cabin e s d n ride camel u (need skis)

Map 2: Eastern Asia

Highplateau Great Wallof China(north side) Mao'sFireworksFactory skyrockets Great Wallof China(south side) Peking,China Pyongyang,N. Korea pouch,dollars tablet Burmaplain YangtzeRiver Seoul,S. Korea Samchock,S. Korea(sampan) Sea ofJapan wild ox Rangoon,Burma Thailandhills Vientiane,Laos Hanoi,Vietnam Bangkok,Thailand PhnomPenh,Kampuchea MekongRiverDelta (need carpet) fly away go door w sail sampan s

Map 3: Japan and Indonesia

CAUTION: Don't "fly away" on your magic carpet when navigating the seas. You'll teleport over to Cape Cormorin and lose access to this area since your sampan will be on the wrong side of the Sea of Japan.

Samchock,S. Korea Sea ofJapan Shikoku,Japan Tokyo,Japan PacificOcean jim, sign,gold coin TraderJim's Luzon,Philippines QuezonCity Manila SouthChina Sea malayan,shrunken head,orangutan Borneo e sail sampan n sail yawl e n sail junk w sail sampan sail yawl s go trading sail junk s

Map 4: India

matches MountEverest (must paysherpa) Kathmandu,Nepal New Delhi,India GangesRiver Indusplain TharDesert,India DeccanPlateau (must payEast Indian) CapeCormorin Gulf ofMarner Columbo,Sri Lanka FormerCeylon submarine d sail dhow e go mountain w sail dhow


Some opening notes:

Instanbul, Turkey

> i. exam compass. read paper. (Signal sub in Indian Ocean at end of tour.)

> s. s.

Damascus, Syria

> take sword. exam sword.

> s. e. e. s.

Dead Sea

> read parchment. ("FLY AWAY" to fly.)

> n. e. s. e. n. n.

Baghdad, Iran

> exam teacher. say hi. (He now follows you.)

> n.

Ankara, Turkey

> take tobacco.

> s. e.

Iran plateau

> take carpet. exam carpet. read tag. (It's magic!)

> n. n.

Aral Sea

> take sturgeon. (no: too big, too fast, too far out)

> n.

Ural Mountains

> go cabin.


> take skis. e. e. e.

Central Siberia

The skis are needed to go north from here.

> n.

Taimyr Peninsula

> take bucket. e.


> exam walrus. exam strait.

> w. s. s.

Ulan Bator, Mongolia

This is a dead end. Return to the Iran plateau:

> n. w. w. s. s. s.

Iran plateau

> e. e. n.

Tashkent, Soviet Union

> exam trough. fill bucket. e.

High plateau

> exam camel. water camel. (using bucket of water)

> ride camel.

Gobi Desert, Mongolia

Note that the camel is gone. When you leave this desert, you cannot return.

> take key. s. u.

Kunlan Mountains, China

> exam yak.

> d. e.

Great Wall of China (north side)

> exam wall. fly away. (The carpet carries you over the Wall.)

Great Wall of China (south side)

> read tablet. (Don't harm the yak, ox, or a Malayan.)

> e.


> exam factory. (locked)

> read billboard. (Ad for "Special Agent" by the author.)

> unlock door. (with the key)

> open door. go door.

Mao's Fireworks Factory

You have an inventory limit, so you should drop items you no longer need.

> drop key. drop skis.

> take skyrockets. exam skyrockets. (There's three.)

> s. s. s. s. w. w. n.

Thailand hills

> exam ox. w. n.

Burma plain

> take pouch. exam pouch. open pouch.

> look. drop pouch. take dollars.

> s. e. e.

Vientiane, Laos

> e. n. n. e.

Pyongyang, North Korea

Yes, you're just walking through North Korea as if that was possible. Isn't fiction wonderful?

> s. e.

Samchock, South Korea

> exam sampan. sail sampan. e. e.

Tokyo, Japan

> exam yawl. sail yawl. s.

Luzon, Philippines

> go trading.

Trader Jim's

> exam jim. read sign. (Wants something from Borneo.)

> e. s. s.


> exam junk. untie junk. (knot is too tight)

> cut rope. (using the sword)

> sail junk. s.


> exam malayan. (has a shrunken head)

> exam orangutan.

> give tobacco. take head.

> sail junk. n. n. n. go trading.

Trader Jim's

> trade head. i. exam gold.

> e. sail yawl. n. w. sail sampan. w.

Samchock, South Korea

> w. n. w. w.

Great Wall of China (south side)

> fly away.

Great Wall of China (north side)

> w. w. s.

Hindu Kush Mountains

> e. e. s. e. e. n. e.

Ganges River

> swim river. (nope)

> w. n.

Kathmandu, Nepal

> exam sherpa. (needs payment for his services)

> pay sherpa. (using the dollars)

> go mountain.

Mount Everest

> take matches.

> d. s. s. s.

Cape Cormorin

> exam dhow. sail dhow. (no: The man wants payment.)

> pay indian. (using the gold coin)

> sail dhow. e. s.

Former Ceylon

> exam sub. signal sub. (heh)

An officer will soon ask you trivia questions about Asia. If you make a mistake, he returns to the sub and you have to light another skyrocket and try again. You may want to save game first. If you've answered wrong twice, the teacher starts volunteering the answers.

> light skyrocket. (using matches)

"Which is the highest mountain in the world?"

>> everest

"What is the world's most populous country?"

>> china

"Give me the name of India's capital."

>> new delhi

"Which river is Asia's longest river?"

>> yangtze

"What is the name of the strait which separates the Soviet Union from Alaska?"

>> bering

"What is the lowest point on any of the continents?"

>> dead sea

You are now invited to to join the Captain and crew on the submarine for a Victory Party.


You are again shown the registration form for the author's other games before the program closes.




There are no formal credits in the game, but there are calls to register your game and buy other Buttonware games. For example:

If you are not a registered user, please read this message:

If you enjoy playing this adventure & would like to encourage the author to release more adventures as shareware, please register by sending $15.00 to:

Conrad Button's Software
13807 S.E. 282 St.
Kent, WA 98042

As an added BONUS for registering, you will receive a FREE copy of any one of our adventures shown on the next two screens.

Two other Educational Adventures are currently available:




were designed to make the learning of geography an exciting and interesting experience for students in grades five through ten.

Recreational Adventures are also available:

Our ADVENTURE HINT DISK contains hints for ALL of our recreational adventures (educational adventures are excluded).


You can also make the game unwinnable in various ways. For example:


You have an inventory limit, but I'm not sure if it's by weight, by bulk, or by number. I assume you can carry 10 items, not counting the teacher. Drop items you no longer need.

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