Dancing with the Nix

Legend #51 from The German Legends of the Brothers Grimm (translated by Donald Ward).
I n the Laibach River, near the city of the same name, there once lived a water spirit called a Nix. At night he would appear to fishermen and boatmen; but to all others he would appear during the day. Everyone was familiar with the tale of how he would emerge from the water from time to time and appear in human form.

According to ancient custom, the citizens of Laibach come together every year on the first Sunday of July to celebrate a cummunity festival. In the year 1547 the whole community gathered at the old market place next to the fountain, which was shaded by a beautiful linden tree. After everyone had enjoyed the traditional feast, resounding chords of music were struck and the people got up to dance.

Suddenly, there appeared a handsome, well-dressed youth, who was asked to join in the dancing. He greeted the entire gathering with courtesy. But when people touched his hand, the4y found it lump and cold, and they were struck with a strange feeling of dread. The youth then led a young girl by the name of Ursule Schaferin to the dance floor. She was well dressed and had a pretty figure, but she was also quite frivolous.

For a time the pair danced wildly arouind the dance floor. Then they began to swing farther and farther away from the other dancers. They twirled past the linden tree and out toward the Sittich farm and beyond. They danced until they reached the Laibach River where, in full view of many boatmen, the youth jumped in with the girl and both of them disappeared.

The linden tree stood by the fountain until the year 1638, when it had to be chopped down because of its great age.

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