Faery Comments from Autumn, 1996

Name: Sandra Sirocchi
Date: Sun Dec 22 21:12:13 1996
Email: scow@lynx.bc.ca
Home Page: [No Home Page Given]
This is an excellent page. I will be coming back here all the time... If this is Debrintige and Kat's page... It is really great!!!

Name: Dawnwalker
Date: Sun Dec 22 17:42:21 1996
Email: weaver@feri.com
Home Page: www.feri.com/dawn
The link to francesca's feri pages seems to be misplaced in feri/wicca as francesca is not wiccan. in fact feri has little or nothing to do with wicca except for being the source for much of the knowledge. feri's been around for at least 5000 years, wicca for 100 years, maybe.

feri priest

Name: Salem-light
Date: Sat Dec 21 19:54:45 1996
Email: Salemlight@hotmail.com
Home Page: [No Home Page Given]
thank you it's a wonderful idea i loved it

Name: Ninna
Date: Mon Dec 16 20:41:08 1996
Email: [Email Withheld by Request]
Home Page: http://www.public.iastate.edu/~nbourgoi/fairy.html
This is one of the best pages on the Web on this topic. I appreciate the Lynx-maximized text. Also, the categorization of other fairy sites is a very good idea. I've noticed that other keepers of links pages rarely attempt this. Thank you!

Name: Tony Spurlock
Date: Mon Dec 16 09:33:45 1996
Email: anthonys@efaxinc.com
Home Page: [No Home Page Given]
Please continue work on Secret Commonwealth! Thanks.

Name: Gwyneth of Avalon
Date: Thu Dec 12 23:52:28 1996
Email: llalewicz@livingonline.com
Home Page: www.livingonline.com/~llalewicz/page3.html
I review web sites for Renaissance Magazine and deem this site as worthy of special recognition. I will be pleased to add your site to many other fine selections that have ties to renaissance or medieval topics. If you are interested in stopping by my site to see whom you will be joining please do.

Name: Eric Gilmartin
Date: Fri Dec 6 16:21:48 1996
Email: ionadh@hotmail.com
Home Page: none+yet
Wanted to drop you a note to say what a terrific page this is. Wish I'd come up with it myself, and I having been to the British Isles. My email address comes from a Gaelic word, ionadh, meaning "wonder" so you can see how appropos this page is to me. Great job. Fantastic. Well done!

Slainte, Eric (-:

Name: John
Date: Fri Dec 6 13:49:50 1996
Email: grendel@ccnet.com
Home Page: none, I'm afraid
I am very curious about a couple of titles in your bibliogrphy. Esp. "Guide to British Folk tales"(4 vol) and "Anatomy Of Puck" by Katherine Briggs. I am a greatfan of Briggs' work in the field(pun intended) and wonder if you might be able to steer me toward REAL PHYSICAL COPIES of the above mentioned books...

I have a few of Kathrine Briggs other works in my library, and would gladly exchange information on likely mail order sources of Faerie-dom!

Thank You,

John in San Francisco

Name: Bob Eberth
Date: Fri Dec 6 01:52:55 1996
Email: Duffelpud@aol.com
Home Page: [No Home Page Given]
As founder of "The Utah Fantasy and Faerie Presevation Society" I commend you on this site. I'll be coming back.

Name: Lady Barbara
Date: Thu Dec 5 18:33:14 1996
Email: [Email Withheld by Request]
Home Page: [No Home Page Given]
The mists of time have brought us back to complete our task which could be called bringing magic back to the land of boxes. We must all save the TREES and the old grove forests. Do what you can in your own way but remember the magic that Lights the way!

Name: Deina McIntosh
Date: Tue Dec 3 23:30:02 1996
Email: DeinaMcInt@aol.com
Home Page: [No Home Page Given]
I LOVE IT!!! This place looks great - I must go back

Name: adam
Date: Sat Nov 30 23:08:58 1996
Email: adam@mnsi.net
Home Page: [No Home Page Given]
Nice page i Like iT.. :) good Job..

Name: Chloe
Date: Wed Nov 27 18:49:38 1996
Email: bcccc.mcknight@sympatico.ca
Home Page: [No Home Page Given]
I think this page is wonderful. The links are great. I'd just like to say, Well Done!

Name: Ahrianne
Date: Tue Nov 26 14:36:13 1996
Email: Lovell@fr.com
Home Page: [No Home Page Given]
I finally found you again. It has been months. Most everytime I tried to locate you, it would come back as not accessible or forbidden for some strange reason. I am so glad to find that you are still here and providing quality information on my topic of interest. Oh yes, the web page looks great!

Name: Silvia
Date: Mon Nov 25 14:32:54 1996
Email: strtsmt@pathcom.com
Home Page: [No Home Page Given]
This is my very first time on the web and I think your web site is the best. Of course, I don't have any other site with which to compare it yet, but how can it be bad if it's about faeries? Any way, I'll be coming back here many more times in the futre. I just wish I could visit the Otherworld as easily as I can visit this site. Keep up the good work!

Name: Hannah (aged 17)
Date: Fri Nov 22 22:01:49 1996
Email: lasher@closer.brisnet.org.au
Home Page: n/a
First of all I want to say -- I BELIEVE and second I want to say this is a great internet site to find all I need know about the faerie realm. May I also please suggest a few books I have read that make it clear to me that faeries exist.

1. Fairies at Work and Play...as Observed by Geoffrey Hodson. This book is a fabulous book that has a clairvoyants knowledge and study of the faerie realm as he has observed them.
2. A dictionary of Fairies....by Katherine Briggs. This is a wonderful dictionary with all the names needed to identify any fairy, goblin, brownie and other supernatural creatures you may come across.
3. Enchantment of the Faerie Realm: Communicate with nature spirits and elementals..by Ted Andrews.....A great book that lets your actually see these marvellous creatures through fairytales and meditation.
4. Pictures of Fairies: The Cottingley Photograph.. Foreward by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle...by Edward L. Gardner.....This book was my very first fairy book. It contains actual photographs of fairies taken in the 1920s by 2 little girls.

Name: T.W. Swank
Date: Thu Nov 21 16:20:44 1996
Email: Runeworker@aol.com
Home Page: N/A
I love this page. Thanks so much for putting it up. It's wonderful to be able to visit all the friends from Faerie lol.

Name: Michelle
Date: Tue Nov 19 19:58:58 1996
Email: mjoseph3@mustang.uwo.ca
Home Page: [No Home Page Given]
This site is wonderful and beautifully done. It is absolutely lovely to know that there is a source out there to satisfy my love of the faerie folk.

Name: dusty answer . . .
Date: Mon Nov 18 20:11:30 1996
Email: on the night wind . . .
Home Page: over fire lake . . .
Faeries and women are the most beautiful creations in the universe.

Name: Mikael 'Acke' Ahkoila
Date: Fri Nov 15 13:55:16 1996
Email: c94mikah@und.ida.liu.se
Home Page: http://www-und.ida.liu.se/~c94mikah
Great page!

Ever considerd a section with all the text in plain textform?

All my pages are enhanced for Lynx. People with text browsers should have no problems with my pages.

Name: Zak
Date: Thu Nov 14 19:16:17 1996
Email: spriggan@frognet.net
Home Page: http://frognet.net/~spriggan
Some great stuff here!
But I wanted to suggest a few excellent novels to add to your list of Top 20:

War of the Oaks by Emma Bull: Modern Fay, electric guitars, and a fun Pooka
Faerie Tale by Raymond E. Feist: Spooky tale of a fay haunting.
The Infinity Concerto and The Serpent Mage by Greg Bear: A very different faerie tale by a great sf writer.
Memory and Dream by Charles De Lint: Simply the best faerie tale of the last twenty years, in my own humble opinion.

Hope you enjoy!

Earendil's reply:I've read all of them except The Serpent Mage. Actually War for the Oaks was on my list in June when I finally found a copy of it, but that disappeared with the crash. It's now restored *8). It was out-of-print for a while. Feist's novel is already in the honorable mention. And there are already 2 other de Lint novels on the list; three would be excessive. Greg Bear's novel I just couldn't get into. I should probably add a top short story list sometime. Feel free to recommend any.

Name: Karle Young
Date: Wed Nov 13 21:45:36 1996
Email: younkk@hg.uleth.ca
Home Page: [No Home Page Given]
Just a quick question. Could or would you consider the 13 Icelandic "Santas" (they're more like trolls) within the realm of Faerie?

Name: Karle Young
Date: Wed Nov 13 21:03:28 1996
Email: younkk@hg.uleth.ca
Home Page: [No Home Page Given]
Great faerie page! Although, I think you should further revise your list of top 10 novels. One of my favorite authors, Charles De Lint has down some excellent work recently with Faerie in an urban setting. Check it out. He has definitely shaped my views of urban legends and the modernization of Faerie.

Name: skylark
Date: Tue Nov 12 21:53:13 1996
Email: murmul@capitalnet.net
Home Page: [No Home Page Given]

Name: Cyndi
Date: Tue Nov 12 14:31:58 1996
Email: LadyCottington@Webtv.net
Home Page: [No Home Page Given]
I'm having trouble finding anything on my favorite book (as you can tell), Lady Cottington's Pressed Fairy Book to send to my oblivious, yet very distant friends. Can you suggest a place where I can possibly find some of the pressed fairies themselves?

Name: Fair Maiden
Date: Sat Nov 9 05:59:13 1996
Email: fairmaid@blitzen.canberra.edu.au
Home Page: http://blitzen.canberra.edu.au
Loved the page, love faires... *smiles* all the links wee beautiful and just what a fairy princess needs.. *smiles* thanks..

Name: Treska Cole
Date: Wed Nov 6 13:09:42 1996
Email: Herself@brown.edu
Home Page: ...someday, maybe :)
I love it! Especially wonderful that I gound one of my all-time favorite ballads (Lady Isabel and the Elf Knight) in the dictionary...:)

Name: nyx alastair
Date: Tue Nov 5 16:54:32 1996
Email: hibnerm@ziavms.enmu.edu
Home Page: [No Home Page Given]
It is wonderful to be able to find so much information on the faerie realm. Some of us will always believe. thank you.

Name: Megan Alexandra
Date: Sun Oct 13 16:16:28 1996
Email: Megan@paperpen.com
Home Page: [No Home Page Given]
I am an amateur artist and have been very interested in fairies. I have done many canvases and illustrations on Fairies, Gnomes, Vampires and the such. Most of my pictures are variations of the book FAIRIES. When I came across this sight I was so happy since the r your fairie art was the first painting that I had ever done on

Name: Beth Kiser
Date: Sat Oct 12 19:16:54 1996
Email: kiserea@miavx1.muohio.edu
Home Page: none
Hi! I hooked up with the WWW, internet, whatever. I'm quite a novice still. But I just want to tell you that your faerie webpage is absolutely [GARBAGE--TEXT LOST IN CRASH] artwork is especially gorgeous. I will be back to visit often I'm sure!

Name: Chip Russ
Date: Sat Oct 12 08:55:55 1996
Email: chipruss@gnt.net
Home Page: [No Home Page Given]
A wonderful concentration of material. I was especially pleased to see you beginning a transcription of _The Secret Commonwealth_. I've seen excerpts many times, and am looking forward to being able to read

Name: leanne garvin
Date: Sat Oct 5 14:47:06 1996
Email: kgarvin@lab.lander.edu
Home Page: [No Home Page Given]
i really liked the pictures!!!

Name: Nora Barry
Date: Fri Oct 4 12:44:36 1996
Email: NoraBarry@aol.com
Home Page: [No Home Page Given]
What a super idea! I have a list of other reference books if you're interested.

Name: miss evelyn
Date: Tue Oct 1 09:30:00 1996
Email: s000281@wscc.edu
Home Page: [No Home Page Given]

Name: Beth Gokey
Date: Sun Sep 22 16:44:08 1996
Email: drui@mint.net
Home Page: [No Home Page Given]
Very nice. This and one other page about legends are my favorite. You might find it interesting, that up here in Maine where I live, there is an island called Monhegan that makes faerie houses out in their enchanted forests. It is very wonderful to see, and to visit.