Something Rich and Strange


Patricia McKillip

Publisher: Bantam Books (New York)

Copyright: 1994

ISBN 0-553-09674-5

From the dust jacket:
Megan is an artist who draws seascapes. Jonah owns a shop devoted to treasures from the deep. Their lives, so strongly touched by the ocean, become forever intertwined when enchanting people of the sea lure them further into the underwater world...and away from each other.

He was silent for a moment, absolutely still, the way the waves were still sometimes, just before they began to gather and turn again. Then he said slowly, "He locks up imagination maybe, frees it by night. Some people do that. Their lives are rigid, but their dreams are full of poetry. Monsters. Things rich and strange. Imagination is dangerous. It changes things. You think you know what the world is and where you are in it, and then you walk out the door, and the storm clouds are a migration of great white whales, and the moonlight on the water is a stairway down into the sea."

"A stairway into the sea," she repeated, and saw it suddenly, in her mind, moonlight and pearl, beginning just at the edge of the tide and running into the deep. She shook her head, laughing a little, and Adam's eyes turned away from the sea to her.

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